Detective Alex, coming to your service!

(((Author's Note: This chapter is a doozy for me. That's all I can say for now. 2999 words are a lot to type in one sitting, you know. And for this chapter to be filled with deductions just makes it harder. Sigh... and I still have to do many things after posting this chapter....)))

"Say what?" Professor Frances, who was starting to chill right now, went back to her anxious mood again after she heard Alex's question.

She did not bother to hide what she was thinking as she directly said to Alex,

 "What did you just say?"

"I just asked the Great TimeMaster on how much money she paid to the Endless Monarch to make us come here. It's just as simple as that." Alex replied nonchalantly as he shrugged his shoulders. "Why? Is there something wrong with my question?"