A Promise to the Emperor

I will within my capability your majesty.", she said.

" Show me your face"


" Please remove the mask at least"

Xing who was raised by her mother alone, was always advised to stay away from the people from the Imperial Capital especially high Nobles and Royals. 'He' was the only exception she had regarding that advise her mother gave her. And this time she was curious to meet the little brother 'he' mentioned always who is the Emperor now and that too for the sake of her friend and she had no plans to meet the Emperor again in her life. But showing her face is dangerous, especially her peculiar golden hair.

     But, Seeing his pleading expression, she removed the mask and covered the rest with the veil so that only her eyes are visible. He looked at her eyes and murmured "You are really not him" with dejection.

Him? Does he mean Lu Chenglie the third prince? I thought he might be serving the Emperor secretly without revealing his identity. But the Emperor does not know where he is either? Her heart started pounding. So the emperor is here, searching for him. He seems sad, but why? Isn't he a threat to his throne? Or does he miss his brother? She was deep in thoughts when the emperor's voice pulled her out of it.

"Who taught you these sword techniques?", the Emperor asked in a commanding tone. These techniques are supposed to be learned by the Princes of the Imperial Palace.

"It was a short old man who refused to tell us his name and he didn't accept anything as offering either"

" Us?.."

"Mmm yeah , me and Haru.. I mean Ming Yushen. He refused to accept Yushen as a student but since I refused to join without him, he accepted Haru too. "

" He.. He came to you and took you as pupil?"

Ah! Xing! You are running your mouth again! Can't you stop? You know people who talk less live longer! Xing cursed herself.

"Yes, we trained for two and half years and then he practically drove us out with no explanation and we haven't seen him since then", she still answered in a calm voice.

" When? "

" We started training about eight years ago"

          He looked in her eyes. Those clear eyes had no trace of deception in them. After acknowledging she's not lying, he stood up dusted his clothes and turned his back to her to look at the setting sun.

        As he became so deep in thought, she broke the silence,

" Hmm.. Your highness.. It's getting late. Umm.. Your general would be worried, shall we leave?"

It's better if they leave now.

       He turned, grabbed her shoulders, looked in her deep eyes and asked almost pleading, " You said you grew up here, tell me what you know about my third brother, the Rui Wang who was sent to this province for training. Surely you would have heard at least rumors about him. It happened eleven years ago. Tell me at least if he's alive or not. No one in the palace is telling me anything… It's like his name is a taboo or something… How can I not wonder about the only person who ever treated me like a human being in my entire life? I mean he is my brother. Why am I not allowed to look for him. I'm sure, He's not dead. I know that. He promised he'll always protect me. So now, where is he…? Why is he not by my side when I need him? I just want to give him the throne that's rightfully his' and lead a peaceful life. I'm not the emperor. He is..  Just like everyone, even my Imperial Father wanted.. Why isn't he coming back? ", he shouted while a teardrop rolled down on his cheek.

Xing was shocked, her entire body froze,   He wants to give the throne to his brother ? So he did not change over the years. He still is the affectionate ninth brother Chenglie talked about.

Oh, no!! But why is he telling me all this? But where is my prince Chenglie? Did something happened to him? What can I say to the Emperor. I am waiting for him for a decade too. And why does all these secrets being revealed to me? Mother was right! I never should involve myselfbwith these people anymore! I just hope I won't be dragged in this stupid mess of the royals . Damn you stupid Haru.. It's all your damn fault.. .

       Xing pushed his hands from her shoulders and and held it in her hands and said, " Your highness, I'm only sixteen this year. I was too young to remember what happened ten years ago. But I heard rumours that a twelve year old boy with silver hair lived around here ten years ago. Some people believed he was the third prince,but the boy refused their claims saying he's an orphan from the Water Kingdom. And people said he left in a year and no news was heard about him after. But I hope for Your Majesty's sake that you'll be able to reunite with your Royal Brother." She pretended that she didn't hear about the throne transfer plan. One should take care of oneself.

     The emperor suddenly realised his hands are inside the other one's hands and pulled it out. He turned and wiped his face. He took a deep breath and breathed out.

        He then murmured "Why did I tell everything to him.. So impulsive .."

          Impulsive indeed, stupid too, She thought, also bad for the health of others around you dude!You gotta get a hold of your emotions. Why is that everyone gets stupid around me? Now let's pretend nothing happened and leave.

            He looked at her, " About that….",

    " Your Majesty! Are you satisfied with this little one's answer? Would you consider my proposition about the Ming family's situation we discussed this entire time? "

     He chuckled, " Of course, zhen will, but you'll have to promise me to join my Imperial court. " He could see this person is trying to change that awkward situation from before rather wisely by pretending that the talk about his brother never happened. Smart!

        " But I have no plans to leave this place, Your Majesty", Xing said with reverence.

The Emperor contemplated for a while, surely a smart and outspoken person like him will be an asset to the Court. But he did not want to force him.

       " Fine then, promise me that you won't serve other emperors and if you come to the Imperial City in the future, you will attend the exams to enter my Court. The next exam is in two and a half months".

         Exams… yuck.. She thought. Good thing I won't leave the mountains. And you should calm down, Emperor! Even if I wish, I cannot attend the exams because I am a female. But if I say that now, I will be killed for lying to the Monarch. So let's get this over with soon.

         " Promise me", he said in a commanding tone.

         Gee.. wait, She thought, she noticed he didn't use the imperial pronoun anymore. Whatever! She put her right hand over her heart and bowed and said" I hereby promise that I will only serve you, the Emperor of Wind Kingdom and I will attend the exams this year if I go to the Imperial capital city this year",she looked at him and said mockingly, " Is this enough, Your Majesty? ".

" Ha.. ha.. ha.. That's enough, but why do I feel like you are mocking me every time you call me 'your Majesty'? "

       Whoa! He is sharp. " He.. He.. He.. Your majesty…  Of course you are mistaken. How can a lowly subject like myself dare to mock your royal highness who is like the sky? This one doesn't have the guts. Now let's get down. The sun will be down soon",She said and grabbed his sleeves and started walking. He chuckled and followed her behind. Somehow he felt that his burdens were halved. It's good to have a friend who really doesn't care about difference in status or proper etiquettes and shows what's on their mind. He would have one such person than a thousand people who kneel in front of him and plot to stab him in the back the next moment.

           As for Xing, she was content she helped her good friend Haru not kill his brothers. But she didn't know the promise she made the emperor is going to change her entire course of life in the near future and make her walk the path she hates to her core. This promise will make her act against her principles ,break her heart and make her someone she never thought she ever will be.