Countless Realizations


Even though Alex does not want to admit it, deep inside he knew that this whole Traveler scheme by the Endless Monarch was something that was not entirely beneficial for Alex.

Being forced to travel to other worlds while doing missions on these worlds, and failure will lead to death?

That kind of premise already raises a lot of red flags!

Alex knew that if he was only lucid when he met that old man in his original world, Alex would surely not have accepted the offer to be a Traveler.

But with his lucidity and wariness already fading at that time, Alex accepted the offer to be Traveler easily….

"This sucks big time." Alex muttered to himself as he placed his palm on his forehead.

With Alex stuck as a Traveler, he knew all the bad things that can happen to him, especially if he fails his Main Mission.

Death via the seal on his forehead is not a good way to die…