Been a Long Time

That day after court, the Emperor was waiting for Rijun to meet him in his study. As it was the first day they were meeting after the family Banquet, he had prepared comfort foods and warm tea for his friend as he usually would be in low spirits for at least a week after their family Banquet.

But contrary to his expectation, Rijun was in high spirits and he even was humming some tune happily. The Emperor was surprised,

"Rijun, did you skip the banquet?", he asked.

"Nope!", he smirked, "We attended the banquet and ended up shutting everyone's mouth". Rijun then explained everything happened in the banquet with details.

"We had to use your name and the white tiger token because they accused me and Táng JiaXing. If my first uncle asks later just go along with him, although I doubt he'll bring it up! ", he advised the Emperor and he was surprised how Rijun has changed this much and he even calls his birth father as uncle with conviction.

" You jumped through a girl's window in the night? ", the Emperor asked surprised since he knew this one is a stickler for the rules of the society.

"I don't know why I did that either. I didn't even think twice before doing it and only realised it after being accused. Huh! Got to be careful in the future. Also it is all your fault for giving me more work anyway", he poked the Emperor's head.

"How are you still alive? My brother didn't kill you?", he asked foolishly at the alive and happy Rijun.

"Your brother didn't say anything to me", he smiled happily, "Your brother is someone to admire! He is really an awesome man. I wish I was half as good as him. He even made porridge for us and it was delicious ",Rijun continued on his praises for Shengli.

"Really? ", the Emperor frowned. While everyone is outside and enjoying, he is stuck inside this palace and his brother is living the domestic life.

"How much do you think my brother loves Táng JiaXing? He told me that Huang Mingxia is in love with him too ", he asked and Rijun noticed the contemplating stare of the Emperor. This guy has to bring her up everytime and this time in the same question too. Also Shengli didn't tell him the truth? He must be worried about the security of this place since secrets are being leaked. That guy never takes a chance when it comes to Mingxia and more importantly... WHY AM I GETTING INVOLVED EVERYTIME?

"Why do you ask?", Rijun asked hiding his emotions.

"Just answer", he declared.

Rijun was slightly pissed by him and bent and pinched the tip of the Emperor's nose hard.

"Ahhh!", he screamed and pushed Rijun instinctively and Rijun fell on the floor on his butt.

Seeing the Emperor with his nose red and eyes teary made Rijun laugh hard.

"Why did you... ?", the Emperor stood up and tried to get Rijun and Rijun who tried to get away from the Emperor, started crawling. The Emperor got hold of Rijun's belt from behind him and tried to get his nose by bending over him.

"Give me, Rijun. I command you", he shouted and tried to grab his nose but Rijun dodged his attacks and both of them ended up tangled on the floor.

Well! The Emperor meant his nose but for Eunuch Xin who had rushed in hearing the Emperor's scream, their position and the ambiguous command of the Emperor led him to have various thoughts.

What are those two men doing in the Imperial Study? Is the Emperor 'bent' like in the rumours?

"Leave! ", the Emperor commanded to the Eunuch and he left immediately with his back hunched but not before glaring at Rijun which confused him.

Rijun stood up and fixed his clothes. The Emperor only went back to his seat after pinching Rijun's nose. And so those two blockheads who didn't even realise why there are rumours about both of them, got back on with their chatting.

"Wow! That does hurt", Rijun rubbed his nose. "Your brother... When Táng JiaXing pinched him he didn't even push her hand away and accepted it", he spoke in a nasal tone.

"What? My brother let her touch his face?", the Emperor asked surprised, " When we were young, he almost broke my wrist when I tried to get dirt out of his face. My brother severely dislikes others touching his face whoever it is", he looked sullen.

Rijun sighed, "How can you compare yourself with his lover? And... why are we talking about this..? ", he asked. He really didn't like to talk about his sister with him.

"Eh! That's not what I meant, it's just amazing how love changes someone. My brother who sent a servant to punishment chambers just because his water wasn't warm enough is now cooking for his woman ", he sighed, "Wonder if I could find someone like that too".

Rijun saw the longing in his eyes and felt bad. My friend! Isn't your fate as an Emperor is to lead a lonely life? The better Emperor you are, the lonelier you will be. You might have many women by your side saying they love you but there is only less probability that even one would find the true you and love you for you and not as the Emperor!

