Those Who are Good to Her Has Good Fortune

Only when Lord Zhong asked her the reason did Xing remembered and she stopped foolishly looking at every elegant and graceful movements of Lady Zhong. She got the box from Shengli's hands who was standing there as one of the furnitures in the room. Xing noticed him not being in his usual haughty and aloof demeanor but a more respectful one.

Is he scared of the Oldman too?, Xing thought. Why is everyone seems scared of this Oldman? Even father kneeled immediately after this Oldman told him to. But he just looks like a cute, mushy, cuddle bear and I just want to pull his beard.

Xing placed the box in front of Lord Zhong,

" Shengli said you helped resolving yesterday's issue. So it's a thank you gift from me", she spoke politely.

Lord Zhong laughed seeing her being polite and his smile froze when he opened the box. Lady Zhong gasped and closed her mouth with both hands in surprise.

"Brat! What is this?", Lord Zhong asked, his voice a bit cold.

"This is medicine and you know what for. You lied to me when you said you had a simple ailment, didn't you Oldman?", Xing asked with her eyes sharp as if it would cut him and Lord Zhong looked down feeling guilty.

Seeing him not answering, she continued, "An old prostitute who used to be kind to me in the Heavenly Flowers Palace had the same disease. Sadly I couldn't get this much herbs for her and she passed away soon. Luckily, you got medicines for at least seven months. I will try to get more and send it to you"

"Take it back! I don't want it!", Lord Zhong said softly. Lady Zhong by his side had tears rolling down her cheeks making Xing's heart bleed. Such elegant lady can only smile and cannot spill tears and she was pissed off at Lord Zhong for making his wife cry.

"Why?", she shouted placing both hands on the table, surprising everyone in the room and Shengli grabbed her hands to stop her but she shrugged him off.

Lord Zhong didn't answer but a feeble voice was heard, "He does not like medicines". It was Lady Zhong and she was glared at by Lord Zhong.

Did I hear wrong? Xing thought, The Great General who could lead troops and fight in the frontlines is scared of drinking medicines? Also who likes medicines? That's why they are called medicines and not snacks or sweets, right?

"What!", Lord Zhong shouted, "They are bitter"

So his issue with medicines is that it is bitter? How childish for a Great General who makes everyone tremble in fear both in the battlefield and in the Imperial Court?

"Stupid old man..", Xing said in a soft and firm tone, " Really now! You can spend the rest of your life with dignity you desire doing your business by your own or you can live like a baby wetting and soiling your bed with nannies changing your pants and unable to swallow your own saliva. What a pitiful way for the Great General to pass away! But, What's that got to do with me? ".

The entire study was silent for full five minutes. Xing pushed the box towards Lord Zhong and he looked at Lady Zhong who accepted it with teary eyes mouthing 'thank you' . Xing smiled and nodded her head.

Xing sighed a sigh of relief. Now one thing is handled and she only had to speak with her father before leaving this city.

Her thoughts were disturbed by the loud laugh of Lord Zhong,

"Hey brat! Where did you get this medicine?",he asked controlling his laughter.

"In the mountains", Xing replied calmly not knowing what excited this Oldman now.

Lord Zhong laughed some more, "The old prostitute, how long ago was that?"

" Four maybe five years back?", Xing wasn't sure.

The old man laughed harder and Shengli sneered with him as if he understood him. Xing blinked not knowing what was so amusing that made them this happy and started telling them how that old woman would make the best meat buns and would give her each time she visits.

Seeing him in happy mood, Xing said her goodbyes and left Lord Zhong's study.

Lord Zhong explained his wife looking at him confused and happy at the same time that she get to see her husband laughing heartfully after a very long time.

The previous Emperor passed away four years back and was sick for two years. He spent a lot of money and effort to find this same herb yet could not and died miserably while some old prostitute in a brothel got that medicine for meat buns from the very person the previous Emperor had tried to kill for years. Also him who despised the previous Emperor and was happy to see the way he died pitifully has the same disease as him but got the medicines from that same brat. Lord Zhong could not help but laugh by this twist of fate.

"Something is not right", Lord Zhong muttered. For someone who lives nearby, there is no need to give seven months worth of medicines right now and she said she'll send more medicines... Wait...

"Stop! Little brat!", he yelled, " Someone stop them".

Xing heard him, it's hard to fool a veteran like him. Why is he not dumb like Huojin?

She grabbed Shengli and started running and the guards nearby started running after them followed by Lord Zhong himself .

Shengli couldn't guess why she was running but he knew she was running in the wrong direction if she wants to get out. "Xing, you're running in the wrong direction ",he yelled.

"Really!", Xing stopped in frustration when all the guards formed a perimeter around them when Lord Zhong almost caught up.

