The Emperor's Test of her Loyalty

The Emperor took a deep breath, "So you are the girl who could not attend my Spring Banquet because you tripped on your skirt", he asked sarcastically with his lips curved.

Xing grinned ear to ear, 'Damn his memory! He still remembers that!'

"Your Majesty, that... I do trip on skirts.. That's why I avoid wearing them", she smiled hard her cheeks hurt.

"So what should I call you? Lord Táng or Huang first young miss?"

" Just Mingxia is fine",she smiled, "Just like my brother"

Just like my brother! That phrase felt like a sharp knife passing through his heart. So I'm a like a brother to you? Well! I should be happy since I wanted a family, right?

The Emperor chuckled masking his sadness and poured her some tea and she took a sip.

"You said your father did not raise you..?"