The Crimson Jade Brothers

Seventeen years have passed since the birth of Jiaxing.

It was a tea shop in a small village called Fanzhou near the mountains in the western province. The early spring flowers have started blooming filling the air with a very pleasant aroma.

Two young men were sitting and chatting sipping tea. One was tall, had dark brown hair and deep blue eyes wearing jade green silk clothes with a sword on his waist unsuited for him. He had a scholarly look with a deep soft voice and pale skin like he had never seen the sun. He gave the impression of a very trustworthy person. But only the one sitting opposite him knew that he's a silver-tongued salesman who can  sell ice even to the Eskimos.

The other one was considered a slightly above average height for a male, had slightly tanned skin, his long knee-length hair had a golden orange hue like that of a tiger's fur, and was loosely braided with his bangs swept to one side. His eyes were bright and his pupils were so deep black as if, one look deep in those eyes, will get the looker to be sucked in those dark orbs and they would lose their soul. He had a playful grin on his slightly pink lips and was wearing a deep red coloured robe casually with a sword on his waist. At a glance, he looked like a player, completely opposite to the scholarly one.

The girls in that tea shop were admiring those two gentlemen saying " Lord Táng( Crimson ) and Young Master Yu( jade) are really handsome… Those who marry them are really lucky… ".

Another one whispered, "Last night someone tried to molest this tea shop owner's daughter, do you think maybe the owner asked for their help? Is that why they are here?" and they started whispering with themselves about some shady men in the village inn, the past couple of days.

But the young men didn't care about the attention they got and were entirely engrossed in their conversation.

JiaXing preferred to wear crimson male outfits and everyone in the village thought of her as a male. Only her friend knew she's a female and it became a well-kept secret. She looked with her eyebrows knitted at her friend before her, the young master of the rich Ming household who is her friend for more than ten years. She looked cross.

" Haru… What do you mean you sent a complaint letter to the emperor about the Ming family.? ".

" Don't shout, Xing ... I didn't send the letter, I personally delivered it to the emperor.. ", he hushed her.

Xing: " What? Is this what you were busy with last month? Why do you have to do this to your own family? You know I don't like it when brothers turn against each other. It's despicable!"

Haru sighed. " I know… But it had to be done. Ever since my father got sick, my brothers are doing business everything against my father's wishes. It is not good for the nation.. "

Xing: " Well, screw the kingdom, damn… You are salt merchants. Where is the welfare of the kingdom coming from.. Huh?" she almost shouted.

Haru shook his head in frustration. What would he do with this friend of his? If only she cared enough...

" You… You should really change your reading habits and read good books. Now let me explain.. ", he finished his tea and after putting his cup on the table, started explaining.

" Our family is the only salt merchants in the Wind Kingdom, that's because we own all the salt beds along the sea. If we start to hoard salt or raise the prices everyone will be affected - rich or poor. Anyone can find substitutes for meat or even rice but what can substitute salt? You know that's why my family is one of the richest in our Kingdom, along with the Huang family. Also, we own the only port in the Western province", he said with a grin on his face.

"Really..! " Xing sneered, "Is that why you had to steal food when we were young?" she looked at him with a raised eyebrow mockingly. Both of them had starved when they were young, in his Manor.

He coughed gently, "You know that's the fate of a motherless child; rich or poor when your father is busy making money and doesn't care about you. I really envy you for having such a great mother and you don't even listen to her!" he chided her and paid the bill.

"Yeah, yeah! " Xing shook her head curling her lips. There he goes with the lecturing!

Both of them started walking in the streets, towards the mountain where her home is.

Haru then started whispering as they got away from the crowd, " Also this time my brothers did something really stupid… They are planning with someone, to overthrow the current emperor.. ",

"What..? " Xing said with a shocked face, " But isn't treason punished with familial execution? Are you trying to die with them?", she asked worriedly. But she knew this guy won't throw his life that easily, "Did you make a deal with the Emperor for yourself ?" she smirked knowingly.

Haru smiled, " Really..? I tell you a big thing that would affect the peace of the kingdom like someone trying to usurp the throne and you only worry about me..? "

Xing coldly replied " I don't care a shit about the emperor or this empire or politics. Those foxes and snakes in the city could all burn for all I care. I just want those who love me safe. Now tell me how are you escaping this? Or is that a secret too? ", she asked.

