Second Ducal Prince Li Changhai was quick to start questioning the man, even as Qin Feng looked on, at one side, and pretended to be less hurt than he was. To be utterly honest, he was close to collapsing himself, after all that exertion. But he was furiously channeling his zhenqi, trying his best to recover, as he listened to the Prince's interrogation:
"Your moves, your fighting styles ... and that of your fellows, make it clear that you are from Iron Fire Mountain. Do you dare to deny this? Did you really think that you can hide that fact, just by wearing those cast off pieces of Barbarian garments?"
Pudgy Cheeks did not answer, and only tried to lift his sword again. Unfortunately for him, his freshly broken ribs were on his right side, so the action was far weaker, and slower, and far more obvious. So much so that Li Changhai did not have any difficulty flicking his glaive out, and with a twist, disarming the fellow in the crude furs. One of his Bodyguard even snatched up the weapon, and set in his own belt.
The move had also caused Pudgy Cheeks quite a bit of unhappiness as soon as his sword was torn from his hand. No doubt, it had also aggravated the injury that he had just received.
The Second Ducal Prince wasn't about to rely on that, however, and maintained his distance from the captive. Even Qin Feng remained cautious, while he began to bandage or otherwise take care of his more easily accessible injuries. After all, wasn't it clear that these people had been lying in wait for Li Changhai for a good while? And to have avoided the Second Ducal Prince's scouts was not an easy matter.
"Iron Fire Mountain Sect lies far to the North, and has never interfered with our Western Duchy's fight against the Barbarians. Why have you come here? What is your motive? Who told you to attack this Prince?"
Pudgy Cheeks still did not reply, and only sniffed at the Second Ducal Prince's question. The Bodyguards on either side of Li Changhai stiffened, but did not make a move away from their charge. Their duty was to watch over the Prince, after all. Li Changhai had other resources, to help him deal with his interrogation.
Lieutenant Wei Xuanran, for example. The lieutenant stepped forward cautiously, although he held his spear at rest. But it was clear from the look in his eyes that he was ready for the fur-clad man in front of him to make a move, in spite of the obvious injuries that was hampering him. It was rather obvious that this particular soldier had some experience dealing with martial practitioners from the various Sects and Schools around the Kingdom.
Qin Feng made an obvious sound as he took a step forward with his sword, the moment that Pudgy Cheeks shifted his body. He was done with wrapping up the injuries on his arms and his legs. The wound on his back, however, would have to wait. And the noise that he made was more a show than a real threat.
He was all but out of zhenqi himself, and was desperately doing his best to recover his strength while Pudgy Cheeks was distracted by the questions. At the moment, he had only enough for one single attack. If the fellow tried anything funny. Hopefully, the idiot in furs would cooperate, and surrender peacefully, so that Qin Feng wouldn't need to use that last move!
He was already feeling the strain, and knew that he would not be able to keep himself from falling down onto the ground much longer!
So he stuck to Breathing, doing his best to recover what zhenqi he could. And leaving the questioning to the Second Ducal Prince. Li Changhai was better trained in dealing with such matters than he was, Qin Feng was certain.
Although he could not help but be shocked when Pudgy Cheeks suddenly sniffed, and gave out a laugh. As well as an answer:
"Can't you guess it already? We want your life, of course!"
Li Changhai was not too surprised to hear that. Nor was Qin Feng, for that matter. Of course, that didn't mean that the latter understood what it was about.
But from the way that the Second Ducal Prince's face paled, and how his fists tightened around the shaft of his weapon, it was obvious that the fellow was agitated by Pudgy Cheeks' mocking reply. Still, he managed to continue his questioning in a much calmer voice than Qin Feng had thought possible.
"Oh? Only me? Or are you intent on the rest of my maternal family? I doubt that you have sent anyone against my mother or my youngest sister yet, have you? My father would definitely take action, if you did."
There was a certainty in the way that he said that, which made the captive sitting down in the grassland scowl. But Pudgy Cheeks did not try to deny what Li Changhai had said. Which was enough to make Qin Feng wonder as to the motivation that drove the idiot, and his little band.
So he simply settled down, to hear what else the Second Ducal Prince would uncover from his simple battlefield interrogation. It would take a bit of time, he was certain, considering the haughty smile on Pudgy Cheeks' lips. Clearly, the fellow from the Iron Fire Mountain Sect was not going make it easy for the Prince to dig the information out of him.
"Oh? Not answering? In that case, why am I still keeping you around?"
Which was why Qin Feng was utterly stunned, when Li Changhai simply stepped forward, and took off the prisoner's head with one single swing of his glaive!
* * *