Pride: The Best Abyss Sprite?

Master Alex is not hurting me, and he is letting us fight for him!

I am happy because of this!

He even patted our heads, and he said that I am the best Abyss Sprite!

Hehehe, I am so happy!


What do you call someone who is feeling happy again?

Oh right, it's called cloud nine!

Wait, what is cloud nine anyway? Is that food?

Oh right, I don't care about that.

Master Alex's headpats are more important….

Oh! Master Alex gave me one more headpat again!

Hehehe, this is the best day in my life!




Hmm… Master Alex is flying with the Professor b**ch again.

This does not make me happy.

What was the name of this b***h again?


Pfft, what an ugly name.

I guess I should just call her professor b***h.

Yeah, that's a much better name…



I don't like professor b**ch at all.