You are the Emperor

Chenglie always knew he had to reveal himself to his brother. He'd been staying in the capital city for six years and he knows all the gossips. He knew that people talked about the Emperor secretly that he is a fool and a pervert liking men and various other negative things. He knew his brother is smart and if he took control properly he would be one of the best rulers in their dynasty.

Chenglie knew the reason his brother is not willing to take control too. He knew he had always told him in the past that his third brother will become the Emperor and he will be the one supporting him fully from the sidelines. His brother would even say that they should take sisters as wives and raise their children together. Honestly Chenglie couldn't fathom how a seven year old would make such plans for the future.

When Chengli was sent away from the palace, he knew his little brother would be heartbroken and he secretly met him before leaving and affirmed him that he will protect him and return to his side someday so he should be wise and hold on and never give up his life in that place filled with vicious beasts in human skins. His brother believed him and he promised that day that he will definitely serve under his third brother after he becomes the Emperor.

But Chenglie knew the intentions of his father behind his sending off from the palace for four years. There is a rule that was not known to many that specifically forbids any Prince who had spent more than three years away from the Palace loses his claim to the throne. By sending him away he is removing the competition for the crown prince as Chenglie had vast support of the officials as the next ruler. So even if he acknowledged himself as the third prince years later, he cannot claim the throne.

But his ninth brother was not stupid. He must have learned of that rule somehow. So when he was made to sit on the throne, he acted stupid and aloof to the court matters, so that one day if his third brother returns he can hand him over the throne as the officials have no other way to accept it as this ruler is deemed unfit on their eyes. And having heirs would reduce the chance of handing over the throne, so he never let women get close to him creating various rumours.

Honestly, Chenglie felt proud, happy and at the same time guilty for the love and loyalty his brother had for him. Even now if he had to chose between his brother or Xing he would chose Xing without a second thought but his brother would always chose him over anyone else.

That is one of the main reasons he had been putting off meeting him till now. But today he has no choice but to do what he owes his brother as Xing had urged him.

Chenglie went to the camp and greeted General Zhong Huojin.

" When did you get here? Why are you here?", the general asked.

" I'm meeting my brother"

Huojin froze. " What? Why now? You never agreed to it before. Are you joking? You know the implications of... "

Chenglie didn't listen to his ramblings and looked inside the tent, " Where is he? "

"What? He's not inside? What's wrong with him? Running around like a child… This job is worse than babysitting…", General Zhong tried to get out when Chenglie stopped him and said "I'll find him" and left without even looking for reply.

"Those two brothers.. Always doing whatever pleases them… Annoying brats. If only they were not having the Lu surname.. " Huojin sat with his fingers massaging his temples.

Chenglie walked into the forest behind the tent and found his brother staring at the swaying branches, spaced out. He walked towards him and looked at him. The Emperor feeling someone else near him, looked at Chenglie and immediately recognised him

" Third brother, is that you?", he said running towards him.

"Junjie, how are you doing?"

Hearing his brother calling him, he hugged him tightly and started sobbing, " Third Brother, where were you? Everyone searched for you…. I waited for you…. I always believed you'll return….I was really lonely….. Brother…. I'm so happy…".

"There… There…", he patted his back. " Let it all out….silly boy...You held on good till now"

After sometime he calmed down and wiped his face in his sleeves and said with a bright smile, " Now that brother is here, I don't have to act as Emperor anymore. You can take the throne"

" About that", Chenglie put his hand on Junjie's shoulder, " I don't want the throne. I never did. I helped you to become Emperor with my whole heart from the shadows. I've been in the Imperial capital for six years. I wanted you to have the throne so I never revealed myself to you. I've always watched you from the dark and in the future too I'll help you if needed. So never think about giving up the throne. You are an Emperor. Always remember that"

" But brother, our Imperial Father wanted you to have the throne. He only sent you out of the palace to protect you"

If only, do you still believe our father, silly brother? Chengli thought.

"Junjie, make note of this. Nothing happened in the past matters now. A lot happened that you don't know. Also if father really wanted me to be the emperor, he would have given me the title of Crown Prince and would have kept me close. He never would've sent me away for 'training'."

" But brother.., I always wanted you to be the emperor"

" Junjie, my firm belief is that there is no one in this kingdom suited to the throne other than you. Also I'm not the same person you once knew. I've changed... a lot... and not all for good. The crown would suit me ill."

" But it's lonely out here.."

Chenglie hugged him, " Junjie, Junjie! My sweet little brother! You may feel lonely but you are not alone. You have many people around you who are loyal to you not only because you are the emperor but also because they like you as a person. I'm one of them. Also there is Huojin, Rijun and many others. So never once think you are alone. Now be strong and trust yourself more. You will believe this brother won't you? "

" Yes brother, I trust you"

" Also make sure my identity never leaks. If that happens I'll have no choice but to abandon everything and disappear for good and you will never see me again."

" Ok brother, I understand.", the Emperor said immediately fearing he would do as he says.

Chenglie patted his back, " Good boy, now let's return to your tent, Your Majesty! You are worrying your General! "

" You should meet me often. It's a royal command", Junjie smiled.

"As you command your Majesty", Chenglie bowed.

Then they get to the emperor's tent, when the tensed Huojin was waiting biting his nails. Seeing them both return with happy expressions he relaxed.

"Huang Shengli, you brought him back. That's good I was worried"

So brother goes by this name now. Guess he should be the son Huang Feiye adopted six years ago. Brother, you were this close to me yet I didn't realise. But I thank the gods for showing you to me again. I don't care how or as who, but I want you close to me.

"You thought I'd eat him", Chenglie replied. " Your Majesty, General, I'll be taking my leave now.",he bowed.

"Have lunch with us bro.. Huang Shengli", the Emperor said

"Let him go, your Majesty, he's on leave. I didn't even know why he's here. Even if you ask him he won't answer. I don't know what's harder in his case, getting an answer or getting a smile from him . Both are hard. Even harder thing is making him speak two sentences together unless it's a report. Unfortunately he's good at what he does and that's why I'm keeping him".

" Are we that close ?", Shengli asked dryly.

" So that's how it is. Fine then stranger. It was my fault I kept your secret for this long . Now that you don't need me, you are talking like this. The world is too cruel for good people like me", Huojin pouted.

The Emperor was laughing covering his mouth. " That's cruel indeed. You must be punished for hiding this from me", he said jokingly making Huojin leave the tent immediately.

He didn't want to be Cannon Fodder between these brothers.

" I'm leaving", Shengli said and left the tent. "You should leave here today too".

Xing was watching from the tree top and even though she couldn't hear what they were saying she knew they have had a nice talk. She wiped the imaginary tears from her eyes. Xing you have completed today's good deed. They better remember who made this happen. Still it's always beautiful to watch brothers getting along.

Now it is time to get home.