"You will", Rijun answered and the Emperor looked at him skeptical. May be he realised it too, right? Rijun thought. This guy is too smart for his own good sometimes.

"We'll be leaving to Caijing this week", Rijun informed, "It's a personal visit but father told me to inform you that we'll be having an banquet with the officials to assess the situation there as a follow up to your visit"

"Hmm?", the Emperor was surprised for a moment but continued, "That would be good. Just let them know corruption won't be tolerated and new officials would be sent soon. Also check the newly appointed guards for border patrol under lieutenant Qin Shu. I was told that the Crimson Jade Brothers used to do that job. I want to know if replacing two with five hundred is fruitful as we are receiving reports that it does. But If it is not, we'll have to appoint more. Also for the banquet, invite the nobles in the Western Province too and try to find out their thoughts towards us. And is your sister going with you too? ", he raised his eyebrows.

Rijun looked at him perplexed. Why is that everytime he talks, he ends up mentioning my sister? Also how does a personal visit became an official visit?

" Most probably", Rijun answered half-heartedly.

"Then use the Imperial Guest Manor in Caijing for your stay. It has a grand banquet Hall too. Zhen will send the orders", he said firmly.

Rijun looked at the Emperor with his regal elegance and his green eyes with an imposing seriousness as the playful him moments before was a mirage. Rijun felt that he is not allowed to refuse him. Rijun felt a little scared of the one in front of him using the imperial pronoun with him which he rarely does.

He must have realised him not wanting to talk about his sister and yet he is imposing to accept his favour. He would give his Guest Manor which he didn't even stay when he went there previously just because his sister is joining them? Is he saying he will be pursuing her even after he knows she likes his brother? Heavens! What kind of predicament is this?

Seeing Rijun speechless, the Emperor continued, " Zhen heard your sister is frail. It won't be suitable for her to stay in inns. If that is all, you may leave", his voice still held that imposing and commanding tone of an Emperor.

Rijun gave a gentle smile in return and gave a deep bow with his hands cupped,

"Your Majesty! This lowly official thank your Imperial highness for your Imperial concern over a lowly girl like my sister. This lowly servant has one thing to report. This lowly official talked with the Head of the Huang family as you orderded and asked him to negotiate on behalf of your royal highness for war horses with the chief of Sima Tribe. He agreed as per your majesty's wishes for twenty five percent tax reduction even though your Majesty was willing to give fifty percentage tax reduction. Your lowly servant Lord Huang also said he would try his best to get the horses by the end of this year as the lowly Huang family is loyal to the Empire for a millennium", Rijun looked at the Emperor who looked clearly pissed off and his nerves on his forehead were visible.

He just smirked hiding in his sleeves, 'If you want to act as an Emperor, I'll just be a servant. See who will lose more. At least I have a family'. He continued,

"Since this lowly official has nothing else to report, this lowly official will retreat. This lowly official will request your audience after returning from Caijing", he gave a deep bow and retreated.

"Is this how you are going to be, Rijun?", the Emperor shouted. He felt like he was pushed into a dark abyss with no light and felt he had lost a good friend. He felt abandoned. Rijun could sense the despair in his voice and halted his steps but he did not turn to look at him.

"Look at zhen", he shouted again, this time in a commanding tone and Rijun turned to look at him.

The Emperor looked at Rijun who was looking at him blankly with no emotion and his anger increased and he threw a teacup at him.

"Get lost"

Rijun didn't even move and the teacup smashed on his shoulder sending a sharp pain that made his eyebrows knitted.

"You..",Okay? Is what the Emperor wanted to ask but was met with Rijun's grinning face with an icy glare that froze him,

"I thank your Majesty for your grace", Rijun said with reverence and gave another bow and left the flabbergasted Emperor behind.

The Emperor was fuming as he didn't expected Rijun to act this way. Why can't I pursue a woman I like? Why is he opposing it this much? He would throw away his friend just for a girl he knows for months? But why?

Then he collected himself. It was I who was willing to throw away a friend for a girl I haven't even met once!