Seriously! being directionally challenged is a pain in the ass. Also Zhong guards aren't too shabby and the Zhong Manor is a maze.

Lord Zhong approached in front of her and gave an evil grin, "Little brat! Why are you running from me?". Xing gave out an awkward laugh and Lord Zhong grabbed her by her ear, "Shengli follow us".

With the guards giving way, Lord Zhong walked in front grabbing her ears, followed by Shengli. "Let go, old man", Xing tried to pry his hands from her ear,but his grip tightened.

"Lord Zhong, please…", Shengli mumbled, "She's a girl!", he said softly but cut off by Lord Zhong's deadly stare. Fearing that his grip would tighten more, he decided to simply follow.

Seeing that nothing can stop Lord Zhong, Xing started her exceptionally well acting skills completed with tear filled eyes. She said with a loud nasal tone, "Old man, you are cruel! Is this how you treat a motherless child? Someone help! Please don't hurt this pitiful motherless child", tears flowed down her cheeks.

Lord Zhong jerked as he let go of her.

'How is she like me, that AoTian asked! How is she not like him? Shameless! Using their dead mother to gain pity! '

His face became red in embarrassment as everyone was staring and then his eyes became soft as if he was reminiscing something pleasant. Shengli rolled his eyes, with her acting pitiful! She really can act!

The old steward of the manor ran hearing the commotion and said, "My! My! Master, for a moment there I thought it was Xiao Tian shouting. Remember how back in the days whenever he was punished, he would run around shouting you are abusing a motherless child? Oh! He was an arrogant wild child doing whatever he wanted. Hmmm! Seems like a long time ago. Time really flies fast".

Father lived here? Xing thought .

Lord Zhong remembered those days when AoTian would stick to him like a shadow and a small smile crept in his mouth.

"Everyone, return to their stations", he shouted and the crowd dispersed.

"This cheeky brat…", he clicked his tongue, "Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" he muttered and looked at Xing, "Get in the study" and Xing quietly followed his words with Shengli trailing behind her.

In the study, Lord Zhong fixed his angry eyes on Shengli, "Tell me what you are planning. Why did this brat act like this?"

Shengli stood still with his head bowed for sometime. Good boy! Keep this up! Xing thought.

"Answer me!", Lord Zhong banged the table and Xing was laughing inside that her Prince cannot be scared easily.

But even before her thought was completed, he said, "We are eloping tonight" with a bowed head.

"You traitor!", Xing hit Shengli.,"You gave a lengthy explanation of 'Eloping' and the main point is to do it in secret, isn't it? You cannot tell others, stupid Prince ", she gritted her teeth.

Lady Zhong chuckled looking at both of them and Xing got embarrassed and her face blushed red that Lady Zhong got to see her unladylike behavior.

" Is it because of what that worthless father of yours said this morning? If that's the case I can discipline him more. You don't have to leave", Lord Zhong spoke softly surprising Xing.

"No! Oldman, that's not it. I... I don't want to be a bother ", Xing said softly and Shengli looked at her concerned. He knew there was more to her decision but that was not a good decision considering the situation now.

"Explain", Lord Zhong said. Xing saw the care and concern in his eyes and didn't want to hide her real thoughts.

"That Elder Shu ... He said that I will end the four High Noble families. The Shu family will end as the Elder had angered a God. Last night's incidents were solely done by that Shihong to find me and now with brother's declaration in the court, Huang family is tied with me too and Huang family might be targeted by him and maybe the Zhong family too. Also I didn't behave as I should have in the Imperial Study today. So that's why I don't want to be a bother to everyone around me", Xing said honestly making Shengli sigh.

Lord Zhong chuckled looking at her, "You act like a child.. Well! What can I say, you are a child! It's cute! ", He continued, "Brat! You won't be responsible for any of the family's fall unless you personally kill everyone in our families. And how can you say for sure that you leaving may not lead to the fall of the families? Also, do you think us Elders are just for decorations? Shihong? Well how many Shihongs have we seen throughout our life? And Huang family is involved with you even if your brother didn't announce you as a 'Godchild'. You are a Huang! Remember that! And those silly brats whom you scolded deserved it. I would have given a whiplash in that place. That damn son of mine.. I dare him to win a match against you and then call you just a woman.. I'll properly discipline him! ", Lord Zhong then continued to complain to Lady Zhong for overly pampering their son for him to grow senseless.

Xing took a deep breath and started to understand something. Till now other than her mother, she had thought only Shengli and Haru as her family and they had helped her without expecting anything back. There were others who had helped her too but they were mutually benefitted. She came here because she thought she had Shengli with her.

