Family Banquet - Getting Blamed for Immorality

With Lady Huang handled, Xing noticed WanRou who had started showing effects of the drug. So Xing, magnanimous as she is decided to provoke her more.

Xing helped eagerly in replacing Shengli's bent silver chopsticks. She then helped him wipe the imaginary dirt on his mouth with her kerchief, gave flirty looks and more. Shengli indulged her and even kept her kerchief in his pocket knowing she was planning something and Rijun had an indifferent attitude. AoTian was surprised by her behaviour since she was never this brazen while sober in front of him before and wondered what made her act this way in front of the entire family.

Xing's efforts came to fruition as she could see WanRou in discomfort. Her heart rate accelerated and she had sweat beads on her forehead. Still she looked at Xing scornfully.

MINGXIA! How could that slut be fine when I feel like tearing off my clothes and jump in a cold river? She must be a fox demon! WanRou wondered and her eyes emitted a dark aura. Then she thought of saying some excuse and leave the hall before her condition worsened.

Xing knew she would do something like make her escape, so she acted first. She stood up from her seat and elegantly walked towards RuYang, the only grandchild of the Huang family.

The broad waistband in her dress accentuated her curves and the pearls hanging in her hair made a soft tinkling noise that was pleasant to the ears. Xing had the habit of behaving according to the clothes she wore. Since she was dressed in a complicated way she acted like a sophisticated lady in her demeanour.

"Little RuYang", Xing spoke sweetly and anyone who'd see her would want to dote on her. "You look sleepy. Do you want to take a nap?", she asked softly to the six year old boy who looked really bored in a place filled with adults and wanted to leave. His father beside him looked at her in a contemplating way. Since the little boy never spoke, no one tries to open a conversation with him and some servants even mock him secretly as a fool. So this cousin of his, is she trying to shame him or doing this without knowledge about him?

Xing looked at the boy who looked exactly like his grandfather with his hazel eyes and the brown hair. She also noted her Uncle Feiye and Lord Huang were resembling each other except that Lord Huang had a beard that made him look majestic and he was a bit older. So her brother takes after his biological father, she understood.

Ruyang's cheeks were chubby and pink and Xing had the urge to pinch it but held back since she was acting the part of a lady. His eyes had the shine of a smart person kind of similar to the Emperor. So why do people think he is a fool?

The little boy looked at Xing, gave a heavenly smile, stood up from his seat and walked towards her,

"Big sis!", he spoke hoarsely and coughed a little since he had never talked before when his nanny gave him a cup of hot water which he refused. Xing could see the awe on the eyes of everyone and the nanny's hands were shaking in excitement.

OK! So he can speak!

"Big sis", he grabbed her skirt, "You are so pretty", he said with his eyes sparkling and lips grinning.

Xing felt like she was showered in a flower petals rain and she could not help but blush at the pure little boy speaking so genuinely.

A little child is saying I'm pretty! Kids don't lie, so I must be actually pretty! Xing was floating in clouds.

Before she could compose herself, he gestured her to come closer and Xing bent thinking he was going to say something but he kissed her cheek suddenly,

"Big sis! I'll grow up quickly and marry you", he said in a confirming tone.

"I'm your aunt though!", Xing tried to correct him. But RuYang just gave an elegant smile and gave a bow to his grandfather. He then ran away with his nanny chasing behind him not before sparing a mocking glance at Shengli as if saying he got to kiss her right in front of him.

Everyone in the Huang family are smart and they had the gist of the relationship between Xing and Shengli ever since he spoke flirty words to her while helping her and the way both of them were acting and how AoTian shared an angry glare at Shengli now and then. But what surprised them more is the fact that RuYang who had not spoke a single word till this day and never had an interest in anything suddenly decided to speak and that too to his aunt telling her that she is pretty and kissing her? Not only that, from their interactions that boy had realised the relationship between Shengli and his aunt too and openly mocked him? So not only he can speak but also he is smart for his age.

Shengli who was mocked by a six year old looked at Xing who was still in a daze and the grip on his cup tightened.

That cheeky brat! Not only his first words were to describe my woman but also he had the audacity to kiss her right in front of me! And his woman never believed when he said she was beautiful but now just because a brat said it, she is in high spirits? Shengli was fuming and his countenance changed. Then he remembered the bashful face Xing made the other day and his anger flew away, ' Kiss in the cheek?', he snorted, 'I've done more than that, you brat!', he thought and he had a proud smirk on his face.

Xing looked at Shengli who had a proud smirk and sipping tea, 'Seriously? I was kissed right in front of you and you are feeling proud?', she felt bad somehow.