Hearing this Haru laughed. Really she has her priorities straight! And look at the way she walks... Does she even remember that she is a girl?

But it's kind of his fault. Who asked her to dress like a boy since childhood which made her forget she's a girl?

  As they reached the top of the mountain they sat under a tree. Haru watched Xing eating a meat bun they got from the shop before.

" You didn't answer me", she said with her mouth full. He saw her eating like a squirrel and found it funny.

" You really are a pig... even pigs will kill themselves if they know you are compared to them," he chuckled. He always felt fun to call her with animal names.

She wiped her hands in his sleeves casually and when he slapped it off, she snorted, " Don't change the topic and answer me. You are planning to change your name and go to the water kingdom to do the silk business you are fond of, aren't you? Even if you only snitched about the hoarding of salt by your brothers, if the Judicial Department investigates, they'll know about your brothers' underworld connections. Are you really planning to kill your brothers?", she asked as she knew about Haru the best.

His brothers were shady for as long as she knows. Why is Haru taking this ghastly step now?

Haru shook his head, " I really can't hide anything from you huh..? Don't worry, I'll take you with me..", he paused, seeing her suddenly changing expression.

"You won't leave... You are waiting for him to return..! " he sighed, "Speaking of him, do you think the person my brothers are involved with, is the third prince?"

Although Haru seemed honest, for some reason, Xing felt like he was hiding a lot behind those blue eyes.

"Third Prince? No way, " she rubbed her forehead with her long fingers. She smiled saying 'Third Prince' and the smile reached her eyes. " He did want to be the emperor, but that was to protect his ninth brother. Now that his ninth brother is the emperor I don't think he'll try to usurp the throne. I'm sure he is by his brother's side. After all, he asked me to wait for him to protect his brother," she said with a wry smile.

Haru sat silently beside her. This amazing girl sitting beside him has sword skills that are second to none in the entire kingdom. Well, he could say without any hesitation that she's the best swordsman in the entire five kingdoms. Even their master was surprised by her skills.

Not only that, She has a beauty envied even by the celestial maidens.

If she were a man or she is interested, she could have at least had the Wind Kingdom under her rule by now.

Her intelligence, her ability to get things done, the way she keeps her promise, how even the Gods want to get along with her...Hmm..! He sighed.

But she only wants a normal life with him! Stupid!

He thought about how she learnt swordplay for him, how she did everything planning to be with him, how she's waiting for him for ten years just because he asked to wait for him.

He couldn't help but feel exasperated to see even the extraordinary ones become fools for love and so he made a decision never to fall in love.

While both of them were engrossed in their thoughts, a bridal march approached the road in the distance.

Xing asked with a smirk, " Are they coming for you? Your brothers never give up, huh? ", saying this she covered her hair and mouth with a black veil and put on a mask over her eyes, painted with a tiger.

Haru's brothers have been trying to set him up with some unsuitable woman so that they could have control of the household to themselves. They didn't like the fact that Haru is the Heir to the Ming household since he is the son of the legal wife.

Haru's face twisted with disgust, " Send them back like the others, I can't deal with this now with the investigations and all. I think people from the palace will be here today ".

Xing shook her head and refused him. " I sent the others back, only because they were not good enough for you. I'm going to check this one too. You really have to take a wife. You are nineteen already", her voice was filled with mirth but she was serious.

Saying this she started sliding through the slopes before reaching in front of the bridal parade. Haru followed her after wearing his tiger mask with a sigh.

  Xing observed the bridal posse. The bridal carriage was decorated moderately and the bride only had three small boxes of dowry.

Guess she was not a favoured daughter. They sent her here even though they knew the young master of the Ming family is an ugly and useless fool.

Xing closed in to take a look at the unfortunate bride. The servants around the bride tried to stop her. Xing was about to unsheath her sword when she heard a clear voice


The carriage door opened and a girl around sixteen in a red dress with beautiful phoenix embroidered with gold thread on her robes and veil stepped out.

" Are you not scared, little one? What is your name? Who are you here for? " Xing asked with surprise.

A little woman bravely stands in front of a sword. That's new!

