The Only 'Path'

"Alina, you've been hounding Professor Frances about that battle for many times already. Can you just stop doing it and let her off?" Wisteria muttered behind the duo as she crossed her arms.

She was visibly upset from seeing the argument between the two women, and the impending fight between the two just jostled her mood more. 

"And as for you Professor Frances, do you really have to act this smug? You may have saved Queen Mother from her abnormal state, but you also brought her to a near-death state. I don't think that warrants you to be this confident."

Wisteria's body language made it apparent that if she had the capability, she would already start separating both Alina and Professor Frances away from each other. Unfortunately for Wisteria, her power level is still not enough to make her a physical intermediary between the two.

So she can only resort to verbally rebuking the two women, which to her surprise, had actually worked here.