Schemes 1

Making their way to Ningban City was a simple matter, once they were done dealing with the corpses of the ambushers. Lin Liushui's removal of the last assassin, who was obviously the one who was ordered to report back if anything went wrong, also made Qin Feng confident that their enemy would be surprised to learn the results of their assault.

Not that he had expected them to be able to find out anything about that, in the short term. So he was confident that the group would be safe enough, for a while. Before anyone received word of their victory over the assassins.

But it seemed their enemy had contingencies in place:

There was a trio of riders, about one li outside the gates of their destination, clad in dusty garments as though they had been riding hard for days. But the condition of their horses did not escape Qin Feng's eyes. If their horses had not been spending a good two or three days resting in a stable and gorging themselves, he would be greatly surprised. He doubted that Lin Liushui missed the tell-tale signs either.

It was also clear that one of the three men, at least, recognized Du Yan on sight. His mouth twisted into what Qin Feng took to be a fake grin, as he nudged his horse forward. And from the sour look that flashed across the burly fellow's features, he knew the rider too. Clearly, not in a fond way.

"Cousin Yan! You are finally here! Thank the Heavens that I managed to intercept you. Otherwise you would have made the trip all the way to the Capital for nothing."

The same scrawny man was the one who shouted at Du Yan as he kicked his horse closer to the party. The soldiers stiffened slightly, but relaxed at a signal from their Captain. Probably because Wen Xuanran saw how Du Yan was already stepping away from the carriage and the Second Ducal Prince, to meet with his so-called cousin ahead of the group.

Qin Feng and Lin Liushui gave each other a look, before stepping out after their taller, broader friend. Ostensibly, to support him when he spoke to these strangers. But honestly, Qin Feng was certain that Lin Liushui was just out to satisfy his own curiosity. Just as he was!

Then he realized that Captain Wen was at their heels. Was the soldier also a busybody, like the handsome fellow at his side? Or was he just sent there to represent the Ducal Prince? Li Changhai, thankfully, did not appear, and so put himself at risk.

"Cousin Guangyi. You were waiting for me then?"

The weasel-like fellow smiled his fake smile and handed over a rather grimy-looking letter as soon as Du Yan greeted him. And Qin Feng could see that it still had a seal in place. An intact seal, which was a hint that the messenger had not peeked at its contents. Although he could not be certain that the man did not try.

"Your father, in his wisdom, thought that you might be coming this way. So he sent me to intercept you. Otherwise you would have taken a most roundabout route, I should think. Uncle Chenyong is waiting for you just up ahead, in Ningfei Town."

Du Yan frowned at the messenger, but he could not deny that the letter in his hand looked authentic. Not to mention the fact that his family had gone through the trouble to send a familiar face to hand it over to him. Which made its contents seem rather serious.

"Cousin Yan. You should just head back to Chuanshui and our family first. Once you are done in Ningfei, I mean. This is clearly a trap and we should discuss what we should do as a whole, rather than charging in there like a bull, without any plan," the older man was saying, as Du Yan read through the letter again.

That, however, only got an angered sniff from the broad-shouldered fellow. "Since when do I need to discuss this sort of thing with anyone? If the family is feeling worried about the matter, shouldn't they have sent my father out here to talk to me? Why did they send you?" he growled at the pinch-faced man.

The skinny man's head jerked back, as though he had just received a slap. Then he managed to laugh and wave the insult aside, as if he had been expecting just that sort of reaction from Du Yan. But the glint in his eyes were not missed by Qin Feng, although he was not certain if Du Yan had caught that look, since the latter had turned back to his letter again.

Qin Feng shook his head as he watched the scrawny fellow ride away. It was just as well that Du Yan had chased him off. He didn't like that skinny man at all. The way that his eyes flickered over all of the soldiers escorting the party gave him the impression that he was checking for injuries and losses, rather than mere curiosity.

Perhaps, he was there to confirm that the group had been attacked on the road? And was checking to see what sort of casualties they had incurred in the ambush? But wouldn't that mean that he was working for the enemy?

"He is clearly working for the whoever wants us to fail in our endeavors. That is so obvious from his behavior and his timing that it is as good as painting a huge sign stating the same and having it displayed over his head," sniffed Lin Liushui with a disparaging shake of his head at the departing man and his escort.

"The two who were traveling with him has at least my experience in the fighting arts however. Did you notice how their knuckles were callused over? As though they go through practice every day?"

Lin Liushui flashed a smile at Wen Xuanran, showing his approval for the Acting Captain's observation. "I am pleased to see that someone else was paying attention to those two. And their scrutiny of our troop. That was why I had you here with us, Captain. And had dressed our Ducal Prince in the garb of one of your troopers."

Then he turned to Du Yan, and nodded at the letter that was in his hands. "So, what sort of advice does your father have for us? Doubtless he must have noticed all this activity, and is warning you to get away, hmmm?"

Du Yan flashed the gallant a smile and shook his head. His smile, which indicated his pleasure at having surprised his Brother Liushui, was rather obvious. As was Lin Liushui's raised eyebrows, which showed his surprise.

"No. No, he is inviting us to join him, over at Ningfei Town. That's one of the towns that support Ningban City, over to the Northwest. We should be able to get there in another three, four hours."

"Ningfei Town? What is happening over there?" Captain Wen Xuanran asked. He had just finished directing his soldiers, and so arrived at the discussion late. "Were those three earlier here to bring us news? To head over to Ningfei Town?"

Li Changhai and Lin Liushui laughed, while the latter flicked his fan open again, and started to fan himself in his usual haughty manner. Qin Feng met Du Yan's sneer with a roll of his eyes, but didn't bother to say a word. This was not something that he could decide, after all. Besides, wasn't it their tactician's job, to decide where they would go?

True enough, Lin Liushui didn't hesitate to share his take on the situation:

"Well, we shall need a place to rest and recuperate from the last attack, and this Ningfei Town seems to be the most suitable spot for that purpose. Not to mention the fact that Du Yan's father had told him to head there, to meet with him. Doubtless he has some information that he wishes to share."

He waved a hand at the letter in Du Yan's hands, to emphasize that point. Bringing everyone's attention back to the question that was now hanging over the whole troop:

"So, shall we forget about Ningban City before us, and head straight to this Ningfei Town instead? And see what sort of reception they have prepared for us? I am really interested to see the appearance of our Brother Du Yan's father. To find out if all those huge muscles are indeed hereditary."

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