Conqueror's Aura!(Must read chapter!!!)

This chapter will be a summary of Emperor Litch's powers, which can make reading the next chapters easier. I don't want to explain things anymore during the fight, so I will just put some of the facts here.

From what this story has said, Emperor Litch's power lies on the path of cultivating the Conqueror's Aura.

The more territories that Emperor Litch conquered, the stronger his Conqueror's Aura will get. Not only that, but the amount of people under his control also strengthens his Conqueror's Aura.

So in short, the power of Conqueror's Aura(CA) is proportional to the area of land(L) conquered, multiplied by the amount of people(P) taken under control.

CA α (L x P)

So far, there are already at least 3 powerful applications of Conqueror's Aura that had been said in this story.