Back in the Burnt Library

The next morning Xing woke up early even before the sun came up and went to meet with her father and she made him promise that he won't send his people or interfere her meeting in any way.

Xing looked at her father's worried look and her heart warmed up. Her mother would worry about her too but she would babble on for half an hour on how worried Xing made her. But her father showed his worries differently. He did not say much but he hadn't let go of her hands he was holding for a long time since he asked her to be safe. His hands were slightly cold and was clutching her hands tightly showing how nervous he was to let her go.

Xing smiled at her father making him confused. For Xing, this place is home and she even knew how many stones lie in the roads.

On the contrary, AoTian who had heard various things about her life here was too worried. His rational mind knew she can handle things but his heart could not let her go. Not to mention, Lord Ming or that Shengli weren't here too.

He is the kind of father who had hired people to constantly look after his son, so that he does not lose his way after all. After Rijun entered the court as an official was when he realised his son was directionally challenged. But his son refused to hire an assistant for him as other officials would think of him as haughty. So AoTian hired a bunch of people in the Imperial Palace whose sole purpose is to watch his son not lose his way and help him subtly, without alarming him.

So if he was this attentive to his son, how could he easily let his daughter who is deep in real dangers out on her own?

But as stubborn as her father was, Xing was more stubborn than him. In the end Xing convinced her father that she will be safe and she had to leave the guest Manor before morning light not to catch any attention from prying eyes. Only then AoTian let her go not before deciding he will take a look later.

Xing got out of the Manor pretty easily as her father had already diverted the security details around the backdoor. Xing was thankful as she was not that good in sneaking out or being covert as she always do things out in the open and would leave the sneaky things to others as being covert never worked for her.

As she left the manor, she saw the burnt library still left untouched after the incident from eight years back. No one went there as it was rumoured to be haunted and even Xing didn't visit there even though she knew she was inside the library during the fire and she had no memory of it. She had always felt a bit uneasy to enter the library for some unknown reason. She knew her pyrophobia should be connected to that fire. But Shengli told her that she definitely did not cause the fire. So she gathered herself to have a look inside the library.

The sky had started to brighten up and as she entered a mixed smell of ashes and dust entered her nose making her sneeze. There didn't seem to be any spirits lurking there so this place is definitely not haunted. The entire place was abandoned for years and there were cobwebs covering most places. None of the books were left and the book racks were half burnt. As she reached the tower she saw some of the book racks moved at a pillar and there were weird markings in the entire area around it.

Xing observed the marks that were covered with dust to see they were actually made by some kind of weapon. The weapon must have been too sharp to be a sword and cut too deep to be a blade. Xing wondered what kind of weapon could make those mark. Those marks were concentrated at the pillar and some places were left as if someone was standing there. So someone used their weapon on another who was trapped between the pillar and them. But how could that person survive this sharp and deep cuts? There was nobody found after the incident. So he escaped unscathed? Shengli didn't mention that.. Could it be Shihong? Did that tiger god do this?

Just then the sun rose bringing in the golden rays and Xing could see the entire library clearly. The burn marks left were weird as if the fire had flowed according to the wishes of someone and not by wind or naturally. So those people who found this fire weird were right. This indeed is not a fire spread by a human. So this was a fight between gods or demons? Us three got on the crossfire? Sigh! Why can't I remember anything?

She then noticed Lin Mubai following her and pretended not to notice as he was discreet enough. The reason she wanted to choose this place was that she wanted to place a bet if Shihong would appear. If she and Shihong had previously met here and he is looking for her, chances are high right?

But little did Xing know that Shihong's people who were sent to scout the city were all finished by Shengli and so Shihong won't appear here and the only people around the library were Shengli's people and also some shadow guards from the Heavenly flowers palace. Like he would give a chance to Shihong!

Actually Shengli was watching Xing from the roof through a broken tile. He did want to stand close to her but he remembered that silly girl tripped on her skirt because she got flustered with him just looking at her. So it is better to watch from a distance, he decided.

Xing found a chair and sat on it when Lord Chu was brought in like a sack of potato with his face covered with a mask , by two burly guards of the Heavenly Flowers Palace. He was kicking and screaming but those two didn't budge and threw him in front of Xing, took away the mask and silently stood beside Xing.

Lord Chu squinted his eyes to see Xing sitting before him with her legs crossed and was pissed,

"Lord Táng, didn't think you would resort to such shameless behaviour even though I had agreed to meet with you",he snorted, "With the Heavenly Flowers Palace abandoning you, did you realise some nameless bastard like you cannot stand a chance against the mighty Chu family! Even the Emperor is under our command. That one calling himself Prime Minister... He used to be my slave... Just because you won once doesn't mean.... ", he continued to ramble on.

Xing looked at the plump man who might be the same age as her father with a receding hairline and a high pitched voice blabbering nonsense non-stop in front of her. 'Really! He wanted to pursue my mother? Eek!', she felt her skin crawl and goosebumps formed on her skin thinking about the possibility of her calling him father. She wanted to throw up. 'Thank you, mother! Thank you for having good eyes in choosing your man!', she heartfully thanked her mother.

