Spring Banquet - Meeting an Old Acquaintance

Xing finished all the reading materials she brought from her brother on the day of the banquet. She slept peacefully till afternoon when Xu Mama brought her heavy palace clothings for her to wear to attend the banquet. She took bath in floral water which greatly refreshed her. After that nearly ten maids surrounded her and started doing stuff around her and she felt heavy after they were finished. Xu mama praised her with clouded eyes that she is a heavenly beauty and no sensible man can take his eyes of her today. Xing looked at the mirror and her hair was made into several buns and almost a hundred pins were pushed in there. Also her face was painted almost identical to an opera performer and the clothes were so heavy it made her movements restricted.

There is no friggin way I'm putting myself through this tribulation today, she decided.

So after thanking them for their hard work, she excused them so she can rest for a while.

As the last maid left, she started removing the layer upon layer of clothes and the surplus amount of hairpins in her hair. She washed her face with water and applied the hair oil to change her hair colour and wore her usual makeup. She then wore the bright blue men's attire Haru had sent and braided her hair as usual.

She then jumped the window and walked towards her brother's courtyard. She peeked through the window and Rijun noted Xing in male outfit, peeking and placed his palm on his head. Their father had already planned to show off his daughter in today's banquet, but looking at her, she did not seem like she cared.

He let out a deep sigh and sent all those who were serving him out since he almost finished getting dressed. He was dressed in light blue palace robes with crane embroidery in the chest that accentuated his scholarly looks and pale skin.

"You look handsome brother. I bet all the women will be looking at you today", she smiled. He got flustered by her praise for a moment. Then he called her in and said, "Seriously sister, have you no sense of proprietary?"

"What sense of…. ,aren't you dressed?", she asked confused.

I am but you cannot just barge in here, he wanted to say it but it won't matter to this brazen fellow.

" Why are you here? Aren't you getting dressed?", he asked tying his hair.

"Yes, there is that problem. I was dressed like a doll and didn't like it. So I decided to go like this", she said and jumped in.

"You cannot braid your hair in formal banquets. Pull your hair up", Rijun said.

Seriously! More rules?

Xing sighed and she pulled half her hair to her crown and placed a red jade hairpin belonging to her brother and got out.

" You are going to attend the banquet dressed as a man? Father won't be pleased ", Rijun told skeptically.

"Well yes, now shouldn't you leave early? Let's leave before father notices. Come on", then she dragged him towards the main entrance of the manor before he said something. As they were about to reach the garden, they were stopped by a voice,

"Where are you two sneaking out? ". Both Rijun and Xing stood still in their steps. They turned slowly to face their father. Rijun silently cursed his sister for making him run away from his father as if he did something wrong.

" She didn't listen to me ", he pointed at her and shamelessly lied,while Xing looked at her father with her eyes bright and shining. Xing realised this kind of look easily fools all those old mongers.

"Both of you, get to my study", he said and walked briskly. Rijun pinched her arm , " It's all your fault father is angry. Now for the first time in my life I'll be punished ", he frowned.

"Oh! Don't be so over dramatic", she rolled her eyes, "Let's not lose the way. Come on", she ran behind her father followed by the not so happy Rijun.

AoTian entered his study and waved all the servants out and sat in his seat.  Xing noticed even her father's study table was neat and well arranged, unlike Rijun's study. There were less furnishings and each was exquisitely made and nothing there didn't have a purpose. There weren't many books there but a few old books Xing haven't read was there. Seeing her appreciative looks, AoTian was overjoyed.

Guess his daughter has the same tastes as him.

"You can use this study whenever you want", he said.

"Thank you Father, I will", she smiled.

"Make tea for me, Mingxia! Father haven't drank your tea for a while ", AoTian pointed at the small stove in there. Xing nodded and Rijun followed to help her with the fire and she made the tea and gave a cup to Rijun and her father before sitting in front of her father with a cup for herself.

"Mmm, good", AoTian smiled in appreciation and Xing felt a warmth in her chest.

Having a father is not bad, she thought.

After finishing his cup, Rijun asked for leave to which AoTian dismissively said,

"We could go there just before 'He' arrives. You are the prime minister's son, not a personal servant. That 'snotty brat' can dress himself or he can find those eunuchs to help. You don't have to be a slave to him".

Xing realised the 'He' and 'snotty brat' her father mentioned was the Emperor and could not help but laugh.

Rijun pursed his lips and sat down. Right now he can only imagine a war zone in the Emperor's room. After downing another couple of cups of tea, AoTian asked Xing,

"You are good with a sword, aren't you? Lord Zhong rarely appreciates others", he said.

"Yes father", she replied.

AoTian got up and picked up a sword in a decorative scabbard with precious stones fixed on it.

Xing got it and pulled out the sword. It was a double edged sword and it was sharp and not very heavy, felt just right for her. On the blade there was the engraving of the character 'trust' ( 信赖).

