You won't Find It

Xing could not sleep that night as she had terrible nightmares that were so lucid. The last thing Fei Lian said before she cursed him refusing to take down the spell around the Imperial Place was 'Remember what Yuan told you!'

That God of Wind knew her master and he had a complicated expression, