Court Exams

The Emperor who had composed himself after his coughing fit answered Shengli who was busy feeding Xing.

" Lord Táng promised Zhen that she'll write the exams and so I brought.."

"Abducted", Shengli said in an imposing aura much more suffocating than that of the Emperor who used the Imperial pronoun to regain his superiority and the Emperor cowed under Shengli's angry glare.

"And I thought she had already asked to withdraw from that promise on grounds that she is a female", Shengli added in the imposing tone, casually pouring tea and gave the cup to Xing.

"About that..", Rijun tried to answer but shut his mouth immediately sensing the killer aura from Shengli.

"No can do! Brother, I am the Emperor and what I say goes. She promised and she has to fulfil the promise", he folded his arms and pouted making Rijun wonder who is the actual Emperor here.