With the threat of the incoming Pantheon, Alex and his allies spent the following days preparing for their arrival.

They hacked the internet and network in vain attempts to trace the action of the Pantheon members, while they also prepared objects that will prevent surprise attacks from happening.

These forced Alex and the others to be busy, but it was something that they knew will be worth it.


Once Alex and the others were done doing their preparations, they spent the rest of their time doing recreational activities.

One such thing is happening now.

"Even if the Pantheon has the advantage here, I doubt they will do anything drastic with the hostages that we have." Alex said while he stared at Alina, who was lying face-down on the bed.

"Mpfh, mpfh."

The current Alina was only able to give muffled replies, as she was busy on experiencing Alex's expert massage skills.

Alina was wearing tank top and shorts, which allowed Alex to massage Alina's back well.