Alchemist's Tale Part 1


Alex, who was currently having a chess match with Kiera's grandfather, stopped in his movements as he felt a surge of power coming from under the house.

"There it is!" Alex declared loudly as he, Alina, and Queen Mother all stood up with alert expressions on their faces.

"Old man, let's stop this match for now. I just have to greet an 'old friend'." Alex said as he tipped the chess board over, spilling its contents on the table.

"Tsk, you just wanted this to end since you're about to lose." The old man grumbled as Alex opened and entered the way to his lair.

"Pit pat pit pat." The footsteps of Alex and his companions resounded throughout the dark passageway, and it continued on doing so until Alex and his Companions stopped walking.

"…." As Alex reached the lair, his eyes immediately looked at the cauldron, which was at this point, was still covered and have flames roaring under it.