Treat me like the way you treat your friends, please

(((Author's Note: lol, sorry for having no chapters yesterday. I just had an emergency. Oh, and to those who still read this novel, can I know in the comments if you are still reading this? Seeing an empty comment section makes me a little sad...)))

You should better surrender now, or you might experience more pain from me!"

After Alex's opponent said these words, he/she pushed his/her hand further, making it dig a little on Alex's skin.


As he felt his opponent's hand on his neck, the only thing that Alex could do was sigh as he descended on the ground.


As his feet landed on the ground, Alex scratched the back of his head as he let out a complaint.

"Okay, you won already. But don't think that this fight represents our actual fighting prowess."

"Of course I know that, Alex." His opponent replied as he/she approached Alex. "Did you even see me complain?"