Father's Pleading

The next morning, AoTian heard about the fire in her courtyard just like others in the morning court. Rijun as per his sister's wish, kept everything he knew happened last night to himself.

The entire court was in disarray knowing of the sudden deaths of the entire Ran family and the plot of Eunuch Xin was revealed and everyone were shocked by the elimination of two of the High Noble families in the past four months. Many wondered if this was the plot by Huang and Zhong families that had led to the extermination of their enemies.

The Emperor had summoned Huang Feiye to meet in his study and after greeting the Emperor, he handled him his resignation and told him his plans to settle in the South after his daughter's wedding. Feiye was kneeling in front of the Emperor.

"Lord Feiye, so you knew my father was killing children using those secret guards and you didn't stop them?", the Emperor had a cold expression. Is he any different from my father?