Got Recognised by the Emperor

Just then Xing felt her hand being pulled hardly from the back. "What the.. ?", she gasped as she remembered Haru's not watching her back and looking at Shengli's reaction, her first instinct was to punch. She held her punch seeing the one who pulled her was the emperor.

Great! I have actually almost punched him! Now what, will they chop my hand off?

Hearing her voice, Shengli saw Xing was pulled by the emperor. Xing saw Shengli 's first expression when she was pulled was fear and panic like he was losing something . She wondered why he would be scared if she was pulled by his brother. From his angle he could clearly see the one pulling her was the Emperor. But why would he be showing this kind of expression?

But soon his expression changed and he nodded his head, smiling. She looked at the Emperor and he dragged her through the back surrounded by the imperial guards, without saying anything which pissed her off greatly. His grip was tight and she cannot yank her hand out of his grasp.

Xing looked back at her father and brother surrounded by the guards and her uncle was nowhere to be seen and the Zhong men all fighting off the assassins who had already entered the second level of the seatings.

Xing was annoyed to death being pulled along by the Emperor but she was unable to punch him because they were surrounded by the guards and one cannot punch an emperor unless they have a death wish for their entire family.

"Let go", she gritted her teeth. "You have your guards. I am Lord AoTian's bodyguard. Now let go", she tried to pull her hands, but his grip was too strong.

Has he gone deaf?

"That sword you are having... " the Emperor looked at her and let her hand go after a while. Somehow looking at his calm eyes quelled her anger slightly. The last thing she would want is  to be dragged along someone else's pace.

As she calmed down, she realised the guards around them are acting weird. Their posture revealed that they were well trained but their aura were not as that of protection but murderous and they were following too close for comfort.

This obnoxious Emperor, he realised it early didn't he? Is that why he dragged me along? Is that why Shengli nodded at me too?

Xing felt glad that Shengli thought she could handle them.

But she remembered that her father wanted her to only protect herself. But by the situation now, if the Emperor is killed by them, being the last person seen with him, she'll be in trouble. Also those assassins won't let her go in peace too. So for now saving the Emperor is saving herself, so she's not going against her father's wishes too right?

"This sword", she put her hand in the hilt of the sword, "Lord Huang AoTian gave it to me today. You know this sword, Your Majesty? ", Xing looked at him. In the lantern light, she saw the two swords one in a black and another one in white decorated scabbard on his waist. She wanted to hold those swords but it is not possible now.

"This is the one with 'trust' engraved in it right? Apparently, My imperial father made this sword to give it to the one he choose to be the Regent when he was sick in his last days. Didn't know it was given to Lord AoTian until I read the records. But I didn't think Prime Minister AoTian would give it to you that easily. Also you made Prime Minister AoTian lose his control tonight by just a word and you are wearing Rijun's priced hairpin. Tell me who are you to them? ", he looked at her firmly.

"Rijun's priced hairpin?", Xing touched the hairpin on her head and remembered she took the hairpin lying on his vanity without asking him anything. She also remembered the hairpin the Emperor was wearing that day in the Western Province was also similar to this one.

Both having similar hairpins, could it be a lover's gift? But Brother didn't mind me taking it right? Is the Emperor's feelings one sided? That could be true, since my brother is one of the densest person in these matters. So, that must be why the Emperor tries to keep him close by making him do trivial things for him.

Xing felt bad for the Emperor as she reached to these conclusions all on her own.

Seeing her making different expressions and finally a look of pity at him, the Emperor was confused, "What's with that look? ", he knitted his brows.

"Your Majesty, It must be really hard for you to get your feelings not returned. I swear I'll give your gift back to Brother Rijun impeccably and put in good words for you while at it too", she bowed.

She thought he would be happy but his entire face twitched in anger, "You, what are you imagining? It was not my gift. His father gave it to him for passing the court exams and he won't let anyone to even touch it. Lord AoTian gave me the same hairpin too. That is what I meant and nothing else. What feelings not returned? This emperor likes women ", he shouted at her.

Great! Trying to punch him and now angering him! Nice going, Xing! You and your blabbering mouth!

"Oh! Ok, My bad", she smiled awkwardly, "Your Majesty, but where are we going?", she changed the topic.

It's not all my fault! You shouldn't have dragged me here! Xing thought.

"Somewhere safe, but you haven't answered me yet, who are you?", the Emperor fixed his eyes on her.

"I'm a relative of the Huang family. Huang Rijun is my cousin. I recently got here from the Western Province and currently staying in the Prime Minister's Manor",she looked back at him. Although she didn't give him all the details, she didn't lie either, so she was confident.

"Hmmm", he stopped his steps, "Usually one will introduce themselves by their names first. But it's fine. I'll call you Lord Táng", he bent and touched her nose.

Xing realised this emperor had found out, but how? She pushed his hand unconsciously and wiped her nose.

"Did Zhong Huojin tell you?", she asked surprised.

