Not An Accident

Deng Lun was still in his frozen state, appearing to be in a daze.

An Wuyun looked at Deng Lun in pity, "Bro. Hope you wouldn't regret it in the future."

An Wuyun got up and walked towards the door and closed it quietly, leaving the Deng Lun still in a daze.

Deng Lun lowered his hand and snapped out of his gaze and felt a rush of pain and fury as well as sorrow. Soon the feeling disappeared and in its place was emptiness. Deng Lun clenched the area near his chest and shook his head. He doesn't know the foreign feeling and just shoves it behind his head. [No time to waste on her.]

Deng Lun walked back to his desk and continued working. He emerges himself in the work as time passes. Unknowing, he worked himself late into the night.

Dilireba's bedroom…


Dilireba looked at Qi Weilan as her spirit rose. "Lan jie, you're here. Sit here."

Dilireba pat the area next to her.

"What is it? Is there something troubling you?"


"It's the phone call right?���


Then came a silence. Qi Weilan gave Dilireba some time and waited for her to speak.

"So...Mrs.Deng, my mother-in-law knew that Deng Lun had divorced me and was very furious. She was very kind to me and I like her a lot. She told me that she wanted to adopt me as a daughter."

Qi Weilan sighed. [So this is what it's all about. I was scared that something really serious was happening.]

Qi Weilan pats Dilireba on the shoulder and says, "So you don't know what to do because you don't want to disappoint Mrs.Deng but don't want to get involved with Deng Lun again, right?"

Dilireba nodded. She hugged her pillow tighter.

"So, what do you think I should do."


Qi Weilan ponders how she should word this.

"I think that you should think this over. Although you liked Mrs,.Deng, you don't want to get involved with Deng Lun. I think… The best solution is to reject and ask to be friends instead. What do you think?"

"Mhm. Makes sense."

Qi Weilan pat Dilireba on the head. "Silly girl."

She looks at Dilireba with warmth and love, "Don't think too much, alright? If there is anything you need you can always talk to me. We are like sisters, right? Unless you don't think so."

"No, you are like a big sister figure to me."


The girls stayed in silence like this for a bit, feeling comfortable with each other's presence.

Qi Weilan then spoke, "Is there anything else?"

Dilireba hesitates but then sighed. She then spoke, "You know that phone call.."

"The one where you get all depressed over?"

"Mhm. That phone call was from my uncle."

Qi Weilan knew that something serious happened.

She comforted Dilireba, comforting her to continue.

"So, that day, he said that my parent's death may not be an accident."

[I knew it. It must be about her parents.]

Dilireba's parents had died in a plane crash. It was just a few days after the marriage with Deng Lun.

"He said before the accident, they left a box for me. I forgot about the box for a while and decided to retrieve it later. Uncle help me look after it."

Qi Weilan pulls Dilireba in a hug before she continues.

"That day he found a note left by my parents. After reading it, it seems as if they had already known that someone is targeting them and left a note just in case of an accident. So, now he was working on a case to find out the real murderer behind it."

Dilireba hugged Qi Weilan back. Qi Weilan can hear Dilireba's voice weakening.

"Lan jie, I'm scared. Why would someone target them? Why would anyone do such a thing? They are so kind, always donating to the orphanage and helping people out. But what I'm scared of is the contents in the box. I had a feeling that it hid a secret. You know that I was found by the river, right? I'm afraid that the box is telling me about my origins."

Qi Weilan sighed and pat Dilireba on the back.

"Reba, don't worry. I'm sure that the box is left for a reason, and I think you should look at the content at least. Whatever it may be, just remember that we will always be there for you, so don't cry. Alright?'

Dilireba nodded.

Qi Weilan lifts Dilireba's head, making Dilireba look at her in the eyes. Dilireba's eye was a bit red.

"So don't be afraid to let out your emotions, okay?"

Dilireba nodded and broke into a smile. However, unlike her usual smile, Qi Weilan felt a pang of pain and felt sorrow from her. Although she always pretends to be strong, she was fragile on the inside.

Qi Weilan smiled, "So first thing first. Tell Mrs.Deng your decision, then tomorrow we will go and retrieve the box. Okay?"

Dilireba nodded, exhausted by the overwhelming emotions that she let out.

After the phone call, Dilireba let out a small yawn.

"Go to sleep. I'll stay by your side until you fall asleep, okay?"

"Lan jie, I'm not a baby!" Dilireba laughs but she still clenches onto Qi Weilan feeling a bit better after letting it out.

Qi Weilan let out a sigh in relief that Dilireba is feeling better now. She can feel her emotion stabling and go back to normal.

Soon, Dilireba falls asleep. Qi Weilan caresses her head gently and says, "Goodnight, Reba. It would be better tomorrow, I promised. Sweet dreams."

Qi Weilan sighed and shut the lights. She glances at Dilireba then quietly closes the door.

The father and son knew that something is up.

When Qi Weilan comes back to the living room, Mantou tug Qi Weilan. "Mother, something happened to Reba jiejie?"

Yue Yingque also looks at Qi Weilan in concern.

Qi Weilan nodded and spoke, "Don't worry, private matters. I've got it under control."

Yue Yingque nodded and went back to reading.

Mantou glanced at the direction of Dilireba's room.

Qi Weilan rubs Mantou on the head, "Don't worry. She's asleep now."

Mantou nodded, however, concern was still seen in his eyes. He sighed, feeling a bit hopeless that he was still a kid and couldn't do much for Dilireba. Inside, he decided to work harder and grew up faster so that he would be able to help Dilireba whenever he was in trouble in the future just like how the male lead always seems to be able to help the female lead in drama shows.

[Reba Jiejie, don't worry. Mantou will always be there for you just like how you are there for me in the past.]