Hurting her Heart

Xing took a deep breath of the fresh air outside and her dizziness got better a little bit. And the thought of Shengli near her made her ecstatic and that gave her a burst of energy.

She saw her entire courtyard collapsing and felt her pockets where she had kept the Dragon Hairpin and the Jade Bracelet Shengli gave her and sighed in relief. Safe! Other stuff... Not important.

Xing walked towards the Emperor's courtyard in fast paces as the words her master said echoed in her ears. 'precious one... Despicable thing'.. Will Shengli really kill the Emperor? Is this the show Shihong mentioned before? Did he think that I would start hating Shengli if I see him killing his brother? Ha! How naive... I can never hate him!

Xing didn't know if the direction she is walking is right because she had never been to the Emperor's courtyard. Not that it would make a difference with her sense of direction...