"You are not denying, then it's true", he laughed. Right now they were standing in what seemed like a training ground with empty space around them surrounded by trees at the distance around the ground.

"I realised it was you the moment I saw your eyes and the way you stared back at me. No one else has the guts to look me in the eyes", he smiled. Xing couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

You recognised me, with just my eyes? How do people even believe you are dumb?

"Your majesty is wise"

"You know, the day after I met you, I met my brother almost after a decade. Guess you really are a  person bringing good luck like that woman who kissed you said. That's why I want you by my side always. See, you are already here while you said there was no chance of you being here back then. Hope you will fulfil the promise of becoming a official too", he grinned .

Xing remembered her mother's death as the Emperor brought up that day and she felt bitter.

"The day after I met you, my mother died and I had to leave the place I grew up and I ended up here. Guess you are..", she stopped what she was about to say seeing his hurt face.

Oh, Xing! Why do you have to run your mouth with this person, the person you should avoid like plague and the worst thing is, you are making him angry and sad. Last time he cried in front of you and this time you hurt his feelings. Nice going! Just speak less!

Xing sighed and tried to explain when suddenly they were surrounded by the ten men dressed as the imperial guards. She thought the emperor would draw his sword too but he just stood there like a tree. She clicked her tongue and shouted, "Are your swords for decoration? You even have two of them"

He laughed, "Yes, because I want to see you in action again "

"Shameless", she muttered and took her sword out of the scabbard, "At least don't get in my way", she glared at the Emperor and started to fence off the assassins attacks.

She never attacks first and by the way those assassins were acting it was as if they were more interested in her than the emperor. Are they checking her skills? Also it's been a while since she was in a real fight and also Haru is not here to watch her back. She have to be really quick. Since she realised their motive is to check her skills they are probably here to know if she is the real Lord Táng and the fake one should be watching somewhere from the distance.

Xing took a deep breath and started to attack and immobilise them one by one while the Emperor was only dodging. The assassins started falling down one by one and one grabbed her long hair fluttering by the wind along with her movements. Xing was used to her hair being braided and this caught her unexpected. "Don't touch my hair", she gritted her teeth and cut his hand in one slash as a reflex and blood started splashing. She jumped away from the blood and immobilised the other assassins.

All of them were lying down unconscious except one moaning in pain. "Shut up", she slapped him hard and he became unconscious too.

"You really love your hair", the Emperor laughed.

Seriously! How can I not punch this laughing face?

"If you knew they were not your guards, you should not leave with them to a place with no one around", she shouted at the Emperor and started braiding her hair.

" That's why I brought you with me, right? Also I'm going to the safest place in the palace", he grinned. Xing had an insatiable urge to punch his smug face but held back. She finished braiding and wrapped her hair around her neck. She then cleaned her sword and placed it in the scabbard.

"There will be more coming. Seems like they are more interested in me than you. You should stay away from me. I'll.. "

"I don't want to be alone", he sulked and walked grabbing her sleeves towards a small warehouse in the training ground.

Xing followed him mechanically and sat on the windowsill inside the small room facing outside. The emperor was standing beside her.

The moon was full spilling it's gentle light and the spring breeze brought the fragrance of the flowers from the nearby garden.

The emperor looked at the man, more like a boy sitting on the window with his robes fluttering. Somehow he looked glowing in the moonlight and his stature was too thin, yet he was so strong. His eyelashes were long and curled, his nose was straight and his small lips were plump and red. His fingers were slender and long unlike a man's. His golden hair was coiled around his neck and his bangs hid his cheek. Unknown to himself, his hand had reached near his cheek and was about to touch his hair, when he suddenly looked at him and he froze. What am I doing? He is a man, a man! he thought.

Xing looked at the bright moon and thought about the assassins and to make a sense of what was going on. The plum wine was drugged, was that a coincidence? Also those assassins waited for long before attacking. Was it sloppily planned or was their plan ruined or is it all according to their plan to just cause chaos? Nothing seems to make sense. Then she felt the intense stare and looked at the emperor's hand frozen mid-air. Just as she was about to make sense of it, a real loud grumble was heard from the emperor's stomach and he smiled awkwardly rubbing the back of his head .

"Didn't you eat in the banquet? ", Xing asked.

"All my dishes were poisoned. I couldn't eat them", he said as if it is a normal thing with a smile. Xing's heart clenched, "Why aren't you having poison tasters?"

"You know how many died in the past four years tasting my food? ", he looked at her,  "Fourteen",he smiled wryly. "So I learned to identify poisons and I can handle most poisons too. It's better this way ".

She felt sorry for him, everything under the sky belongs to him yet he is hungry because his food is poisoned.

