Meeting One of Her Heroes - Great General Zhong

" If it's not AoTian's boy who always gets lost", a dominant and loud voice came from the carriage that stopped. Xing saw a tall and muscular man with greyed hair and thick facial hairs that almost hid his face. He was at least sixty but he was really active and he looked like a bear and Xing recognised the sword by his waist. So he must be the great General Zhong who protected the borders in the past, Xing was overwhelmed. She had seen him leading in the battle once from a distance seven years back and he was one of the persons she had always wanted to meet. This Great General with his armour and his broadsword charged into the enemies fearlessly and ended the war that spanned for almost a decade.

Didn't think he was an old man! Wow! Amazing!

" Get in", his voice echoed in the streets. Rijun jerked a bit and bowed and said, " Greetings Lord Zhong" and pushed Xing's head to bow. Xing who was staring in admiration immediately greeted, " Greetings great General Zhong. It is an honour". Lord Zhong squinted his eyes, " No one has called me that for a long time", he scanned her from head to toe and smirked. " Aren't you going to the Huang Jasmine Manor? Get in", he commanded and both got in.

Xing was starstruck and could not keep her mouth shut and started talking non-stop about how amazing he is, ignoring Rijun who was prompting her to stop talking by pinching her hands.

Lord Zhong, also known as Great General and also nicknamed 'Fierce Grizzly' was a man feared and respected by the entire kingdom, not only because of his services to the kingdom but also because the army of the Zhong clan was the best army for years and also the devil-may-care attitude of his. Even the previous Emperor was scared of him. It was told that he had never laughed in his life and there was a myth in the city that he eats unruly children. Even Rijun was scared of him even though his father had a good relationship with him as he was raised in the Zhong Manor.

What Lord Zhong hated the most was flattery and here his stupid sister is flattering non-stop,Rijun sighed.

Why should I care about her? Who cares if he eats her?

"Old man! This is the same sword you brought to the final battle, right?", Xing asked Lord Zhong starry-eyed as if she had found a treasure.

Rijun almost vomited blood, What? Old man? He is the most respected General and she calls him old man like he's some soup stall owner? Has she gone mad? Is the general going to kill her? Should I escape? Will father hold it against me if I escape alone? Fine, I'll see through it.

Rijun tried to decrease his presence by merging himself with the walls of the carriage. I'm not getting involved with the grizzly!

But to his bewilderment, he heard a laugh. What? The fierce grizzly with frozen expressions can laugh? Rijun was shocked and looked at Lord Zhong .

Lord Zhong was a veteran who has seen many wars and spilled much blood for his country and of course he had many scars as proof. This has made him look tough and people find it hard to get along with him especially kids, who'd run away screaming from him. But the brat in front of him was looking at him starry-eyed. He had already found out at first look that the one in male attires is a girl as he had seen all kinds of body types of men in his years of training soldiers and this one's is not that of a man's.

Lord Zhong was already informed of the 'sudden' arrival of AoTian's daughter by him and he had guessed this should be the one as she was with Rijun. But she was not really what he expected and he was pleasantly surprised.

" This sword?", he asked with raised eyebrows. "You want to hold it?", he gave it to her. Rijun by the side who was sitting holding his breath tried to stop her but she didn't even look at him.

Wait! She is not getting killed?

" I can?", she asked happily with her eyes wide open and accepted it with both her hands. Her hands dragged down as she said, " Whoa! Old man! Your sword sure is heavy" with a wide grin and eyes wide.

Lord Zhong watched Xing with a smile as she unsheathed the sword and gently traced her finger by the sword as if it was a precious thing with a smile. "Little Brat, do you practice sword?" he asked with a gentle voice. " A little...No..I'm pretty good actually. Although I don't know how good I'll be against you!", Xing answered truthfully making Rijun roll his eyes, Has she had ever heard of Modesty?

" Ha ha ha, but you are scrawny. You'll be crushed by me", he laughed.

" Come on old man. It would be a shame if I don't fight against this sword. So let's have a match! ", she pleaded.

" Fine, fine", he clapped her back which made her almost fall down. He turned at Rijun who was sitting like a stone, " You still can't find your way home? What a peculiar boy! ". Rijun squirmed in his place and said in a soft tone, " Lord Zhong, that..". Luckily they have reached the Manor and the steward welcomed them in, while Lord Feiye himself met him halfway.

" Greetings Lord Zhong, you didn't have to visit this humble home", he bowed.

" Ah! Skip the formalities, Feiye. I found these two wandering and brought back. Also I wanted to have a match with this brat", he walked in. Feiye saw Xing dragging the endearingly laughing great General and looked at Rijun questioningly. Rijun shrugged and walked behind them to watch followed by Feiye.

Xing had the toughest training that day. Even though the old man was above sixty, he was really strong and his movements were fast. But no one can beat Xing in speed and techniques in swordplay. So after playing for a while Xing beat him with her sword on his neck leaving everyone shocked. Xing stretched her hands and massaged her palms that were almost wounded by the strength of his sword.," Old man! you are really strong. I almost lost to you", Xing said.

