Her Retaliation is Ruthlessly Fair

As Shengli and Xing left, Feiye looked at AoTian who was in deep thoughts.

"AoTian you should really admire the way the contract was written. That Lord Ming should be really good, don't you think?"

"Yes, should be... The contract explains everything and Chu Yixin has no way to claim anything. There were even witnesses to prove everything was done with his conscious mind, so he or his heirs can have no claim to those lands anymore. But why did she give twenty percentage of the profits and kept the change of ownership as secret? He still wanderers around as a Lord even though he has nothing to his name", AoTian grunted.

"Xiao Tian, you didn't know of the talks among the officials these days? Apparently the situation in the East has improved in the past year and people are receiving their salaries properly. Also many of the middle management people who worked for the Chu family had been replaced by new people and most of them are from the West and there are rumours that they are those bastard kids who grew up in the Heavenly Flowers Palace. Of course those Noble kids from there were not happy about it and tried to get rid of them but seems like the common people had grew a liking to them and even the Nobles could not do nothing much as they have the backing of the Heavenly Flowers Palace. They even talk to the government officials on behalf of people as they are well educated in the laws of the land and treat the people well too. I bet it was all part of her plan", he smirked.

AoTian's eyes widened in surprise. Of course when he had heard from the Emperor that there was someone who could give the same advise as him, he never thought that one would be his daughter.. She sure is wise.

In the Ming family's case since the Emperor intervened personally, people had no choice but to accept the change in ownership of the lands they had worked for generations. But for someone unknown and with no background as Lord Táng, even though she had the support of Heavenly Flowers Palace and she got everything fairly, the people in the East will not accept her. They were already suffering and a sudden change in ownership would only spook them and Lord Chu may use their fear to his benefit and start a riot or worse not accepting his defeat. He even has a private military too. After all people always prefer to live adjusting to known evil than the unknown,even though there is the possibility of the unknown to be better than the evil they already know. That's how Nobles had stayed in power for generations.

So she first distracted Lord Chu with a generous twenty percentage when he thought he had lost it all as if she was paying him to look after her properties. The proud Lord Chu thinking that his loss won't be outed agreed and tried to live as usual. She used that chance to replace his loyal people to people who are loyal to her and gained the support of the people there using them. Now people there who had seen better life will be grateful to the ones who had helped them recently and now if by some way they reveal the change in ownership, even Lord Chu and his military cannot do much as people still remember the atrocities the Chu family had committed for generations oppressing the common people.

"My daughter sure is wise.. Beating my enemy in his own game although for a petty reason. But I am happy", AoTian grinned. Soon his expression turned somber, "But I wonder how she managed to take Xu Mama who was always loyal to me to her side in just weeks. She even hid Shengli's stay in her room last night from me. Huh! What should I do?", he asked Feiye.

"Little brother, let me give you some advise. If you want Mingxia to get along with you, you'll have to be nice to Shengli. You heard her today right? My boy and the Ming boy are important to her. As for Xu Mama she is not reckless as she always has your interest in her heart so give her some slack", Feiye said patting AoTian's back.

"I know", AoTian poured some tea for himself, " But brother, how do you know this much about the official's gossips?", he asked.

Feiye chuckled, "I'm just a fourth ranked official and not as important as you, the Prime Minister and I do have a lot of time to spare for tea and other merriment with my colleagues. You should try to enjoy yourself once a while too, little brother! ".

"You go out for 'tea' and first brother visits brothels and are you blaming me for following the rules of our family", AoTian questioned.

"And your daughter owns ten percentage in a brothel even though our brother only owns five percentage. And she owns the NanCheng pass too. Your daughter saved herself more dowry than what a Huang daughter will receive... Also thinking about it, as she said the West listens to her, the East is owned by her, with the Huang name she will be loved in the South and with you and Shengli here... and the Emperor... and support of Lord Zhong, she cannot be moved in the Capital City too. Combining with what that Elder said, if only she were a man, it won't be hard for her to take the throne. Even now, she can overthrow the Emperor and make Shengli Emperor or form a new dynasty with Ming surname even... ", Feiye continued to ramble on.

" Brother, stop it! ", AoTian shouted and Feiye stopped talking and resumed his usual smiling face. AoTian felt a splitting headache thinking about everything and he silently started sipping tea.

How could a seventeen year old be this powerful? Raised by Gods? And how much enemies does she have? Also his brother is right! If she tries, it won't be hard for her to change the entire kingdom..


Shengli brought the peacefully sleeping Xing back to her courtyard and to her bed and Xu Mama followed her closely.

"She reeks of alcohol! Bring some hot water to wipe her and change of clothes. Also tell the servants to bring hangover soup", Shengli told Xu Mama and she nodded at a maid nearby and she went to fetch everything.

