We are the Newcomers!

Even though the black-haired fairy was extremely irritating, and Alex would really love to kill this fairy with fire, the Symbolists and Alex's team did not do anything to her, as they listened to what she said.

After all, they were in an unknown place, and trying to piss off someone who was in charge of the place is obviously a bad move.

Since the Symbolists and Alex's team does not dare to attack the black-haired fairy yet, they decided to wait for the other factions to arrive.

While they were waiting, Alex decided to place a mask on his face.

He was not sure why, but he had the gut feeling that hiding his face behind a mask right now seems to be a good thing to do.

Once he had placed a mask on his face, Alex joined the others on their waiting game, with their bodies tense and prepared for any kinds of sneak attacks.


A few minutes of waiting later, and they heard the unmistakable sounds of a portal being opened.