Operation: Raid!

During the time that Alex has succeeded on his breakthrough, there was a pair who also had succeeded on their ventures too.

Alina and Delia, the two women who had spent the last 5 minutes attacking each other, has finally achieved breakthroughs on their own respective power systems.

Delia was finally able to form the 6th pair of her wings, which allowed her to become a 6th Stage, 6-winged Holy Order Angel.

As for Alina, the dark and menacing presence on her back has finally achieved a material form, with a large and cute-looking tabby cat currently floating behind her. This cat, which exuded an aura comparable to that of a primordial beast, was the catalyst that allowed Alina to become a 6th Stage Dark Magician.

[[ Alina ]]: …

[[ Delia ]]: ….