Xing just took the sword she had at her side and placed it on both of the arm rest of the chair she was sitting, placed her elbow on the sword and her fingers casually on her cheek.

Seeing that, Lord Chu paused his ramblings and when he looked around he could see the shadow guards of the Heavenly Flowers Palace and panicked. So this Lord Táng brought him here to kill him since swords aren't allowed inside there and he still has the support of Heavenly Flowers Palace?

Lord Chu immediately kneeled down, "Please forgive the insolence of this little one, Lord Táng!", he begged as he knew with the shadow guards here, if he is killed here, even his bones won't remain to be buried.

Xing smirked at him calling her nameless bastard one moment and kneeling the other. Spineless swine!

She threw the documents she had received from Lady Shaoyao and Shengli at him and both of them hit right at his eyebrows making him gasp in pain. She didn't care and signalled him to read it.

As he read it his face paled and he lost the strength in his knees and fell on the floor. There were detailed reports of everything he and his family had done in the past fifty years against the people and the throne by smuggling, evading tax, helping rebels extortion and many more. Also another document contained proof of him skimming the Military allowance and supplies in the past couple of years.

Lord Chu knew these crimes are all capital offences and they had only survived till now by the fact that their nobility status was given by the Tianshi Emperor. These crimes can be handled somehow but embezzlement of Military funds... That is something they cannot get out of no matter what as it is treason punishable by the extermination of nine familial connections and three generations of the family. He had used that money to spend for his daughters as they asked for new clothes and also lavish banquets to show off that he is still rich. He was in need of money because the twenty percentage given to him by Lord Táng wasn't enough for their lavish lifestyle. But over two years, it has become a lot of money and he cannot return it either. He really is in a bind now!

Xing calmly watched as his face changed various colours and she felt a bit content. But she felt bad that her mother is not here as he had to kneel like this in front of her and beg for mercy. If her mother was here, she would have made him kneel before her mother and if her mother was willing to forgive him Xing would have let him go even with his properties.

But her mother had passed away before he knelt before her and apologised. So he cannot be forgiven either. He will lose it all.

" Insolence of a rat cannot be forgiven", Xing said in a deep voice making Lord Chu shudder. Rats are something that Xing hated the most. You wouldn't realise they are inside your home but they chew out your good clothes, deplete your grain storage and leave shit everywhere. Filthy animals! Xing's dark eyes emitted coldness that would freeze everything around her.

"Forgive this rat!", he repeated and banged his head on the floor making it bleed but Xing showed no reaction.

Maybe because his brain started working as he hit his head, Lord Chu realised Lord Táng could have given this to the Justice Department straight and they would have taken over. But Lord Táng didn't and brought the proofs here. So he needs something from me? He wants to blackmail me? Who here is loyal to the throne? In front of money everyone is a slave! He smirked.

"This lowly rat will do whatever Lord Táng wants", he spoke with his tone slightly relieved and proud.

Xing slow clapped, "Wow! Even rats have brains! ", she smiled but her eyes had no mirth, "Tell me about Shihong", she asked with her expression turned serious.

Lord Chu paused momentarily hearing that name. How did Lord Táng know Shihong had contacted me? " I don't know who he is", he lied.

"Guess rat's brain disappear if praised!", Xing smirked mockingly and pretended to stand up.

"Wait! Lord Táng! He contacted me.. But I have refused to meet him", he bowed placing his forehead on the floor. It is true though! He had heard about how cruel Shihong is. No matter how greedy he is, he was not willing to put his two daughters in danger. He was wondering why he fell in the eyes of that vicious snake called Shihong and wondered how he could escape. Seems like this Lord Táng has bad blood with Shihong. One is a tiger and another one is a snake. If he has to choose between catching the tail of a tiger or let a snake coil around his legs, he will choose the tiger as it would be more beneficial for him and the risks are slightly less. At least they could die with dignity!

By now Lord Chu was sweating profusely and even his eyes were red because of the stress he was in. Still Xing could not get pleased remembering how her mother used to lock herself in their house for years.

"I will never contact him back. I will inform you if I come to know of his activities. Please Lord Táng! protect my daughters. That's all I ask of you. Everything else, you have gotten it fairly and I won't wish for it back. Just have mercy on my daughters. I beg you! ", he started to plead, annoying Xing. This was too easy. As expected he has no guts to join Shihong.

Xing stood up and Lord Chu crawled near her foot making her jump to the side," Don't touch my shoes! They are expensive! ", she said and Lord Chu could see the disgust in her eyes. This nasty rat! Pleading me for his daughters! In his eyes only his daughters are precious and need protection? What about the countless families who had to sell their daughters because of his atrocities in the East? Didn't their fathers want to protect their daughters too? And what about my mother? What did she do to him to deserve to be treated like that?

