Found Her Uncle by Chance?

A week passed and Xing was happy she had no reason to be confined anymore. Lady Shaoyao playfully told Xing that her breasts will hopefully develop soon. "Oh no! That would be inconvenient while using sword", was Xing's immediate response which made her laugh. Lady Shaoyao hit her in the head playfully and asked Shengli to prepare everything for their departure.

Lady Shaoyao made Xing sit beside her in the bed. She caressed her hair, " Xiao Táng, us women are not treated fairly in this world. Most women are used as 'things' by men, for their pleasure, for their way of climbing up, for trading as goods. But never, not even once think that you are not better than men. Xing, you can do everything a man can and even more. Never bow down your head for anyone unless it's out of respect. Take care of yourself first. Your mind, body, skills, wisdom and beauty are all weapons of yours and use it wisely", she then gave a jewellery box, her eyes were clouded, " Xing dear, I may ask you to call me big sis, but I have always considered you as my daughter. So accept this gift. It's nothing compared to what I have and what you have but still.. ", she wiped her tears.

" I'll treasure this, big sis", Xing smiled accepting the box .

" Also don't always wear that makeup to hide your beauty. Sometimes you can shut a thousand mouths just by looking pretty. Remember you are a woman and always take care of yourself", she said and kissed her forehead.

What beauty? Aren't I ugly? At least that's what Haru says, Xing thought but didn't say it out loud.

Xing hugged her and thanked her and took her leave from the Heavenly Flowers Palace.

They then they both rode the horse with Xing in the front. They took shortcut through the mountains and reached the road to the big city gates by the evening. He had asked her to call him Huang Shengli at all times in the capital as even walls have ears there. As they were riding closer Xing asked Shengli,

" Huang Shengli, where will I stay?"

"With me of course. Father's kind. He'll let you stay with us", he answered confused by her sudden question. Wasn't that always the plan?

"But… I don't want to impose on you. I can stay in an inn, you know?"

Okay... Imposing..? Why would she think that way?

"Táng Jia Xing, this Huang Shengli can take care of a little old you very well without you being imposing", he sighed, "Silly girl! If a six year old can take a twelve year boy to her home saying she can share her mother and home then can't a twenty three year old man take the girl he wants to spend the rest of his life with, to his home?", he whispered in her ears and kissed her cheeks.

My girl! With the wealth I've got now, I can build you a Manor in gold if you want!

After a while she asked, "Shengli, can we find my father? "

" Trust me, we can. That hairpin your mother gave is a unique one. So we can easily find your father, don't worry"

"Okay" she said and sat silently for the rest of their ride. Shengli had only seen that hairpin her mother gave her that day and there was a small 'soaring eagle' emblem of the Huang family carved on it and so the hairpin should belong to one of the Huangs. The Huang family had their ancestral home in the Southern Province and the Head of the family Huang Zedong, is living there and with his two sons. Xing's mother told her that her father is in the capital city. So her father has to be either, Huang Feiye, his adoptive father or Huang AoTian, the Prime Minister. If he had to place a bet, he would place it on the latter. But he did not want to tell Xing anything without confirmation as he felt she had lost her usual confidence. Well anyone else wouldn't be able to think straight if they were in her situation, but she looks fine on the outside. She had lost her mother, had to leave the place she grew up and have to find her father in an unknown place. Well.. She has to be handled carefully as her mind is fragile now, evident from the things she's been saying lately.

Soon they reached the gates and after Shengli showed his pass, they were allowed to enter. No one can ride horses in the streets unless a servant is guiding the horse. Only carriages are allowed on certain roads. Xing tried to get down too without knowing the rule. But Shengli made her stay on the horse. After showing the passes for entering the gates, they were allowed in.

Xing looked at the city. The roads were wider and busier and crowded. She saw people looking at them both one with silver and another with a orangish colour hair and no one bothered to look twice as if it is normal. She then noticed, people well dressed in the horses are guided by their servants. She then saw Shengli guiding her horse and saw his proud look and thought , Well, how many can say that a prince guided them through the city? And she felt happy. She thought all these places look the same and she can't even find the way she came from.

