Trials 3

That one pointed his saber directly at Du Yan. Which made it clear who the group was really after there and then. It seemed they were more than eager to get it over with, to deny the Yuan Family and the Prince behind them, of a Master Weaponsmith.

Lin Liushui merely chuckled, and turned to give Du Yan a quick dip of his head. Which restrained him from making an answer, or rushing onto the stage immediately. This was a signal that they had arranged, it seemed.

But this was his marriage that they were interfering with, and his parents that they were threatening. So the Second Ducal Prince was not at all surprised to see how eager Du Yan looked, to kick their faces in! His fists were clenched so hard that his knuckles were already all but white in color! But Du Yan knew better to give in to his heightened anger. That would be more than a little disadvantageous to the party, as Lin Liushui had mentioned to him earlier. So he held it all back.

Du Chenyong looked as though he was shocked, and was about to step forward. But Li Changhai could tell that it was all an act. Lin Liushui had already warned that the enemy might try something like this earlier, and had briefed them on their own roles.

So the younger scholarly fellow held back the older one, and stepped forward to address the one who was standing in the fighting Arena, with his nose in the air. It appeared that Lin Liushui had already some plan in hand, to make this fellow lose all of his face!

"Oh? What is this? I had thought that this sort of arrangement should follow the rules set in jianghu, the martial world, and not be left to uppity youngsters, who jump out without looking at their own status! The Golden Shield is merely a Bronze-rated Martial School. And you dare to kick up such a fuss? Who are you? Is your surname Cao?

"Do you think that you are worthy to be in the forefront of this battle? Step back, and let your betters take the field. I will personally deal with anyone who from Black Eagle Mountain instead. They are the ones who are truly leading this group here, aren't they?"

Lin Liushui's words had a bite. They were sufficient to give both the Golden Shield's School and the Black Eagle Mountain a sharp, painful reminder of who they were dealing with at the moment. The Lin Family was old and very much a power in almost all of the Western Kingdoms, so how could they deny what he had just said?

And that mention of the Cao surname? That was clearly to warn them all, that as a member of the Lin Family, he was more than aware of the fact that the Golden Shield School was led by Master Cao and his sons. This was clearly an insinuation that only the direct family of the School's Master had the right to fight his Brother!

Which was an insult, in and of itself! All of Master Cao's sons were worthless when it came to martial arts, and not one of them had made it into the proper Qi Completion stage. So wasn't he simply smacking them in the face?

That was probably the reason why the Master of the Golden Shield School had given a signal, which sent his disciple scurrying back to their side of the Arena, with his tail between his legs!

"Ah! I believe that my gallant young nephew here is correct. It is customary to start things off with a bang, isn't it? Perhaps we should have one of the leaders from this alliance of yours take center stage first? You did mention that you wished to teach my dear nephew a lesson earlier, did you not?"

"Eh! How can you expect the alliance leader to step out himself? While I would be eager to test my skills against such an expert of renown, it would be a little overdoing it, don't you think? I doubt that the Yuan Family would be too pleased to have such an elderly son-in-law. Not to mention the fact that Elder Wu Batian already has six wives and seventeen concubines. Didn't they say something earlier, about diminishing the importance of the Yuan Family's daughter?"

Du Chenyong was clearly Lin Liushui's match in these matters, and he displayed the full extent of his abilities when he pretended to be shocked, stepping back from the younger man in surprise. And raised both his hands to signal in the negative at him.

"How can you say such a thing about Elder Wu Batian? He is one of the leaders of the Black Eagle Mountain Sect already, so do you think that he would participate in such a event, against a junior like you? How can you say that? You are painting him as a bully! That is too, too much, nephew! You should be careful that your Lin Family Elders don't call you out for this!"

The response was, of course, perfect. And showed off Du Chenyong's magnificence as a speaker as well. In that little speech, he had already highlighted the fact that Wu Batian would be bullying a junior, and throwing the face of his Black Eagle Mountain Branch. And that the Lin Family was probably not going to stand for it.

Warnings that could not be ignored!

So the black-faced Wu Batian could only quell his anger at Lin Liushui's earlier comment about his personal life, and how he already had a slew of women caring for him. Something that was enough to have the representatives of the Golden Shield School, and the Tearless Iron Spear Troop hiding their faces behind their sleeves, to laugh quietly at him.

But where he had pompously remained silent earlier, to put down Du Chenyong, he was not given that option now. So he continued to glare at Lin Liushui, even as he softly barked an order at his own son.

"Zhenyang! Go and exchange a few moves with this young gentleman here. Let him see why our Black Eagle Mountain has risen to where it is today."

The one who rose to his feet was a middle-aged fellow, which made Li Changhai search through his memories. Who was this Zhenyang fellow?

But Du Chenyong had not forgotten his role, to introduce both sides to each other. And his words soon filtered into Li Changhai's ears:

"Oh? Sending out your youngest son, Master Wu? This is the famed Laughing Eagle Claw, Wu Zhenyang? Why, what a magnificent specimen he is! And he's only forty-two this year, isn't he?"

That was a dig at the man. He was younger than his father, certainly. But a forty odd year old man, pitted against a man who had yet to reach his thirties? How could that be a laudable achievement, in anyone's eyes?

But the person walking onto the stage just then didn't seem to pay the insult any mind. As though it had nothing to do with why he was there at all.

The mocking smile on his lips made it clear just how he regarded the younger man in front of him. Even his clasped fists salute was perfunctionary. Although he did say the customary words that signaled the formal start of a duel, there was no hiding the sneer on his lips. As though he was wasting his time on a dead man.

"Wu Zhenyang, of Black Eagle Mountain. Please."

* * *