" Little brat, don't joke. I know you went easy on this old man", he laughed slapping her back, "You have good techniques "

Lord Zhong realised it was Master He who refused to train the royals back then who should have taught her. He then grabbed her hands and took a good look at the calluses she had on both of her hands as a result of using swords. " Tell me honestly, did he teach you a double sword technique? "

Xing's face got serious and she looked at him, " Yes, but my master said it is not for everyone".

She then pulled her hand remembering how the ten year old her was trapped in a cave for six months not even meeting her mother or Haru, while she was taught that technique and he made her train until her soul left her body. He made her promise not to use this technique lightly and to keep that a secret. Seriously! Why make her train this hard only to make her not use it freely. Honestly, Xing is still confused as if the one in the cave was her master or someone entirely different. But overall it was a nice experience for someone like her who was obsessed with swords. The corners of her lips got raised and she looked at Lord Zhong and said, " Old man, let me make you tea. You must be tired" and walked out. Feiye shook his head at the petrified Rijun. How come a girl can handle sword like this?He can't accept a single blow from Lord Zhong's sword. Even Huojin haven't won against his father once. But she.., Lord Zhong must have gone easy in her, he concluded. But... He did not right? Rijun cannot help but get impressed by his sister.

" Wrong way!", Feiye shouted at Xing. She gave an embarrassing smile and went the right way escorted by the maids.

As they sat around the stone table, she finished preparing the tea and poured tea in their cups as they sipped it slowly. The servants placed different snacks to go with the tea. Lord Zhong immediately became fan of Xing's tea and said many words of praises which surprised every one. Lord Zhong asked Xing, " You are good in martial arts, you make great tea,how old are you this year?".

" I'm seventeen", she replied.

" My Huojin is going to be twenty four this year and still haven't taken a wife",he said in a low voice. Seeing where this conversation leads to Xing immediately refused him as she had no such intentions, which greatly sorrowed Lord Zhong and he soon left. Surely out of his two sons,only Huojin was a responsible man when the other one wandered around spending money on women, wine and gambling. It would be a good match if someone like Xing would become wife of Huojin. And not many can be equal in status to the Huang and Zhong families. A tie between both families would be beneficial for both of them. But he didn't want to force her either.

Xing went and took a bath and changed her clothes to simple women's clothing. She followed the maid she was assigned to the dining hall. They had breakfast and dinner together in the main hall everyday in her Uncle's Manor.

As she reached the hall both her uncle and Rijun were waiting and she joined them for dinner. After dinner Xing asked for speed GO match with Rijun and the loser has to drink a cup of strong wine. Rijun was a scholar better at the four arts. So he confidently agreed but he did the mistake of not knowing one's opponent.

Luckily her brother's alcohol tolerance was not high as his ego or Jealousy. He got drunk after just two cups and he was not a happy drunk.

" You.., not only you dared to shout at father, you also had to be good at martial arts and GO and your tea making skills are amazing. What else are you good at? You want to take father from me. Don't you? Don't you", he asked angrily. Feiye watching them from the side shook his head in disappointment but didn't say anything seeing Xing looked like she wanted him to snap. Rijun was always composed and he never wore his heart on his sleeves. He never spoke his mind or lost his composure. It's probably best if he lets himself go one in a while , he thought. Rijun continued his rambling seeing Xing nonchalantly downing alcohol ,

" You know what? Father never asked me anything like those other fathers who continuously pester their sons to achieve greatness.. He never pestered me. He never cared about me. I poured all my blood and sweat to master all the four arts hoping that would make him look at me, but I failed to even move him a little. He didn't even cared when I decided to write the imperial court exams. He didn't have an ounce of happiness when I passed the exams as a topper. When I asked him if I could leave home, he didn't even mind a little and told me to do what I like. You on the other hand, all you had to do was give him a hairpin to move him to tears.In the end I'm only the stolen son of the Prime Minister and you his blood. How can we even compete? I'm a fool to think that father ever loved me",his voice trembled a bit but his face changed to a scowl the next moment, " You… why don't you go back to the hole you climbed up from huh? Just leave and don't come back. We don't need you.. We were fine without you … "

Just then a shattering sound was heard, followed by an angry voice, " Rijun, that's enough. You are crossing the line ". Feiye had thrown the cup in his hand and was angrily staring at Rijun. Rijun was flabbergasted seeing the ever smiling Feiye to have such an angry expression.

"You are right, Uncle", he smiled miserably, " I, the stolen son has indeed crossed the line against the legal daughter. I really…", before he finished a slap landed on the table.,

" Boy! Get a grip on yourself. You are the one calling yourself stolen son and you have the heart to accuse her for something she didn't have a say? ", saying this he poured tea for him," Now drink this and sober up. Then we can talk".

Xing watched her uncle's actions and thought that he can think logically in any situation. Rijun drank the tea in silence and he sobered up. He looked at Xing and realised what he had said.

I was jealous of her, weren't I? It took years for me to learn everything and I am not the best at most things, but she is doing everything with ease and she is even the best at what she does! How childish of me! How pathetic am I?