Shengli sat beside her and gently cleared her bangs from her forehead.

'My love! You are tangled with the kingdom's affairs more than I thought. You helped to avoid the crisis two years back and I know you had a hand in helping us win the war seven years back too. You watched over the borders between the West and the Water Kingdom too. All points you to be the divine ruler, isn't it? And with the NanCheng pass in your hands you were a hindrance to Shihong's smuggling activities and that's how you caught his eyes.. Rijun was right.. No matter which identity you take it always leads to you and him on the opposite sides... ", He sighed deeply, " What should I do?.. What can I do? ", he mumbled.

Xu Mama brought the water basin to wash up and Shengli tried to get it when he realised her grip was tighter,

" Young Master... I... You cannot... ", she stopped staggering when Shengli got up understanding her,

" I'll wait outside", he said and went to wait in her study.

After a while Xu Mama came out with the soup in her hands,

"Young Master, the Young Miss is not drinking.. She is calling for you", she bowed politely.

Shengli went in with a smile, sat on her bed and placed her head leaning on his chest,

"What? Not even following the rules for.. ?"

Before he finished, Xing spoke softly,

"Shengli, why did my mother die even after I gave her my medicine?"

Shengli froze for a moment not knowing how to answer her. Only he knew her mother didn't drink the medicine and poured it away when Xing went to the kitchen,

"Her time ended, Xing. Why are you suddenly.."

"I know right? I even wanted to make that Lord Chu kneel before her after I took every last thing from him. Only a simple step left and before I completed it, she had to leave me", she hugged his waist.

Shengli knew the reason she told previously was not the truth since even Haru had hidden this from him. The only reason is that Haru knew Shengli might spoil their plans if he knew the reason and that's why he didn't even let him meet Lord Chu. The only person connected to the three of them is their mother or Xing herself. If it was Xing even if Xing protested, Haru wouldn't have spared Lord Chu. So the reason must be related to her mother.

"What did he do?", Shengli asked gritting his teeth and his whole body tensed up.

"I didn't want him dead back then and now I don't want him to disturb my mother in the afterlife", Xing said looking at Shengli her eyes sorrowful. There was a dangerous glint in his eyes making Xu Mama unconsciously take a couple of steps back.

"What did he do?", he repeated holding her cheek and his voice deep and his body emitting dangerous aura.

Xing realised it and hugged his neck and whispered in his ears,

"He threw money at my mother"

"What?", Shengli gritted his teeth.

"Shh!", Xing looked at Xu Mama and Shengli understood that she did not want her to know. She wanted to keep this from her father.

Xing whispered,

" I always delivered my mother's embroidery which was famous in the Heavenly Flowers Palace. But I didn't know why mother was there that day but Haru was escorting her back to home. I was at a distance watching when I saw Lord Chu stopping mother and speaking with her. Mother was holding back Haru who was angry and was having her face bowed. I knew something was wrong and walked towards them but I froze when I saw him throwing money at my mother and he laughed saying something. Haru almost choked Lord Chu to death and the guards held him back and Haru left with mother. I didn't know what he said but to make Haru loose himself like that, it won't be anything good. I didn't ask him and he wasn't keen on telling me either but he wanted to hack every Chu to death.... I got everything from that Chu and later wanted to sell it to Lord Huang when he asked for it but then... After that incident mother never set foot outside of the house ever.. Not even to the village... She closed herself inside not meeting anyone.. Except me and Haru",She sighed deeply as her throat closed in sorrow and Shengli's grip on her hand tightened.

Anyone could guess what a man would have said to a woman by throwing money at her in a brothel. And if it could make his blood boil this much after all this time, how much more that would have hurt Xing who watched it happen in front of her?

He could guess what happened after. Since he used his money to shame her mother, Xing decided to take all his money from him. Since he boasted about his GO playing skills, she decided to beat him in the same game. Since he made her mother bow her head, she decided to make him kneel. Since he made her mother lock herself up, she wanted to make him lock himself inside out of shame that others might laugh at him too..

Shengli's lips curved slightly admiring Xing. Of course her retaliation is fair and much better than killing. For some crimes death is too much easy of a punishment.

What could his death achieve? He dies, crosses the river, punished by the God of Death? What's the fun in that? Making his life hell right in front of you would be more fun, right?

She did the same thing with the Ming brothers too. Even though her main reason was to make Haru not responsible for his brothers' deaths, for someone who had spoiled the childhood of herself and Haru, dying should not be easily attained, relieving them of the troubles of this mortal world. For those who abused everyone as they had power, being servants to others would be the punishment worse than death and it will definitely break their spirits making them wish for death.

Her way of retaliation is terrifyingly fair.