Shengli had two reasons to parade Xing into the city. One is that he wanted to give a regal welcome to Xing and assure her he will be by her side and another is that if Shihong really had eyes set on Lord Táng, he'll know about this as Shengli knows he was being watched by Shihong's people and he had let them be. If so, Shihong will try to make a move as Lord Táng is in the capital city and in his hurry he is bound to make mistakes and Shengli does not have to worry, as Xing would be with him and no one can touch her in the Imperial capital while he's on guard.

They then reached a gate with tall walls. Xing saw the sign board, 'Huang Jasmine Manor'. So they are at the rich Huang family, richest, High Noble and the greatest jade merchants in this kingdom. Shengli gripped her by the waist and got her down. The servant at the entrance looked at him with surprise as he saw the ever aloof young master being intimate with a man.

I can get down myself perfectly well, Xing thought, but Whatever! She grabbed his shoulders and got down. He held her hands and walked towards his father's study. After confirming his father is in, he knocked the door and entered in, still holding Xing's hands.

Xing saw the man in his late thirties with dark brown hair and hazel eyes and the first thought that came to her mind was 'He is my uncle' . He looked surprised seeing her, but his face turned to a gentle smile and enquired Shengli, " Shengli, you've returned safely, and also with a girl. Might you explain?"

"Father, this is Táng Jia Xing. She and her mother had helped me a lot in the past. Her mother passed away recently and she asked me to help her to find her father but didn't mention his name. I agreed. Hope you'll let her stay here".

Xing was watching Lord Feiye's expressions, there was happiness, sorrow and also like he was brooding. Does he know who I am? She gave him a bow and said, " Lord Huang, I, Táng Jia Xing greet you and wish you all happiness . It was my mother's last wish that I find my father. I will leave once I find my father and I'm willing to pay for my stay here for the time being".

Shengli rolled his eyes and was about to say something when Feiye laughed softly, "Pay me? What an interesting child! ", and his expression became serious. " I'm sorry for your loss. You can stay here as long as you like. I'll help you meet up with your father. I hope everything goes well. Make yourself at home. I see you're well acquainted with my son. I have a daughter around your age too. She's staying with my older brother now and will be back here soon. I hope you get along with her as well",he smiled and told Shengli, "Tell the servants to prepare the room next to MingXue's room and show her around the Manor. Also get changed and join me for dinner".

Shengli nodded and Xing bowed and said in a soft and clear voice, " Many thanks to Lord Huang for helping me", when Shengli grabbed her hand and said, "We'll take our leave". Feiye told Xing, "Well Jia Xing, you don't have to be formal with me. Call me Uncle Feiye from now on. I don't like it when I'm called 'Lord'", with a wide smile. Xing smiled back and said, " Fine then, Uncle Feiye, I'll join you for dinner later" and they both left, closing the door.

You are my uncle! Xing thought.

Feiye leaned back on the chair and rubbed his forehead. He let out a deep sigh. Táng MingLing had passed away and her daughter is here to find her father, his little brother. Ao Tian had never married, nor been with a woman since her mother. He only adopted a son. Feiye remembered the day he first saw Jia Xing when she was just born and also another time at a distance when he went to pick up Shengli. Even then Ming Ling asked him not to reveal them to AoTian. This niece of his was always a mystery,even her hair colour had changed from when she was born, so Feiye listened to MingLing's request.

But why did she send her here now after her death leaving everything to be dealt by me? My hot-headed brother will kill me without questioning if he knows I hid his daughter from him all this time.

Also the way Shengli behaves with Jia Xing is also intimate.Feiye had noticed his actions and he immediately realised Shengli's intentions towards her. This is the first time he has seen him this close to a woman. He felt happy for him, but his brother won't be easy to deal with. Feiye thought seriously, if he should hide the fact forever and keep his niece with himself. But it would be unfair to everyone involved. So he decided to face the music, whatever it may lead to in the future. He sighed resting his forehead on his hands and muttered, "The girl with the regal mark is back in the imperial capital with the lost third prince just when the emperor is getting serious about ruling the kingdom and she is the daughter of the Prime Minister. Let's see what changes it may bring", to himself and poured a cup of tea to drink.

