With all the arrangements in place, it was no surprise that the group looked completely different from its original state, when they arrived at Chestnut Town* two days later. They had not managed to find any suitable wagon or carriage, but it was not too difficult to get their hands on another two horses. Albeit of a far worse quality than what the three of them were riding.
One of them was now serving as a pack animal, with a very obvious alchemical cauldron strapped onto its back. And the other was under Ye Honghua, who was clearly an inexperienced rider. Or it could be that she was not altogether comfortable, guiding her old horse while wearing a beautiful silken dress, rather than her usual robes.
The rest of the girls were also not wearing their usual Snow Swallow Palace attire. Instead, they were dressed as a variety of servants that could usually be seen accompanying a rich young gentleman and his lady on a journey. There were three maids, two footmen and one groom, following the quartet on their horses.
The fact that they didn't need mounts, and could keep up with the party, made it clear to anyone watching that this was no ordinary party. After all, anyone who could convince people with martial discipline to serve as servants could not be simple folk.
The alchemical cauldron, however, gave all gawkers a simple explanation that they could all fix on. After all, wasn't an alchemist a terribly rare and haughty creature? Qin Feng certainly heard enough comments from the crowd to tell that it had made an impact.
"An Alchemist? Who has the influence to drag an alchemist all the way here?"
"Are you asking me? Who am I supposed to ask then?"
"Idiots! The both of you! Wouldn't we learn the answer if we just keep watching?"
"He's right! Let's follow them!"
"Of course I am right."
"Oh, stop talking and let's go!"
The response from the townsfolk led to a huge train that trailed behind the group. So much so that it attracted the eyes of everyone else that they passed. And the news of an alchemist arriving in town was enough to start drawing crowds from further afield.
Ye Honghua, however, looked more than just mildy upset with all the attention. "They are all watching us as though they cannot wait to devour us whole!" she hissed at Qin Feng, who was riding beside her, taking care to keep her voice from spreading.
"That is the reason why we are doing this. Everyone will surely remember this event, and no one will even think of your Palace sending aid to the Su Family this way. Trust me. I have played this game several times before," Lin Liushui assured her with his winsome smile.
Qin Feng, however, ignored all of that banter. Along with the attention that he was receiving from the rest of the townsfolk. He had to admit that it was a little oppressive, being the centre of attention like that. It was certainly not something that he cared for.
Which made him appreciate how Li Changhai was playing his role as Qin Feng's Protector, and riding about the length of a lance ahead of him. How the Second Ducal Prince was holding up under all those gazes he had no idea. Perhaps it was something that all noblemen had to be trained in, when they reached puberty? Qin Feng certainly did not know.
But he soon spotted the building that had been described, and nodded at the same, drawing the attention of Lin Liushui beside him. Who was quick to react with a chuckle. Before he declared in a loud and confident voice:
"Ah. We are here. Please stop your horses at the front of the building, while I go ahead to give our names to the doorman."
Lin Liushui did just that, in a flamboyant and unhurried manner. The way that he leapt off his horse made it clear to everyone watching that he was a Master of the martial arts though, and drew quite a few gasps of surprise.
Then all the onlookers chided themselves for not considering the details that they had already witnessed. If those footmen and maids were already so skilled, how could the riders at their head be any less accomplished, when it came to martial cultivation?
Yet, what was the reason that brought them to the beleaguered Su Family's door? Had they not heard about the troubles that the House was caught up in? Who would dare to dip their toes into that pot of boiling water? Qin Feng certainly caught enough hints of that from the crowd.
However, the reaction of the Su Family came as another surprise. When it was clear that the handsome fellow was denied an opportunity to even speak! A sizeable group of door guards stepped in front of him immediately, with arms drawn, as though they were ready to repel the gallant by force!
Something that made Lin Liushui skip backwards at once, and prompt Li Changhai to dismount and hold his glaive at ready!
That development was enough to increase the volume of all of the commentaries in the surrounding crowd again. As well as put a frown on Qin Feng's face. Was this the sort of welcome that an alchemist would receive? In a small town such as this?
Fortunately, he had prepared for something like that.
A quick nod at Ye Honghua reminded her of her role immediately. And Qin Feng had to admit that she managed to carry it off rather well. Her voice called out, even as the crowd of armed men was making its way to Qin Feng's two companions:
"Why don't you let me handle that, cousin? It has been a long journey, and you should take a good rest. After all, didn't you say that you were intending to concoct some pills tonight? It has been a tiring journey after all."
* * *