" Rijun, my friend! In the end I am the one losing more, aren't I?", he mumbled wryly. Everytime he said lowly servant he felt like Rijun was mocking him as stupid. The more humbly he spoke, the more it seemed like mockery... Just like Lord Táng... Wait, why am I comparing those two again?

And what's with him not dodging the cup? Doesn't he usually dodge? That must have hurt! The Emperor felt bad.

Just as he was pondering, Eunuch Xin entered with his back hunched, "Your Majesty! Did that official Huang angered you? May I suggest you to..", he spoke enthusiastic yet careful with his shrill voice but was interrupted.

" Eunuch Xin! Since when did this Emperor need advise from a lowly servant? Just because zhen treated you well all these years, you thought that you are an official? Since you are so clever, should zhen hand you the Imperial Seal and the throne too? ", he asked in a cold and domineering tone.

The Eunuch who was never treated this way before immediately kneeled and banged his head on the floor,

" This slave doesn't dare! This slave doesn't dare! ", he continued.

" Who's there", the Emperor shouted and the guards entered,

"Send him to the punishing Chambers and give him twenty flogging. Zhen does not want to see him again", he commanded and the guards dragged the shouting Eunuch after stuffing cloth in his mouth.

The Emperor felt his head throb in pain and rubbed his temples. This Eunuch always warns him against everyone and he had always let him speak before. But this time he crossed his boundary and actually started to advise him after eavesdropping? He didn't seem like he was going to suggest something good either.

With everything happening here leaked outside, who can be trusted? And what's with him if I had a fight with my friend? We'll fight today and hug it out tomorrow. Who is he to interfere? Also the Emperor knew his father doubted everyone after listening to the gossips of the Eunuchs and ended up miserable. No matter what, he will not follow his father's ways.


Back in the Prime Minister's Manor, Xing went to see her brother who returned early from the palace today. His courtyard seemed busy as everyone was running around in panic and their household physician was there too. Xing went in to see her brother's hurt shoulder bone as it was reddened and swollen. She gave him the medicine she had brought and asked his servant to apply it for him.

After everyone left, she asked Rijun with her eyes dark and cold, "Brother! Who did this to you?"

Rijun knew his sister was angry for him and even though he felt warm, he didn't want her to do anything stupid against the Emperor,

"We were playing and I accidentally got hit", he answered bluntly and Xing sensing he didn't want to talk about it, decided to let it go for now.

Both of them then went to the pavilion near the lotus pond of their Manor and were eating snacks and Shengli joined them too. Xing looked at Shengli in his light blue robes today and he emitted the aura of a refined scholar and she could not keep her eyes off him. But when their eyes met she could feel like her heart was being pounded by wild boars and she took deep breaths to calm herself down but that only helped until the next time his gaze fell on her. She thought she was going to die of this feeling but there was a little sweetness in that feeling too that made her feel elated and she was confused if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Shengli was happily feeding Xing sweets noticing her face blushing everytime he gazes her and purposely teased her for a while. Rijun was wondering why he was sitting there as a third wheel and tried to leave. But he was made to sit back because AoTian has asked someone to always accompany them. Xu mama was not there so naturally Rijun had to take her role.

While they were talking about various topics, the trip to Caijing in two days came up.

"Mingxia! Will you be fine on your own? What have you planned? Please tell me!", Rijun pleased.

"You'll see after I do it. I originally had different plans but somehow I had to change it", Xing said with a solemn expression. Originally she wanted to make him kneel before her mother but since her mother is not here, she decided to make use of him somehow.

Seeing her in deep thoughts Rijun added,

"Didn't know that Lord Chu was this despicable. He used to bully father before and would still mock our family in the martial arts tournaments too. But I'd say what you did to him was right for treating mother like that just because she had refused him years back ", he was well irritated and banged the table too.

" What? How did you know about this? ", Xing asked impatiently. She wanted to hide it but how was it revealed? Shengli was surprised too.

Rijun made a calm down gesture and spoke softly, " It's fine Mingxia.. It was first uncle who revealed it. Rest assured, father had left it to you to deal with it and won't interfere.... Much! ", he wasn't entirely sure his father would stay away but at least he won't ruin her plans .