As Xing and Shengli left the room, he told the steward to prepare her room. He then pulled her hand in the opposite direction.

"Wait, where are we going?"

"My room, of course", he winked and took her passing through many corridors. Xing couldn't make head or tails of the topography. It was like she was walking in a maze. Shengli pulled her in a room and shut the door. Xing looked around and saw the big room. It had a study area separated by wooden screens to the bed area. All the furnishings were mahogany. It felt comfortable and lavish. She went and sat on the bed while he was making tea.

Xing wondered if Lord Feiye already knew about her. It's not like everyone can say she's a girl while she's in men's clothes. Also he said he'll help meet, not find her father. So he already knows, that's why he asked her to call him Uncle. She knitted her brows, just what kind of coincidence brought me to my uncle's house.

Shenglie made the tea and brought her a cup. This girl has no sense of danger, the moment she entered a man's room, she's sitting on his bed. He smiled shaking his head. Seeing her deep in thought he asked,

"What are you thinking so deeply. I told you father will let you stay here didn't I?", he gave a cup to her and held her hand.

" He is my uncle, Shengli", she said looking in his eyes.

Shengli looked at her eyes and knew she's serious, "You think so? " only to be met with her surprised look, "You believe me?", she asked and he smiled and patted her head. Of course I'll believe you!

Xing didn't know his thoughts and spoke further, "I'm not sure how but somehow I can feel the relationships connected by blood. I also feel that Uncle Feiye is actually your cousin. Would that be right? I didn't feel these things before.. "

"How do you…? This…, even people in the capital forgot this..", he was shocked. It was said the chosen ones from the Shu family had that capability and even they had no such person this generation.

" Really? Huang family is related to the Imperial Family?"

"Yes, my Imperial father's blood sister was the previous Lady Huang".

"Oh! So my grandmother is your Aunt?"

"Yes", he said immediately and remembered when she asked previously if they are related.

"And that makes you my uncle, we are doomed", she said giggling, "Uncle Shengli, you are an elder generation. I should be respecting you and that's why we can't marry", she poked his arms.

"Jia Xing! Never say such a thing ever again", he closed her mouth with his hand and shouted with traces of anger and embarrassment visible on his face, " I won't let you go for such a stupid reason. Remember that ". I've been waiting for you for this long and should let you go for this reason? No way! We are not even that closely related.

Seeing his reaction she pulled his hand from her mouth and kissed his cheek. Mmm! Even kissing him in the cheek feels different!

"So my father is a Huang? Too bad, I wanted some poor father"

"You are unbelievable! You know most people want to at least have a look at the Huang family and yet you are like this", Shengli sat beside her leaning on the headboard.

" I don't want the life of the rich and powerful. Ah! If only I hadn't promised my mother, I would leave now", Xing murmured.

" It'll be fine", he rubbed her head, "I'm here, right?"

"Mmm, I know", she grabbed his hand and kissed it. She then straddled on his lap surprising Shengli. With her face just inches away from his, she said, "My Prince, why did you bring me to your room? You are not planning something, are you?", she smiled coquettishly.

Shengli was shocked by this sudden development. Weren't they talking about serious issues just then? He looked at her eyes, her red lips and the smell of jasmine from her mouth from the tea she previously drank made his body to heat up.

Okay! What is going on? Why is my dream so vivid today?

She trailed her index finger along his forehead and kissed his eye, "One glance from you makes me feel weird", she kissed his nose, " Ever since you kissed me in the rooftop, I am feeling different", she nibbled his earlobes, "I can't even breath properly", she whispered and he moaned slightly, she then placed her hand in his jaw, looked at his almost closed eyes and licked his lips, "The taste of your mouth",she gently bit his lower lip, "makes me want to eat you whole" she whispered, she could feel his lower part reacting and she could feel the warmth in her legs. She kissed him deeply with both their tongues intertwining and let go when both were out of breath. She hugged his neck closely and whispered in his ears. He flinched at her breath on his neck, "So, what are you going to do about it? ",she said looking at him provocatively.