With everyone in their own thoughts no one noticed the satisfied smile from Lord Huang that only lasted for a second. Actually Huang Zedong had no intention of accepting someone claiming to be a Huang inside the family. Also as a merchant, he moved in various circles and knew how much of a liability those 'Crimson Jade Brothers' were. Business is not always done by honest means and everyone uses various means to earn money. Even though he didn't have to personally encounter them in his business, most of his peers had and they had vengeance towards them. Although he never had the chance to meet him, Lord Huang had heard a lot about Lord Táng from his peers and also from Lady Shaoyao. Now he received chatters that Shihong who became the king of the underground businesses in the past years had been on the tails of Lord Táng. And he didn't want his family to be involved directly with such person who had many enemies by his tail.

Lord Huang Zedong had been the Head of the family for almost thirty years. He grew up watching how much his parents loved each other. His father taught him the nuances of business from an early age and he didn't speak much but through his actions he taught him and his mother called him 'little bun' till the day she died. He was seventeen that year and she died giving birth to his youngest brother. Before she passed away she asked him to take care of his father and brothers in her place and that's what he had done till now. After his mother's death, his father was heartbroken and he didn't concentrate on business and the Huang family started to suffer losses. It was Zedong who with much efforts built back the business. Although on the outside he looked blessed being the richest merchant in the kingdom, the head of the Noble Huang family, has sons and grandson and so much more, he had lost a lot too. On his efforts to save his family business, he had lost his first love. Then the one he married thinking women from humble family will take care of his family well, turned out to be not as he wanted to be and let his family split up. His youngest brother he loves as much as he loved his mother never understood him as he warned him against the previous Emperor who constantly tried to find fault with their family. He was drugged and had to bear the shame of the first Huang in many generations to have a concubine even though he had two sons from his wife. His third son he loves as he loves his other children, thinks he had been abandoned by his birth father because he decided to make his life better. But his sufferings doesn't matter as long as his family is safe.

When he heard from others that his brother suddenly got a daughter, he was gobsmacked and got enraged and to top it off he also received news that he was going to adopt Lord Táng as his Godchild.

Actually he had no reservations in accepting AoTian's daughter after Feiye wrote to him about the incidents around her birth that made her mother made the decision to hide her from the Huang family. Zedong himself knew the situation seventeen years back as he heard various rumours and the Emperor was keenly watching the four noble families especially theirs. Also he remembered, that year not even a dog or horse had gotten pregnant in the Huang family. So her mother actually saved the Huang family by deciding to raise her daughter by herself. Also Lord Zhong Yingjie who rarely had involved in his decisions regarding Huang family had written a letter stressing on accepting Mingxia and he even wrote that his mother would want him to accept Mingxia.

But the day before he left his Manor, he received a letter from his first love... Yes, The one he lost thirty three years back and the one he met five years back as the Madame of the biggest brothel. She called herself as Lady Shaoyao and had a smile unknown to him and treated him as a customer. He had tried his best to bring her to his side but she as a proud peacock had refused to leave that place. 'I'd rather be a queen in hell than being a slave in heaven' is what she said. He had to accept her decision and still visits her and he is the talk of the town as the first Huang to visit brothels too.. But heck, he doesn't care.

Apparently the one she loved as her own child, Lord Táng is actually a woman and also his niece. The one who never wrote him once, wrote for the first time threatening to never meet him again if her 'Xiao Táng' suffers pain in any form. So it looked like he had no choice in this matter than to accept this niece who had captured everyone's hearts.

Zedong knew that his family always started the troubles during banquets and once they start wagging their tongues not even the God of death can stop them. His brother who was short tempered always talked back and that never helped too. His son Rijun, he never talked when he had to. So he wanted to find out if the arrival of Lord Táng had made any difference in everyone's attitudes. He also advised his family to be civil and had already informed of the punishments he'll give if they start anything unruly.

Also he wondered if his brother's daughter took after him. If so she might look like his mother. But when he saw her first, she looked nothing like his brother and he was disappointed. He knew Lord Táng had that golden hued hair but never thought it would be this beautifully golden. Her facial features were all perfect as if she was sculpted with utmost sincerity by the Gods. And he wondered how such a beautiful girl could fool everyone as a man. When she spoke, that's when he felt goosebumps all over him as her voice that was husky and deep was exactly similar to his mother's. He could even hear his mother calling him 'little bun' in his dreams and this niece of his had her voice. No wonder Uncle Yingjie wanted him to meet her.

And he felt like all his efforts of keeping the Huang family safe all this while had gone to waste as his lovely family started blabbing absurdities about her mother. He was well aware of how and why Lord Táng made Lord Chu lose everything. So is his family going to face the same fate?