Although she felt things are different here, the people she had met here are really nice be it her father or brother or the Oldman, everyone tried their best to get along with her and they are considering her as family. Even though they are far away from being close as Haru or Shengli to her, still they are connected by blood and they are not the kind of people she hates too. Of course family protect each other and they would try to protect her and she can protect them too. And it would be easy to protect each other if they stay together.

"Fine, Oldman! You are right! Then I won't think of leaving for now", Xing smiled making Shengli happy too. Although they had seen many bad people, Shihong is not simple as them and she would need all the help she can get. It is better for her to stay in the protection of the Huang family now. Rijun really did good. Everyone knows the Huang family takes care of their own. Also the head of the Huang family Lord Huang Zedong is one of the most powerful man in the underground circles. If he accepts Xing as a member of the Huang family, no one can touch her.

"For now?", Lord Zhong took a deep breath, "Little brat, I know you as a girl will have to leave your home sooner or later. But will you stay in the capital city at least until the coronation?", he asked almost pleading.

"Coronation?", Xing looked at Shengli surprised, Isn't there an emperor already? Wasn't he coronated yet ? Was it because he was waiting for his brother?

Shengli understood her thoughts got beside her and held her hands and corrected her, "Xing, coronation is only done when the Emperor is at least twenty years old. The Emperor will be twenty on the fifteenth of the first month and he will be crowned that day as the Emperor with a new name and a new naming of era. For now he is called the acting Emperor and your father is technically the Regent since the 'trust sword' is entrusted to him by the previous emperor"

"Oh! Look at that", Lord Zhong exclaimed, "This person can speak paragraphs. Anyway promise me", he looked at Xing, whose grip tightened on Shengli's hands.

Another promise? Xing sighed. Ever since her mother died things are going out of her comfort zone. She can either go with the flow or fight back but she didn't mind staying here with her family. She looked at Shengli beside her, with his emerald eyes shining with the gold tint and looking at her with love in it. She remembered back then he used to talk about him going to protect his ninth brother. He would want to stay here to do that too, she assumed.

"Fine, I'll stay here. You better keep your promise of taking the medicines properly", she smiled.

"Let's seal the deal with a cup of wine", Lord Zhong grinned.

"Only if you bring out your best wine", Xing smirked.

More drinking? Shengli tried to stop Xing but she did not listen and those two were drinking like fish sharing their 'adventures'.

Geez! Why is she giving the aura of an old man now?

Lord Zhong only let her go after Lady Zhong stopped him for making a young girl drink too much and putting away all the wine. He only let her go after she promised she'll make him tea and visit him often.

Shengli took her through small alleys on the way back to her Manor. Xing felt slightly disoriented and her thoughts were all over the place, with all the alcohol she drank from the afternoon. Shengli held her firmly, feeling she is pondering about something.

"Xing, what is it?", he asked concerned placing his hands on her shoulders.

"Nothing! It's just when I saw Lord and Lady Zhong together, I wondered if it was me who prevented such happiness between my parents. If only...", before she continued, he put his index finger on her mouth, " Xing, please stop", his voice shook and she heard his heart that was beating fast as if he was scared.

Xing hugged him around his waist and he rested his forehead on her shoulder. She realised what she was about to say would have hurt him, "I'm sorry", she rubbed his back.

He faced her and asked, "Xing, who am I?".

She was confused by this question when he continued, "Now that you know the events around your birth, who was I to your mother?"

Xing realised what he meant, if mother ran without informing her father, in fear of the previous Emperor eliminating the entire Huang family for her birth, then Shengli was the son of that man she was afraid of and the man responsible for splitting up her family and the man she should have hated. But as far as she remembered, mother treated Shengli as she treated her daughter even after Shengli had scared her. But how? Why?

Shengli looking at her continued, " She knew I was the son of the one who wanted to murder her child and even more so, I personally hurt you leaving a scar on your chest. But she loved me, truly, even when…, even when the mother who birthed me didn't… ", he paused when his voice didn't come out and took a deep breath. Xing saw a single tear that rolled down his cheek and wiped it with her hand and her heart felt heavy.

He gently grabbed her hand and continued, "When I asked how she could take me in, she said 'Dear, you are just a kid. How can you be held accountable for something someone else did even if it is your father?' ",

He held her hands and kissed her palm, "The same goes for you, you cannot be held accountable for what your mother decided years ago. You should only take responsibility for what you did and nobody else . Remember that well, ok? ", he hugged her.

"Ok", Xing nodded. What her mother said is not wrong. Also Lord Zhong was right too, it's not the duty of the children to protect their parents but the other way around. So let's meet father and make sure of his exact thoughts. She should start by revealing her past to him for him to understand her better and follow the rules of their family as she is a Huang now.