" The list of the corrupt officials and the nobles who smuggle goods in the Eastern Province - Meet the Emperor and hand it to him personally! Also hand over your military token and your military to The Emperor too while at it", Xing said in a commanding tone making Lord Chu almost faint. Xing continued, " Twenty percent is too much for you and you are not working properly either. You are already living in my Manor and using my furnitures with no rent. Five percentage! That's the most I can give you, only if you give me valuable informations and follow my orders with sincerity", she looked mercilessly at the one almost sprawled on the ground.

Lord Chu went numb with all her requests. If he does what Lord Táng asks for, he will lose everything and everyone. The military his family had been known for centuries will be lost. Also if he outs the corrupt officials and nobles, as most of them are related to him or closely acquainted, he will lose his face in front of them for snitching on them. If that happens who will help him and most importantly, who will marry his daughters?

While these conversations were happening, no one realised AoTian was smiling proudly at his daughter from a distant dark corner. He wanted to find out how his daughter handles this situation and so he left all the work to Rijun and covered himself in a hooded cape and tried to sneakily enter the library. But he was stopped by a burly guard and he denied him entry even though he showed him the Prime Minister's seal and Huang token.

But thankfully another one came and whispered, 'This is Lord Táng's father, let him in without disturbing Lord Táng' and the other guard apologised to him and he was immediately escorted with all respect and they even found him a place to hide and watch. AoTian was surprised as this was the first time he was treated this way. Just a word that he is Lord Táng's father is more powerful than the Prime Minister's Seal and the Huang family token! Wow! My daughter sure is respected well in this place!

When he came in, he saw his enemy on banging his head on the floor calling himself a rat? He was happy and the request her daughter made sure is smart. This way he will be alienated from his friends and relatives and will have to listen to her in the future too. Also she cannot have the military for herself but giving it to the Emperor will make the Imperial Army expand and give more power to the Emperor. She really is smart! He cannot help but smile proudly.

Lord Chu thought deeply about what made him who roamed around haughtily to be kneeling and begging in front of a young bastard lad who is barely seventeen? He remembered Lord Táng mentioning Táng MingLing.

Yes he did wanted to have a night with her! But wasn't she in a brothel? When he found the shrewd woman who had refused to be his concubine in such a place, he did feel good and wanted to have her for a night! That woman used to call him out everytime he messed around with that AoTian and called him a 'bully' . So he got back at her after all those years . And why did it lead him to such a miserable state? Will I be let go if I apologise properly?

"Táng MingLing.... I will apologise to her for that day properly.... But... Who is she to you, Lord Táng? ", he asked. His lips were cracked and he looked miserable like he would faint any moment.

"Mother", Xing looked at him sharply making him tremble, "She was my mother and it is too late for apologies now", Xing turned to leave.

Mother? He thought, if he is seventeen, isn't that around the time she was with AoTian? Could this Lord Táng be AoTian's son? Lord Chu let out a dry chuckle making Xing stop.

"My daughters .... I will do everything you say... And I can tell you who your father is... Please protect my daughters", he kneeled properly and begged.

Even though Xing didn't like him, she'd be lying if she said she wasn't moved by this father pleading for his daughters. It won't be fair to punish them for the sins of their father too. She had heard that Chu Weiye, Lord Chu's first daughter is pure and divine beauty like a lotus and anyone who looked at her will fall in love. Beauties cannot suffer much!

" My father?", she chuckled haughtily making Lord Chu confused, " Look, you rat! Why do you concern with my personal life? Also, haven't you heard? Lord Huang AoTian accepted me as his Godchild.. Yes the one you said to be your slave... But I see you are the one trying to lick my shoes ! I'm his godchild and you are my slave. So what does that make you for him? Huh! And do you think my father is someone greater than the Prime Minister himself? ", she snorted and Lord Chu started apologising again.

Xing continued, " I'm not promising anything. I won't let any harm come to your daughters only if it comes to my knowledge that they are in danger and only if they act properly. I may provide dowry to them according to the family they are getting married to. But this all depends on your performance", she walked towards the exit leaving Lord Chu who had sprawled on the dirty floor by now.

Suddenly Xing realised something and stopped, what if this rat goes and dies? That would be a problem! No more fun for me!

" Chu Yixin", she shouted making him shudder, "If you decide to end your sufferings by killing yourself, Mark my words! I will make what you did to my mother happen to your daughters too! My promises are only for the living and once you die it becomes invalid! And remember I will be watching you! The spiders on your rafters or the sparrows sitting in your windowsill might very well be my spies sent by me to watch over you! ", she said and went out without looking back leaving the compltly exhausted Lord Chu on the floor followed by the Shadow guards who disappeared after they saw AoTian. AoTian and Xing then returned back to the guest Manor and Xing made plans to visit Lady Shaoyao.

Shengli who was watching from the roof was pleased too as it is a win against Shihong and left. Still Shihong won't let go and a lot of follow up will be needed.