It's Slomo Time!


From the very moment that Alex entered the Conference Lecture Hall until now, he could already feel danger all around him.

When he felt this danger earlier, Alex thought that maybe it came from all the Symbolists, Celestials, and Devourers surrounding him.

But that thinking of his changed when he entered the Anya's private room.

At the instant that Alex entered Anya's private room, he felt the danger around him spiking at intense levels.

It was so intense that Alex realized that whatever this incoming danger is, it could actually harm a defenseless Alex.

With him already used to this kinds of dangers before, Alex was able to keep his composure, but he also started to get wary of anything that might happen inside this room later.

When the Apprentice and the Queen Hoarder started their transaction, the danger that Alex felt around him started to increase again.