
The next day early in the morning, Deng Lun's parents, Deng Chuan and Bai Jiaqi were having their morning cup of tea as usual. Deng Chuan was reading the newspaper as Bai Jiaqi was looking over the news. It was very peaceful until… PA-Dung!

The sound comes from upstairs... from Dilireba's room.

Deng Chuan looks up from the newspaper and Bai Jiaqi rushed upstairs in a frantic.

" Oh dear!"

When Bai Jiaqi opened the door of Dilireba's bedroom. She was horrified.

"My dear... are you okay?"

Dilireba's upper half body was on the ground while her feet were on the bed and her face flat on the ground.

~2 minutes ago~

Dilireba was in a deep sleep, dreaming of herself on a roller coaster when- Beep Beep Beep

The alarm clock goes off. Dilireba slowly opened her eyes. The things in front of her were very blurry. Her body was numbed and she had a splitting headache. Dilireba sighed and stood up but as she moved forward, she tripped just as she was about to get off the bed and Pa-dung fell face flat towards the floor. Moments after she heard someone coming upstairs…

~End flashback~

Bai Jiaqi felt that something was not right. Dilireba's body was burning, her face was flushed red and she was having trouble breathing. Bai Jiaqi took her temperature. 38 degrees Celsius [109 degrees Fahrentheit]

" Reba?! Stay with me. Someone go get a bit of cold water with a clean cloth and call the cooks to make something warm. Quickly go!"

Dilireba opened her eyes and turned to see Bai Jiaqi come in with a tray of food.

"My dear, you are up? Are you feeling better?"

" Yes, thank you."

" Haha! No need for the formals, my dear, after all, we are already a family." Bai Jiaqi said facing Dilireba who had a dazzled look on her face. Although Bai Jiaqi was already 45 years old, she still maintains her youthful appearance. [No wonder Papa have fallen in love with her when they are young…]

Bai Jiaqi smiles and Dilireba noticed that she was staring at her and slowly withdraw her gaze.

Then another footstep came up the stairs in a hurry.

" The mother of my child! Sweetie! Come and take a look at this. This idiotic son of yours is causing trouble again!"

"What happened, darling? Slow down and calm down."

" How can I calm down?! That bastard is on the newspaper again and may cause trouble to Reba!"

In the office~


Deng Lun sneezed. [Who is talking behind my back? If I found out that person would be tortured by me, no matter who…]

Br-ring Br-ring Br-ring

Deng Lun looks up from the computer and searches for his phone.

He found his phone in his coat.

'Mu Qing' was shown on the screen. Deng sighed. And pick up the phone.

" Mot-"

" Bastard, come back home this instant! You unfaithful son, how dare you go to work when your wife is in a critical situation! Come home within 30 minutes or else don't ever come home again!"


Before he even finished, his mother ended the call. Deng Lun was enraged. [ Are you really sure that I'm your biological child, not Dilireba? Defending another instead of your biological son! And that woman always caused trouble for me, she was done for!]

Deng Lun quickly swings his coat over his shoulder and stormed to the car before speeding back home. When he got home, it was totally quiet.

" Dilireba! Come out!" However, no one answered.

" Dilireba! Don't make me repeat myself!"

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a note on the table.

' Your father and I are going out for an important matter. Take care of your wife and don't bully her or else if I know that you are, you're dead. Heart -Your mother'

Deng Lun face darken and went upstairs to Dilireba's room and slam opened the door. He entered the dark room, he could hear the heavy breathing of someone. The anger that bottled up on the way home dissipated. Seeing her so weak and fragile, his heart softened. However the next instant, his face darkened again.

"...Bai...Bai… Jiayu…"

Deng Lun gritted his teeth. [You are mine and mine alone! Although we have no mutual feelings towards each other, you are still my property! How dare you think about other men when you have one of- no the best man as your husband?! I'll show you and remind you of your position.]

And with that Deng Lun lean towards Dilireba.


In Dilireba's dream,

" Dilireba! Dilireba…"

" Bai...Bai… Jiayu… Is it you?"

" Yes. It's me...Where have you been all those years? Don't you know that I'm worried about you? I...missed you."

" I...I...I'm sorry" Dilireba looked down and Bai Jiayu smiled, but he slowly faded as his body slowly scattered in pieces like ash.



" NO!!! Mhmmmph!"

Dilireba's eyes open, her eyes are blurry and in the dark, she couldn't see so well. However, she could feel a cold sensation biting her lips like frostbites.

" No!...Go Away!" Dilireba panicked.

The shadow took the form of a man as he leans forward and whispered coldly, " You are mine! Don't even think about other men!"

[Deng Lun?! No way, I must be dreaming, he doesn't have feelings for me. Yeah, I must be dreaming… but did he appeared in my dream? Ouch! My head hurts] Dilireba winced in pain before blacking out.


Deng Lun stood up and straightened himself and muttered, " Slut! How dare you! I'll show you who has the ultimate power here. You want to see other men? Dream On! I'll shut you in your room forever, you will and forever be within my grasp."

Deng Lun slammed the door shut and walked out.

"Let's see how will you escaped," Deng Lun smirked. "That is if you can even escape. You will never be able to escape!"