Xing calmed down a bit too, "That Uncle Little Bun, he could not keep his mouth shut does he?", she smiled softly.

"Uncle Little Bun?", both Shengli and Rijun asked together.

"Yes, for some reason, first uncle made me say little bun twenty three times today. He thought he was obscure but I could clearly say he wanted me to say little bun",Xing chuckled.

" Really? That's odd!", Shengli was surprised.

"That's because he thinks you have the same voice as grandmother and perhaps she called him 'little bun' he wants to hear you say it", Rijun snorted, "How childish?", he mumbled.

"Really? Is that what he thinks? I though I had nothing in common with the Huang family", Xing was pleased, "But wanting to hear your mother's voice again is not childish", she spoke softly with her sadness clearly visible in her face. Only those who had lost their mother would know how much a child would give to at least hear the angry shout of their mother if not the gentle words of their mother.

Shengli rubbed her back to console her and Xing drank a cup of tea that calmed her nerves.

"What did you say about the martial arts tournament?", she asked suddenly remembering.

"Yes, each year there will be the tournament on autumn right? And everytime Lord Chu would come to father and mock him for not having a single person to compete in the tournament from the Huang family. His Chu soldiers won't win much but still, he will mock us always", Rijun sulked. If only he at least knew how to hold a bow, he would have participated in archery competition!

"Why? Won't Shengli participate?", she asked.

"No. Also if I participate, I could only join the Zhong family as I work for them", Shengli explained. Even if he can, he won't. He did not want to expose his skills to the public.

"Is that so?", Xing's expression became solemn. So him mocking our family happens too? I should have gotten the military token from that Lord Chu too. But still there is a chance.

"Don't worry brother!", she patted Rijun's shoulder, "This year Lord Chu won't have a military to participate", she spoke with certainty and looked at Shengli.

Shengli who kind of had an understanding of how her mind works nodded, "Can be done", he smiled.

"How? How?", Rijun was impatient.

"You'll see", Xing smiled meaningfully making Rijun more curious and nagged her bit since she was not answering he got up and leave.

Xing who was left alone with Shengli wanted to escape too but a familiar hand grabbed her and Xing spun and the next moment was sitting between his legs in his chair with his arms tightly wrapped around her.

Shengli placed his chin on her shoulder and smelled her neck,

"Hmm! Your scent is alluring as always", he whispered in her ears. Xing could sense his warm lips gently kissing her neck and ear and cheek and she felt weak and tingly.

"Xing!", he whispered making her shiver lightly, "It's been so long..", he kissed her other cheek. Xing tried to pry open his arms and run but she had no strength to oppose him and she succumbed to that sweet sensation that was left by his small kisses in her neck and his warm breath that made her feel weird. She could feel his heart beating fast and loud near her heart and wondered if he is feeling the same way too.

Just then, "Young Miss! You are here! I was searching for you everywhere", Xu mama's voice was heard and Shengli's grip loosened a bit and Xing sprung from his embrace and stood facing him.

Shengli was still holding her hand,

"Xing, I'll have to leave today. So I won't be accompanying you to Caijing", he said looking deep into her eyes.

"Why?", Xing was clearly disappointed.

"I'll find proofs against Lord Chu regarding his military as you wanted. Also I'll have to be there to make sure Shihong's people does not get to the western province. But don't worry, I have asked Lin Mubai to watch you closely and he is almost as skillful as me. Also after you reach there, the Heavenly Flowers Palace will take care of you, won't they? " he asked interlocking their fingers.

Xing could feel that warm tingly feeling that started at her fingers passing through her entire body.

But if it was a month before, I could have been so sure of Heavenly Flowers Palace. But what is that uneasy feeling I have?

Just then a man clad in black and a mask appeared right beside Xing and gave her a letter sealed with Lady Shaoyao's seal.

Xing wasn't shocked and so was Shengli but Xu mama gasped in fear. That man disappeared just as he appeared and Xing casually passed some water to Xu mama who was about to faint.

Xing opened the letter and read the contents and a mocking smirk appeared on her face,

"Shihong's gotten ten percentage share in Heavenly Flowers Palace as agreed by the management same as me! " she told Shengli and he had a shocked and surprised expression. It is impossible!