She felt angry towards those scumbags who would do this, making a person not able to eat and make them starve, just because they want to take his place? If they got his place then wouldn't someone else do this to them too? They deserve punishments worse than death. She took the sweets she hid in her sleeves back then in the banquet and gave it to him,

"Here, these are not poisoned, eat". He smiled and got it from her hand and ate it. After his face got relaxed a bit, she asked, "Still, you are the emperor. You should take those privileges"

He scoffed, "Who gave those values to human lives? How is my life valued more than those servants? It is all nonsensical "

Xing didn't know whether to commend him for his morals or to slap the stupidity out to think he and others are same.

Does he realise his own importance? If something happens to him, countless lives will be lost and the kingdom will descend to chaos and destruction and countless common people will suffer.

But then she realised, he is not that stupid to realise it and that's why he learned to identify poisons and he is keeping those who are smart and strong beside him. He really is a wise one. She saw him gobbling the sweets and the corners of her lips raised and she felt sorry for hurting him before.

" I didn't mean what I said before about my mother... ", Xing tried her best.

" Ah that! I'm sorry for your loss", he cleared his throat. But why can't I help but feel relieved and happy that your mother's death was the reason you did not meet me that day and you are in front of me today? Sigh! I am trash for thinking this way, aren't I?

"I met the person I was waiting for long, after I met you too", she looked at the moon hanging in the sky.

" Could he be my third brother?", he questioned.

Xing knew this truth cannot be hidden for long since Huojin already knows so she agreed, " Yes, he lived with my mother and me for almost a year after he was sent away from the palace".

"You told me you didn't know about him that day. Why did you lie?", his voice grew a bit colder.

"Honestly, because You are the emperor. I didn't want to be involved in your affairs. I've never thought I'd help save the brother he always talked about. Although I wanted to talk to you about Ming Yushen, I also wanted to see his precious brother he used to mention fondly too. Also after a year, he left and I didn't hear a single thing from him again. Although I believed he is safe, that's not a proper proof and I didn't want to give false hopes to your Majesty ".

"I'm the emperor, alright", he scoffed. How many things will he lose just because he was the Emperor. There won't be people who try to kill him and there won't be people dying to protect him either. He could just travel or write a book or fall in love with a village girl or just raise cattle.

"Some Emperor you are, starving in your own Banquet", Xing scoffed, "You know you should find those who tried to poison you and cut them to pieces and feed the pigs, there are people starving without food and they dare to waste food", she fisted her hands.

"You are funny", he laughed, "You get more mad about women getting molested and you send them to be molested, yet you kiss women nonchalantly. You don't kill but when they touch your hair you chop their hand off and leave them to die. You are more worried about food waste than the poison. I have never met anyone like you", his expression softened. For some reason, he cannot stay angry with this person for long.

" No one's allowed to touch my hair. That's a rule not to be messed with. Also food wasting is another thing I hate ", she smiled and the emperor looked at her with surprise. This was the first time he was talked to in this manner but he didn't hate it.

"But don't you believe those rumours about me? Maybe I am a bad person", Xing asked.

" You had a perfect chance to kill me back there in the Western Province and you didn't. So I was willing to give you a chance. But now I have no doubts since, now I know you know my brother"

"Really? What if me and your brother are conspiring together?"

"That's impossible", he sat on the other side of the windowsill, "Because if my brother wants the throne all he has to do is ask me"

Xing was surprised to know how much he loves and trusts his brother. Guess she's not the only one who loves Shengli. Somehow his love for his brother is reciprocated and that made her happy.

"That may be so but he does not want the throne, and I know he will protect you always "

" I'm sure of that, ,but what do you think about today? ", he raised his eyebrows.

"I know it is weird. But they are definitely trying to bring chaos. And the wine was drugged with some opioids that would cloud one's judgement. They probably want you to believe your brother is trying to take your throne and I'm helping him. Too bad they don't consider your brotherly bond and I cannot find how I'm related to all this! "

"They are not wrong to think that way though. My imperial father killed all his brothers and their children and anyone with royal blood by various means. Only his blood sister and her family was spared, for some reason. I bet it was because the Princess, my Aunt, renounced her title to live a life away from the palace. Also my siblings ended up dead too somehow. It is a wonder how, I survived. Guess I am really lucky to live this long or rather unfortunate to have the burden of the throne on me", he laughed dryly.

You survived because your brother secretly protected you and there must be others who protected you too! Xing thought.

Just as they were idly chatting, the venue was cleared meticulously by the Zhong army. The surrounding assassins were intercepted by another elite branch of the Zhong army who were hidden around the venue in case the imperial guards were attacked. Haru also joined Shengli and Lord Zhong and sons to fend off the assailants trying to follow the Emperor's direction.

Shengli realising the situation in the banquet venue under control, went to search for Xing and his brother. He was really worried if it is planned by Shihong and if Xing used her ability to control wind, then she would be targeted by him and how the Emperor would react to that of he sees her.

Shengli had read in ancient scripts how some Emperors in the past had some abnormal abilities which they used for the greatness of the kingdom, but that was not the case for centuries. So why is Xing having such powers? Could the rumours about the divine ruler be truth?