Rijun was shocked to see his father giving a sword to his sister. Their kingdom forbade women to touch weapons unless the men in the family are imbeciles. In their family even though no one was great at martial arts, it's not like they cannot protect her either. So he could realise how much his conservative father would have contemplated before taking this decision of giving this sword to his daughter, whom he thinks as the last remnant of his wife's memories and the treasure of the family. Sister! Do you realise father's love for you?

He saw Xing admiring the sword and was smiling unconsciously and Rijun thought about her unimpressed expression in the storehouse filled with jewellery . She had the same reaction as now when she was given Lord Zhong's sword too.

AoTian was pleased that she liked the sword,

" You can have it for yourself, also bring it for today's banquet too"

"But are swords allowed in the banquet near the Emperor? ", Xing asked with surprise.

"Yes, after all the Prime Minister cannot attend a banquet without his personal guard", he smirked.

Father really pampers her too much! Rijun thought.

AoTian knew Xing would attend the event somehow if she wanted to, so the best way is to keep her close to him and well armed to protect herself.

"But", he continued " You must make sure you have to back off from trouble and protect only  yourself no matter what. I'll take you only if you agree", he said in a firm tone but Xing could feel the care and concern he had for her and she felt warm in her heart.

Xing realised that that imposter had not been caught till now. So it's better if she just plays along by attending the banquet.

"Yes Father, as you wish", she agreed readily and held the sword in her waist happily. She was happy she could attend the banquet. But her mood changed when she thought if that Emperor might identify her. But he had only seen her eyes and even Huojin could not identify her, so it is less likely the Emperor would too, right?

Soon the three of them left in a carriage well decorated, that has the flags of the prime minister and also the Huang household 's Eagle flag. Xing saw the grand Royal road decorated with lanterns. Everyone gave way for their carriage and bowed deeply standing on the sides. Other carriages stopped giving way to them. Guess this is what feels to be a powerful person in the city, Xing thought.

As they reached the palace, they got down. Since it was Xing's first time in the palace she looked around. A carpet was spread to welcome the guests and there were flowers arranged on the sides spreading the spring fragrance.

As soon as they got down, an eunuch bowed before them and begged for Rijun's help to dress the emperor. AoTian harrumphed and waved his hand to Rijun allowing him to leave. "Throwing tantrums like an infant", AoTian murmured and Xing laughed behind her sleeves.

Just as they were about to step forward, a loud voice stopped them, "Hey brat, you came". Xing turned and saw Lord Zhong with his wife and Huojin and another man dressed in bright red robes.

She could recognise that smug faced, silver tongued, careless pretty boy anywhere, because Seiran was her drinking games opponent back in the Heavenly Flowers Palace. They had bad blood between them because he never accepted her wins.

She gave a glare at him and bowed at Lord Zhong, " Greetings Oldman". Everyone around them froze and Huojin's jaw almost dropped to the ground.

"Who are you calling Old man? ", he asked. Not only the biggest flirt he met days ago is here with the Trust sword along with the Prime minister but also he had the audacity to call his father, the Great General, old man? He was angry.

AoTian looked at Xing with surprise too. But to everyone's surprise, Lord Zhong laughed,

" Greetings brat, now come to this old man".

Lord Zhong really wanted to bring her to his home.

Xing looked at AoTian who had gained his composure now. "Lord Zhong, he is with me. Why don't you go in first", AoTian said with a fake smile that contained a warning undertone.

"I half expected you to be here, but didn't think you'd appear with the Prime Minister", Seiran said walking towards her.

"I didn't expect you to be the Great General's son either ", Xing smirked.

He never let anyone know he was a Zhong.

"Look the kids are getting along", Lord Zhong patted AoTian's back.

"Who is getting along?", both Xing and Seiren  shouted at the same time.

"You women stealer", Seiran gritted his teeth.

"Says the one who lost the drinking bet. I won the bet fair and square. How is that stealing?", Xing smiled meaningfully.

"I paid for her", he sneered.

"And you lost", she laughed. Everyone around were confused and Xing explained how she won a drinking bet and got a night with Lady Camomile, two years ago.

AoTian and Lord Zhong had no words to spare since they both know her to be a woman. Just what kind of life did she lead?

Huojin oblivious to the others thoughts laughed mockingly at his brother, when Lord Zhong spoke,

"AoTian, you should send him to my Manor. I really like him. He'll suit my son more"

"Father it is ok, he is working for Shengli. He even said he belongs to him. ", Huojin replied without understanding what his father implied.

Lord Zhong sighed deeply, "Belongs to Shengli? My son indeed is stupid! ", he mumbled and gave an inquiring glance at AoTian.

"That's how it is ", AoTian frowned, " We cannot intrude in matters of heart".

Xing looked at her father in admiration, while Lord Zhong had a sad look which Xing could not understand. Huojin, the big blockhead was wondering why working under someone is a matter of heart.

But Huojin suddenly realised something and asked his brother, "Why did you expect him to be here?"

"What? You didn't know, he is the famous Lord Táng of the Western Province. But why is he with the Prime minister? " he pointed at Xing.

"I'm his relative and what's that with you, you loser?", Xing was about to pounce on him for exposing her secret easily when a hand grabbed her wrist.