Glory to the Immortals!

When Marcus opened his eyes, what he found was not the mountainous scenery that he was in earlier.

Instead, what he saw was a completely different place.

"...Am I still on the Mountain of Enlightenment?" Marcus muttered dazedly as he looked around him in confusion.


Only silence answered Marcus' query, as if there was no one interested on answering him.

As all of this happened, Marcus felt that the ground under him was still rumbling at the same intensity as the rumbling earlier.

This rumbling has started to move Marcus, who was still lying down on the ground.


If it was him before, he will surely be acting all tense and alert right now, as what just happened to him is something that should warrant worry.

But instead of feeling tension and fear, what Marcus felt was actually the opposite.

He felt happiness and comfort from everything that he saw around him.