Masquerade 2

This time Ye Honghua stood up and pointed her index finger at Qin Feng in anger.

But the young man's cold, hard voice cut through her fury before she could give voice to what was on her mind.

"If the enemies of the Su Family are already out in force, do you think that they will miss you? While you wander about on the road in your Snow Swallow Palace uniforms, and scurry about in such a group? What do you think? That they are blind, and can't see that you are hurrying to Chestnut Town?"

He sniffed then, in a manner that could only be described by the word, mocking!

"To think that the disciples of such an established organization do not even know how to disguise themselves, and sneak past their enemies. The Su Family must be idiots to rely on your Snow Swallow Palace to help them get through this trial."


Qin Feng smiled as he leaned back again, and waved a hand at the girls, as if he had not noticed their furious appearance. "But you are lucky that you have met me. With my help, I should be able to get you all into Chestnut Town without any worries."

Then he stared at Ye Honghua again, and wagged a finger at her. "I am only helping you because I don't want Xu Yanzhi to scold me, for leaving her fellow disciples in the lurch. And I am not in the least interested in this conflict you have with the Wuyang Lin Family.

"Since you aren't even prepared to deal with any ambushes along the way, I am certain that you haven't even checked if it is really the Wuyang Lin Family that is making trouble for your friends from the Su Family. For all that I know, it may be some impostor group, who are just out to squeeze some silver out of them."

Ye Honghua, to give her credit, pushed her temper back down into her belly as soon as she heard the last. And swallowed twice before she sat down again, and eyed Qin Feng with a rather obvious trace of respect in her eyes.

"You think ... You think that this is just a ploy? That they aren't really the Wuyang Lin Family? But ... who would dare to impersonate them?"

"Ah. A good question. There are not many who would dare do that."

Qin Feng smiled at her, as if he was some teacher who had just been pleased by a student. And waved a hand at Lin Liushui. It was time that he tossed the question to someone who knew the Lin Family, after all.

"What do you think? Adviser?"

Lin Liushui shot him a heated look as soon as he heard Qin Feng's question. But he maintained the smile on his lips as he turned to the women. Qin Feng was counting on that. The handsome fellow had a rather pressing reason to get all of the Snow Swallow Palace girls to like him, didn't he? So he would definitely do his best to impress them. And not try to throw Qin Feng's face!

And from the way that Li Changhai was trying his best to keep from laughing, it was obvious that the Second Ducal Prince had already caught on to what the youngest member of their group was doing. Well, since he was so amused, Qin Feng was confident that Li Changhai would not mind playing his role, to keep the game going for a while longer.

"There are only three possibilities here in the Yang Empire, as you can well guess. And we can definitely leave out the Fu Family, the Gu Family and the Imperial Guard. They have a powerful reputation of their own, and do not need to use the Lin Clan's name in any case.

"Hence, we only have to contend with the Wang Clan, Beast Hunters' League and the Purple Serpent Sect."

Qin Feng stiffened slightly, when he heard the last name on the list. And could not help but glance at Li Changhai. Whose face had lost its amused expression as well. Could it be that they were going to have to face that evil organisation again?

Lin Liushui was fanning himself as he spoke, and he paused to look up into the sky when he got to that point. As if he was considering the possibilities. No one seemed to have the slightest intention of stopping him either, and simply waited for him to continue.

"The Wang Family Clan is at loggerheads with the Lin Family, and the two have been fighting over every petty quarrel for the last ten, twenty years. So it is hard to imagine that they would cover their tracks using such a petty trick. And the Beast Hunters' League usually focus their attention on the Eastern end of the Yang Empire. So it is a little hard to imagine them playing a role."

Then he snapped his fan shut, and tapped it into the palm of his other hand. "That leaves us with the Purple Serpent Sect. While it is usually confined to the Cities and Towns along the Serpent River, it is close enough to make such a play. So I would put my money on them," the handsome man declared firmly.

"But ... why would they take a hand in this? I mean, why would they ..."

"Disguise themselves as the Wuyang Lin Family, and start a slaughter in a place like Chestnut Town? Especially so that they would end up starting a feud between the Snow Swallow Palace and the said Lin Clan?"

Qin Feng's calm rhetoric caught the woman by surprise, and Ye Honghua could not help but put her hands over her mouth as she gasped. Something that made her look her sixteen to eighteen years, and tossed away the impression of a much older and sterner leader.

Which was enough of an opening that Qin Feng didn't waste any time exploiting!

"Well, like I said, there is definitely something that smells rotten here, so we should be careful when we walk into Chestnut Town. And heading in so openly as Snow Swallow Mountain Palace disciples is as good as painting a target on yourself, isn't it?

"So you should seriously consider disguising yourselves, when we head into Chestnut Town together."


Ye Honghua looked at Qin Feng, the shock clearly imprinted on her face. "You mean, you will help us? Really?"

Qin Feng hid a smile as he gave out a rather loud and obvious sigh. "How can I not? If I ignored your plight here, I am certain that I would hear no end of it, when I next meet your Senior Disciple Sister, Xu Yanzhi. So I suppose I have no choice but to take a hand in the game."

He laughed inwardly too, as he noted how the girls were all looking at one another as soon as they heard that. Even Lin Liushui looked a little surprised at what he had just said. Well, they would all find out what he had planned, when they got back to Snow Swallow Palace!

His little game against Xu Yanzhi was escalating!

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