Shengli gave her the hangover soup and she gulped it down in one go. She never likes medicines but she would force it down. Shengli wiped her mouth when she spoke softly,

" I was almost done... A month more and he would have been left with nothing... I wish mother was here to see it", She sighed.

Shengli hugged her, "Xing, your mother knew how much you loved her. You know that, right?"

Xing nodded resting her head in his chest, " It all started as a retaliation for my mother and after hearing what that Chu had done to the people, I wanted to change all that while making sure when I give those lands to you it would be without any trouble and as prosperous as it once was.. If you don't want to be a Prince, you can be a Lord... You deserve it... My Prince!... You may be modest and hide what you've done for me... But I'm shameless.. ", she mumbled softly and the last sentence was barely audible as her breathing got even as she went back to sleep.

This girl! She did this for me too! For someone impatient like her holding on to a grudge for two years and gradually making changes would have been a tedious task! She still endured!

While I wanted to make good life for you, you were working hard to make my life easy too... My moon! How can I not love you more! It is I who don't deserve you!

Shengli placed her on the bed and was about to stand up when he noticed her hands holding his sleeves tightly as if a child holding his mother's hands in a crowded place. He smiled seeing it,

"You.. You are still the same..", he bent and kissed her forehead and whispered in her ears,

"Xing! I will visit tomorrow morning, let go"

Xing let go of his sleeves and he carefully tucked her in when Xu Mama spoke,

"Young Master, the Master is waiting for a while outside"

Shengli nodded and stood up,

"She probably will sleep for the whole day. Don't try to wake her up and give her porridge and milk if she wakes",he said to Xu Mama and left the room.

Xu Mama looked at her young miss who was obediently sleeping and wondered how only that young master's voice could reach her everytime. Also she had to explain herself to her master too. This is the first time in the thirty three years she had served in the Huang household she had broke the rule.

Shengli went out to see AoTian with his usual scornful and judgemental looks staring at him. He decided to ignore it as usual and tried to leave when AoTian's voice laced with disdain stopped him,

" Have you manipulated her enough, you sly fox? Aren't you ashamed of using her mother's death as a means to get her close to you and doing all despicable acts in her father's home? You helped her in the past ? Or is it that you wanted to use her, you are putting on a show? How can a ruthless animal like you know human sentiments? "

Shengli who was already in an emotional state after what Xing revealed to him snapped. He knew her father's words had hurt her, he knew she loved her mother so much and he knew how she never shows her true feelings to everyone.

Shengli was filled with extreme rage and He grabbed AoTian's collars and pushed him to the walls. His eyes that looked dark in that night emitted a chill that would freeze everyone. He looked like a wolf ready to pounce on his prey sending shivers through AoTian's spine.

"Her mother's death?", his deep voice was heard, "You'd said MY Xing didn't save her mother, right? Let me tell you... Your lovely wife didn't want to meet you, so she poured away the medicine Xing made her and chose death. She made me promise not to tell Xing but you must know, right? After all it's only fair", he sneered seeing AoTian's tear filled eyes,

" Ruthless? I AM ruthless! You think I didn't fulfil my father's last wish to meet him, right? Guess what? I did meet him.. With the medicine that he could not find.. With the medicine I found using all my connections and half my wealth.. The same medicine MY Xing plucked like weeds today... I went and met him.. You know what he said? ' Zhen learnt that you are a famous assassin now and felt happy that Zhen's long time wish will be granted now. Zhen want you to find the one called Golden Tiger and Divine Ruler. This is Zhen's assignment for you' ", Shengli laughed dryly at the shocked AoTian,

" Why are you shocked? This is what my lovely Imperial father had to say to his son whom he met after six years after sending him away in shame", he sneered,

"You know what I did? I told him that I know that divine ruler and I will protect him myself. Then I just burnt that medicinal herb right in front of his eyes and seeing him squirm made me feel good. I then carefully collected the ashes and threw it in the chamber pot with his collected urine and left as he was cursing me. Who knows what that desperate imbecile did? He might have drunk his own piss... ", he chuckled evily and AoTian felt his knees going weak in fear. The one standing in front of him was not a human but a beast...a blood hungry beast... His heart was pounding restlessly.

Shengli continued, " If he wasn't already dying miserably, I would have killed him myself"

As Shengli was speaking, Feiye who came looking for Shengli saw him looking like a blood thirsting Wolf and wondered where did the one who got pinched by his niece and said 'it hurts' went. His brother must have provoked him too far. But he cannot let this continue,

"Shengli! That's enough", he said firmly jolting Shengli back to his senses and he immediately released AoTian.

He remembered Xing telling him not to say hurtful words to her father but it had already come to this,

"Be it my father or her father no one can hurt her... Remember, the only reason I am letting you go is because you are HER father", he said and strode away.