I Know What to Do

Rijun was confused by her answer, ' Can do whatever but not everything..? What does that even mean? Are women this confusing? Is this a puzzle?', he sighed and dragged Shengli who was out of it to his courtyard and helped him change himself as AoTian wanted to meet him.

Shengli went to meet AoTian and Zedong and they were making preparations for Xing's departure and Shengli regained his composure as he was explaining them the plans. He cannot lose his concentration regarding her safety.

AoTian was telling them how Lord Ran came to him today and told him to advice Lord Táng to stay away from his third daughter. Apparently AoTian told Lord Ran to keep his daughters away as they are the ones approaching them making Lord Ran leave furiously. Zedong joked about how both of Lord Ran's favourite daughters fall for the Huang charm making AoTian frown with displeasure.