Blood-stained Memories, Part 4


"I see, I see. So I should just make sure that the Delta waves won't reach this amplitude…. As for the residual connections, I should limit them to around at least a thousand… Fine, with a little more adjustments, this program can do its work."

A contraption, similar to that of an electric chair, could be seen loitering inside Anatta's lab. Its height made it loom all over the area, with its shadows blotting menacingly over Anatta and Alexis.

The wires and pipes attached to the contraption made its sinister appearance worse, to the point that an unsettling aura can be felt from it.

But even with this appearance, Anatta did not act like she was scared of this contraption. Instead, a huge grin could be seen from her  face as she fiddled with a glass monitor on her desk.

"Tak tak tak."