Start of the Massacre

Alex's allies did not waste their time bickering with Alex longer. With him giving them the go signal to let loose, Alina and Blue Alex quickly focused their attention on Malthus and the Generals, while Black Alex and Queen Mother began drifting lazily towards the Supreme Puppets.

These movements of theirs elicited panicked reaction on their targets, as the killing intent released by Alina and Queen Mother was enough to inform them of their end.


The remaining Generals tried their best to run away, but with their powers all stripped by the Black Ooze, the speed that they can move was only limited. This included the Generals that are hiding in secluded spots of the Four Moons World, who now realized that they can't just watch the battles in safe condition.

No matter where these Generals are, they are unable to keep themselves safe. All of them are now under target of the Synthesis Virtual Body, bringing them to a sure-death fate.