He was surprised to see his brother being quiet even though he was forcing himself and also Rijun speaking up. Also his grandson who never wanted to speak before had decided to talk today too. All this made him happy too.

He also knew who the white haired boy his second brother insisted on adopting. He was the third prince and also he was the one called 'Lone Wolf' who was pretty famous in his circles as the best assassin one can hire. Also her other friend Lord Ming is not a simple one either.

But Zedong noticed that Shengli is looking at his niece the same way his father used to look at his mother and she returns his feelings too. He just wanted their happiness to last as no one in his family had succeeded in love.

Zedong noticed how she held her chopsticks wrong exactly like her father and also many of her mannerisms were similar to AoTian's. She really is Xiao Tian's daughter!

But he looked at WanRou who looked like she was hiding something and also Concubine Lan is looking sketchy too. His niece stood up and sent his grandson out too. Everything screamed trouble in his mind. He had a bad feeling in his heart. Just as he was thinking that he saw WanRou standing up and he noticed his niece saying something to Xu mama.

Xing told Xu mama to close the banquet Hall and tell the guards to not let anyone out till she allows. Xu mama did as she asked wondering what her young miss had planned. Seeing her way out is being blocked, WanRou spoke pitifully,

"Cousin, Why are you closing the door? It's just that I'm feeling sick and wanted to rest for a bit", she had big watery eyes that made her look more pitiful.

"Apologise", Xing said in a crisp voice, her voice in a commanding tone startling everyone. The One who was smiling like an innocent child a moment ago had been replaced with a prideful princess.

"What do you mean, cousin? I don't understand", WanRou still didn't let go of her pitiful act, "It's just women's problem. I'll have to go change", she whispered and held her stomach as if she was having cramps.

Xing looked like the girl in front of her looking like a pure, newly blossomed flower and yet her heart had that deep darkness that was evident in her brown eyes. Xing was someone who was always gentle with women and never hurt them. But the one in front of her is a vile woman who had the intent to do a despicable thing to her man. That cannot be forgiven.

"You know what you did. Apologise and I'll let you leave", saying this Xing walked towards Lady Huang,

"Lady Huang, you had several doubts about my paternity. As you said I am an uneducated person. So if you kindly teach me about the proof you gave your husband that both of your sons are your husband's and also the proof your mother gave your father that you were his', then I might be able to prove my paternity too. But if you really want my mother to prove it to you, since she cannot return here I can send you to her, so that you can directly ask her", Xing spoke an honest and serious tone and finished with a small bow politely. Anyone who would have seen it from a distance would have only seen a girl politely speaking to an elder.

But her words made Lady Huang angry and her chest heaved up and down and she didn't even know what to say. Proof? Send to her mother?, her hands started trembling in anger.

"Pfft... ", Rijun could not control his laughter and he was closing his mouth with both of his hands and still his shoulders were shaking. Not only his sister talked with such sophistry but also she threw a casual death threat in there too. Even Shengli had a smile in his mouth and he covered it with his teacup. AoTian took a deep breath and sat with his back straight

"You... You...", Lady Huang stuttered and didn't know what to say. She threatened her paternal family and she is threatening her life too. But why is no one talking against this trash?

Just then WanRou made a grunt and held her stomach as if she was in a lot of pain. Huang MingXue who was sitting near her held her and started wiping the perspiration on her forehead. She really looked pitiful. But only Xing knew what kind of sickness she had and the reason for her sweat. The drug had started acting. Xing also felt her stomach slightly churning but something was off. This drug would made her throw up immediately but this is reacting slow..... As if it is not that potent...? Is this some low quality version? Geez! Can't they afford the best quality at least? Whatever! She should be exposed!

"You are going overboard, cousin! Look how pale she looks! Aren't you a woman too? Have you no empathy? " ,MingXue shouted at Xing.

Xing looked at her other cousin who was like a lotus flower getting angry for her friend and sighed deeply. I want a girl friend like that too!

" She knows what she did! I don't want her to confess but only apologise to me! She can leave afterwards!", Xing didn't waver by their pitiful acts and still gave her a chance knowing she won't take it.

By now, Concubine Lan who was the one who supplied the drug to her daughter got a gist of what might have happened. Her daughter must have added the drug in the wine she used as a toast. So for now they should escape this situation.

WanRou suddenly plopped on the floor with her hands squeezing her abdomen and tears rolled down her cheeks and she grunted softly. Everyone looked at her pitifully but no one dared to move a muscle as Xing was emitting a deadly aura and her eyes that looked at WanRou was cold.

Seeing her still not in the mood to apologise, Xing told Xu mama to search her. Her every action was that of a princess that excluded dominance noted by Lord Huang.

