Still a Girl

Shengli returned early from the East after taking a look since everything was already taken care of by Xing's people. Even Shengli was amazed by the detailed stratagem she had put in effect for every scenarios. He didn't have much to do except using his men to keep an eye on Lord Chu and the activities of Shihong in the East.

When he returned to the capital expecting to see the beautiful smile of his moon he was informed she was in the Zhong Manor and he went straight there to see her in the training grounds.

As expected she was happy to see him and for some reason he felt her eyes had lost that usual shine and brilliance and she looked weak. He wanted to ask her to take rest but seeing her excitedly going for a match with those men he decided to wait.

Lord Zhong was standing beside him admiring her and Shengli felt proud for some reason. It's not like he was the one who taught her all this, right? But knowing she could achieve this much by her own efforts made him feel pleased.