His forehead landed on the table with a bang. " Brother, are you ok?", Xing's concerned voice was heard which made Rijun want to bury himself in a hole immediately.

Seriously! After all I said she's still concerned about me? Is she a fool? Honestly, she really can piss me off. When has I ever been so uncouth? Shouldn't she be the one angry at me for having her father to myself all this time? I'm the elder one and I behaved like a brat. I have to apologise.

Rijun looked at Xing who was looking at him with a genuinely compassionate face and his heart moved, " Mingxia, this big brother said some pretty hurtful words back then all of which could not be blamed on alcohol. So please forgive me. " and bowed his head. Xing got up and patted his back," Brother there is absolutely no need for you to apologise. Let's resolve this first. No matter what, you are father's son. That won't change ever. Trust me. I bet father would agree with me too".

I really want to get along with you!

Rijun looked at her and was amazed by her mature demeanour. Wouldn't others throw a tantrum in such situations?

Feiye told Rijun , " She is right, son! You say your father didn't care. But he did his best to make sure you do what you wanted and not what others want you to do. Even if you ended up a silk pants, he would have loved you the same. Only I know the commotion he made at the restaurant after you passed the exams telling everyone there that his son was the topper. Also the Jing family young master who gave you the 'stolen son' nickname running through the main street in his undergarments chased by dogs, I can swear that was not an accident. Even now all the families want to give their daughter to you, but he refused everyone saying you'll be the one choosing your wife. Your father may be awkward in showing his love for you but never doubt his love. Only I know how proud he is of you being where you are with your own efforts. I know he misses the little boy who would sleep with him till he was six and followed him everywhere calling him 'daddy' ! So boy, don't be insecure and be happy with what you have because you have the best father and now a good sister has joined your family", Feiye said with a loving tone.

Xing patted his back, " See brother, father really loves you. And let's not look back at the past and look forward to the future. Let's not rack our brains for what or why our parents did what they did! Also you don't have to be jealous of me"

Rijun whose eyes were clouded took a deep breath. He felt his heart got lighter. He patted her head, " Little sister, Don't think too much of yourself. I'll never be jealous of you ". Xing saw her brother smiling like a child and felt happy. Feiye pulled them both together and laughed," It's always good to see siblings get along".

Xing then saw the bunch of documents her brother had and looked through it. "You have a lot of work it seems. You need my help?", she asked him. Xing was already bored and if she didn't find something to do it will be bad.

"You can?", Rijun had doubts in your eyes.

Xing placed her hands on his shoulders, "Brother dear, I can read and write four languages, the Guyu one, our language and language of the water and earth Kingdom. Also I can speak the sky kingdom's language. I bet I could learn to write it in a day too. Still don't want my help? ", she grinned.

Rijun sighed deeply, " Of course you know more than me. What was I thinking? Help me copy these documents. If you want, translate these documents to the ancient language too".

He had already given up on trying to question her abilities.

"Ok, you can check too. But is it really ok for me to see these official documents?"

"It's fine, fine. But, Keep it a secret or else our entire family will be executed ", he winked. Well! It's not bad to have an assistant too!

Xing laughed and sat beside him and started to translate the documents. After she finished, Rijun checked and was pleased, " You have a strong and elegant handwriting. It is perfect ", he smiled.

" Why are you still using the ancient language?", she asked.

" You know, all the important events and edicts are written in the Guyu language and stored in the archives in the library. Documents starting from when the empire is formed are stored there and still maintained in good condition. Even some emperors had stored their personal journals there. For now only people who know the ancient language in our kingdom can be counted with the fingers including you. I only started learning it four years back when this Emperor refused to do his work. But, how did you learn it anyway? "

"I grew up speaking Guyu language till five and Shengli taught me to write it. But once I learned that language, other languages were easy since they are based on the ancient language... So if the archives are that well maintained, there will be more reading materials right? Take me there", she said with a glint in her eyes. Books are life!

Grew up speaking the Guyu language? Rijun thought. Isn't it language of the gods? Well! Whatever! I am not going to be surprised by her anymore! I give up!

"Only the emperor is allowed to read there. Others cannot even enter without special permission ", Rijun said giving her another document to translate.

" It should be good to be emperor. I really wanted to learn about the Scarlet Tiger. Imagine you there.. touching the same papers and documents as him... Reading his hand written notes... But, I can't enter? This sucks. But can father get special permission? ", she gleamed .

" You are the TianShi Emperor's admirer? But even father has to wait to get permission. Even so women aren't allowed in the Imperial Library ", he replied. This girl! She is more interested in swords and books!

" What's with women can't enter? You are all bigots. It's your loss someone like me can't enter the library anyway ", she sneered.

" Well I agree it is a shame, sister. Now help me finish my work ", he patted her head. He really thought it is a shame someone as impressive as her cannot be able to enter the court or government affairs just because she is a woman. It is pitiful the only way a woman can enter the palace is by entering the inner palace and she still cannot involve in politics. Just how beneficial would it be for the government to have an official like her? But this kind of thing is impossible.