Chestnut Town 3

Qin Feng coughed into his hand as he felt his own face getting a little warmer. But he simply pushed that aside, and nodded back at the woman. "That is something that is best left for another time. I have heard that there are a number of your family members who have suffered some injuries? Perhaps I may be of assistance there."

He pulled out a pill bottle from his sleeve and pushed it at the Ye Honghua. This Su Qing woman was still very much a stranger and apparently a wife as well. So it would be a little inappropriate to pass that to her directly, since he was still somewhat of a stranger. He was not that familiar with the way that they did things in the Yang Empire, so it would be better to be cautious. After all, he was just diverting their attention so he did not have to go through a lengthy explanation about his little quarrel with Xu Yanzhi at the moment. And dealing with the condition of her kinsmen should be something that was of greater interest to her.

"There are pills in there that might prove useful to the injured parties. I would appreciate it if you could give out the tale that I had gotten them from my fictitious alchemy shifu though. That would save me from having to prove my skills later," he said to the stunned woman surnamed Su.

Ye Honghua had quickly received the pill bottle with a happy smile, and had quickly turned to push the same at Su Qing. "You should get this to those who are most seriously injured at once! They are Osmanthus Fragrance Pills, and can help with all sorts of internal injuries! Quickly, get them to your father and your brother!"

"Osmanthus Fragrance Pills? Where did you get this?"

The woman surnamed Su didn't hesitate to snatch the pill bottle out of Ye Honghua's hands and was sniffing at the contents after she immediately pulled out the stopper. Her eyes widened immediately, as she slammed it back shut again. "Wherever did you manage to get your hands on these? The ingredients for concocting these pills are almost completely extinct, here in the Yang Empire! The only place where you can get them is from Medicine King Valley, to the Far North!"

"The Medicine King Valley? You have been getting stuff from the Medicine King Valley?"

But Su Qing shook her head at Qin Feng's question, although her hands tightened about the pill bottle, as though she was afraid that he would try to take it back. "Which Medicine Hall wouldn't know about Medicine King Valley? It is one of the few places in the Three Empires and Seven Kingdoms that still produces rare herbs and medicines!

"Unfortunately, no one knows where it is really located, save for the fact that it is in the White Frost Mountains," she finished with a sigh.

Qin Feng was stunned by that revelation. Which prompted Lin Liushui to step in at once, to cover for him. The handsome fellow was quick to point at the pill bottle, as he explained about its origins. "Well, you needn't be worried about the Medicine King Valley in this case. Those pills were concocted far to the West and not the North. In Shu Kingdom, if you must know. We were only able to get our hands on them because of our relationship with the nobility thereabouts."

Then Lin Liushui gestured at the tall man beside him, clad in the military-styled breastplate. "May I present the Second Ducal Prince, Li Changhai, from the Shu Kingdom? It is thanks to our close relationship with him that we were able to get our hands on those pills."

"Ah! A Ducal Prince?"

Su Qing's reaction to that announcement made it very clear that she was more in touch with the realities of such aristocratic ranks and their influence, compared to the other disciples of the Snow Swallow Palace, who had been treating Li Changhai like any other bodyguard. Her eyes also flickered to study Qin Feng a little more closely. Which was probably Lin Liushui's intention in the first place, when he mentioned Li Changhai's origins.

Clearly, he was hoping that it would further bolster Qin Feng's status, there in the Su Family. And perhaps, give him a bigger say in the conflict that was looming over their heads.

Maybe he was hoping that he could rely on that, to ease matters between the Su Family and its enemies? If they do turn out to be tied to the Wuyang Lin Family?

The Second Ducal Prince, however, drew everyone's eye as he gave a simple military-styled bow to the woman, and laughed in a somewhat uncouth manner. "Ha ha ha ha ha. Please don't call me that. I tend to get distracted and start looking about when someone mentions a Ducal Prince. So just call me Li Changhai. Or you could use my military rank, as Captain? I am somewhat proud of that."

Qin Feng had to consciously stop him himself from rolling his eyes and giving out a snort when he heard that. Wasn't that taking matters a little too far? Even if Li Changhai was merely trying to hide himself, was it really necessary to act as such an uncultured person? But he decided to hold his tongue and leave it to the Ducal Prince to dig his own grave.

Unfortunately, he was not planning to head back into the Shu Kingdom with Li Changhai. Otherwise, he would dearly like to see what the Duchess was going to say about the Second Ducal Prince's antics, there in the Kingdom of Yang. Would she smack him over the head, for muddying his own reputation like that?

To tell the truth, he was more interested in Medicine King Valley, and was itching to dig out all that this Su Qing woman knew about the place. But he held himself back. There would be opportunities to find out more about that later on, when the conflict between the Su and the Lin Families were resolved.

That is, if he was correct in his assumption that Lin Liushui should have no problem smacking the opposite side in the face, and forcing them to back down. He was very, very highly placed in the Wuyang Lin Family, so that should not be a difficulty for him.

They would just have to be very careful how they went about it. That way, there would be less problems to deal with later on, when the news of this little conflict spread, and reaches the ears of the Wuyang Lin Family's Patriarch. Apparently, Lin Liushui was somewhat concerned about that.

Well, in any case, Qin Feng had no intention of remaining there in Chestnut Town for too long. And he should be able to secure Ye Honghua and her girls as an escort, when he was done there and could head to Snow Swallow Palace at last.

His little 'feud' with Xu Yanzhi should come to a head then!

* * *