The bride bowed politely in front of Xing. "My name is  Hua Shurei. I'm here to wed young master Ming Yushen. As for my courage, I was already informed I might be stopped by the Crimson Jade Brothers by my in-laws". She was polite and her voice was clear and even though she was short and looked delicate, Xing could feel the strength in her heart by her demeanour. Hua Shurei seemed fearless in front of a sword and wasn't afraid of speaking her heart in the face of obvious danger. Or it could be because she was smart and investigated the Crimson Jade brothers and knew they won't kill innocents. Whatever it is, Xing liked her.

Xing laughed, "Now that you are stopped, how are you planning to pass?", she asked thinking this one is different and interesting.

Others would bad-mouth her or ask their servants to fight. Of course, they were all sent back defeated.

Shurei replied, "I promise, I'll take good care of my husband and I will stay by him in sickness and health. So I'm asking you to let me pass," she said with a bow.

Xing looked at Haru near him who was red to his ears. She didn't know if it was out of embarrassment or anger. He was about to say something when Xing stopped him by waving her hand and asked Shurei,

" The young master is a useless fool, can you protect him?"

  Haru clenched his fists in anger which was noted by Xing.

So he does like her! Well! I approve!

Haru wondered if the one near him is his friend or not since she is telling his bride he is useless. But he looked at the bride. She did not have an outstanding beauty but she had clear eyes and a calm face like she could face any situation without panic.

That is admirable, he thought, I can live with this woman. Guess not every woman is a monkey, like this Xing.

  Xing read Haru's thoughts clearly visible by his smile and looked at Shurei.

"There are no useless people in this world. Only people with pure hearts are called useless and foolish by vile people. I will protect my husband's pure heart and will help him in achieving greatness. Also, I don't have a place to return to, so I will live by thinking my husband as the sky", Shurei said with determination.

  Xing admired this girl and she looked at Haru whose face and even neck were red as a tomato. Xing happily told him, "Come on young master Ming, remove the mask and show your face to her, let's hope she doesn't run away looking at you".

When Xing said this, Shurei realised the one in the green robes looking at her with the mask in his hand is her husband and her face became red. Xing saw the blushing couple and wondered if this was the guy who said he didn't need a wife just five minutes ago.

Xing held Shurei's hand, "I'm leaving our family's young master in your hands. He has the looks of a scholar but sometimes acts like a rogue. If he ever even attempts to hurt you, inform me. I'll teach him a lesson he can't forget. You really can count on me." Saying this she gently touched Shurei's cheek with her index finger that was blushed red.

Haru grabbed Xing by the wrist, "That's enough, Xing! Stop teasing her. You are not allowed to touch her. That's it! " he gritted his teeth.

This one is just too much to handle!

Xing pretended to cry, " Come on Haru, what would I do to your precious wife, huh? I just wanted to assure her... You just met her five minutes ago and you are already throwing me - your old friend away like I'm trash….you are horrible! Did you forget all the good times we had already…. " She started making sobbing noises.

Haru's face twitched and he grabbed Xing by her shoulders, " You.. Monkey! Stop creating misunderstandings...Stop acting now or I'll feed you to the pigs… Even those pigs won't eat your stinky meat.. Shut up before I punch you or else...", he paused his banter, hearing Shurei's laughter.

For him, it felt like a running stream's gentle sound, unlike the one in front of him who only knows how to piss him off.

How can both of them be women?

Shurei covered her mouth with her hand, "You two are close like blood brothers. It's nice to watch you bicker like five-year-olds"

Hearing this both of them got embarrassed and decided to act their age by looking serious.

Haru suddenly remembered the situation he is in and told Shurei, "I'm in a situation where I cannot take you to my home today. I have some things I have to take care of first and I cannot involve you in that for your safety. So I hope you would understand. I'll find a place for you to stay today. But rest assured that I have taken you as my wife and I will protect you. We can have a peaceful life", he spoke in a smooth tone that would melt anybody and with all honesty.

Shurei looked at him with teary eyes while Xing spoke.

" Oh! My Haru has grown up... Good for you. Now you only have to keep your promise till death or I'll make sure you die with my own hands", she said with a glint in her eyes and Haru accepted in agreement.

Shurei said, " I've heard that the Crimson Jade Brothers are good for their word. I trust you husband and I will wait for you to take me home", looking at Haru and her gentle smile made both of them melt.

Xing told Haru to make her stay in Lufen's house to which Haru agreed after all this village people loved them and everyone owed them one way or another. They will repay them even if it costs their life.