Through the eyes of Cheva

The feeling of possessing a material body… was one of the best things that an Abyss Monster can ever experience in their lives.

These beings, who can only exist within the realms of the mind and soul, find joy on experiencing material things through the bodies that they possess.

Because of this, any Abyss Monster will jump in the chance to possess a possible vessel. No matter what way these Abyss Monsters employ to possess a body, they will do it, as this is one of the joys in their lives.

So when Black Alex offered to have his body possessed in order to complete the ritual, Cheva did not hold back  anymore.

He immediately swooped in on the waiting Black Alex, who left his body wide open for a possession.


Cheva's body turned into a gas-like construct as he entered Black Alex's mind. His massive arm-like body had been all converted into gas by this point, with all of them sending themselves towards Black Alex.