By then Concubine Lan started to plead to Lord Huang,

" Dear, do you see what this trash is doing to our daughter? Why aren't you stopping her?", she had tears in her eyes and pleaded.

With that Xu mama halted too and everyone looked at Lord Huang who had no intention of interfering. His expression showed annoyance towards Concubine Lan as he had already predicted this mother daughter pair had done something stupid. Just how stupid of these women! But how his niece will react was his only concern.

So Lord Huang nodded at Xu mama and she started searching WanRou and she found a small porcelain bottle from her waist band and gave it to Xing and Xing noted the bottle looked pretty old and there was less content in there too. She looked at Concubine Lan who had become pale.

Xing stared at Concubine Lan and her panicked expression made it clear that she had something to do with this drug too. Then it dawned on her, her first uncle is the only Huang with a Concubine! Xu mama had told her that the dowry maid of Lady Huang was only given the title of Concubine only after her daughter was born. And judging by the slow reaction of the drug, it had lost it's potency over years. So this woman had used this drug to have children with him and made Lord Huang give her the title and more despicably, she had taught the same trick to her daughter. Too bad they messed with the wrong person today!

"Like mother like daughter!", Xing sneered and she looked at those mother daughter pair with disdain making them shrink in shame.

Xing then walked with the bottle and placed it in front of Lord Huang and bring the wine jar that WanRou gave her,

"Lord Huang, Huang WanRou used this drug in the wine she used to toast me. You can check the dregs to confirm. The drug is called 'Essence of spring' and it is a powerful aphrodisiac. I would have let it pass if it was just a prank between cousins, although in a place I am familiar with this kind of behavior is punished with fifty floggings and they will not see the next day. But judging by this bottle the drug is old, probably twenty years old and had been used previously too. And cousins who want to prank don't carry aphrodisiacs with them and there is more to it. Anyways! I thought I should bring it up to your attention as you are the family head to correct your family member", Xing spoke sincerely and Lord Huang felt the immense pressure emanating from her.

He knew what she meant, Your Concubine used it on you and her daughter tried to use it on my man. So what are you going to do about it?

Every one in the banquet was shocked by Xing's complaint. A girl from a noble family with aphrodisiac? It is old and was used previously? She had it on her to use it on someone?

And they understood her, WanRou must have had it on her to use it on Shengli. And most importantly did Concubine Lan the one who used it before?

Their thoughts were broken by a loud shout,

"You bitch! You said my husband forced himself on you! But you used drugs to seduce him and lied? How dare you?", Lady Huang slapped hard on Concubine Lan's cheek.

"So what, slut? How long should I live the life of a maid while you enjoy being the lady of the house alone? How am I any lesser than you?", Concubine Lan grabbed Lady Huang's hair and an all out brawl ensued in the banquet Hall of the most reputable noble family of the kingdom.

Lord Huang gave a deep sigh. The secret he had kept for twenty years has been let out just like that and the family he protected this long is acting worse than animals.

Xing who had never seen first handed fights between women was frozen by the two women fight more intensely. They were even pushing away the servants who tried to pry them off.

Whoa! They fight more intensely than the greywolves fight in the leadership battle! Xing looked surprised.

Xing suddenly realised that she had carelessly revealed that her brother was conceived out of deceit and felt bad. She looked at Rijun who was interestingly watching the fight with no sadness in his eyes. Does he really don't mind?

Shengli was aloof as usual and he was savouring his tea. AoTian and Feiye were flabbergasted and Xing could see the look of guilt in his father's eyes.

AoTian was feeling bad for blaming his elder brother for being a pervert for forcing a woman and refused to take her as a Concubine. So his brother kept this drugging as a secret for the sake of Rijun not feeling unwanted?

WanRou shouted, she was red like she was having fever but she refused to give up, " Why? Stop acting like this, mother! It's all that slut's fault. You... ", she walked towards Xing, " We were fine till now and you had to make us fight? And why should I apologise to a slut like you? Huh? And how are you still standing tall after you are drugged? You really are a fox demon trying to seduce everyone right?"

By now Xing got provoked. Wasn't I the one who got drugged? How come I am the one being blamed. And all the ruckus around her made her head hurt. The effect of the drug made her stomach churning and she wanted to vomit so badly. But she had to see this through to the end.

"Watch what you are saying, cousin. I am not some fox who eats just livers but a tiger who mangles right to the bones if I am provoked", she said in a warning tone.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!", WanRou laughed while slightly swaying but found her balance immediately, "Don't play that pure, innocent flower act with me you slut! I know what you did with big brother Rijun last night", she said freezing everyone in the hall to a standstill.