Please, please, stop it!

When the true form of the Mountain of Enlightenment was revealed, all the TimeMasters were rendered surprised and wary by it, which led to CEO Smith's hasty decision.

As for the mortals, they only could only watch the floating mountain in wonder, as they have no idea on what could happened next.

As for the Immortals, they all started to look at the Mountain of Enlightenment with looks of hopes in their eyes, as they all felt a sense of worship on it.

The reactions of these groups of people showed the whole impact of the appearance of the Mountain of Enlightenment, which in a sense, was just acceptable, as this was the first time since thousands of years that a Peak Order 6 Treasure has shown itself to the world.

While everyone was forming their own actions and plans with the appearance of this mountain, the rebels, who were the ringleader of the surprising event today, were also starting to implement all of their plans.