The Sima Tribe

Back in the inn after Zedong and Haru finished their discussions and came out, Zedong's men came to inform that they had lost the young miss making both of them alerted.

After hearing the details, Zedong took a deep breath, "She's a big girl, she'll come back! What's the worry?", he shrugged off when Haru panicked, "That stupid gets lost in her own home. How will she find her way in the wilderness?"

"What?", Zedong was surprised, 'why didn't no one informed him of such an important thing till now? He wouldn't have brought her here then! And also.. she is directionally challenged like my mother?', he couldn't wrap around the coincidences around her as he knew his mother lost her way inside their home right till the end and so does Rijun! She is too much of a Huang!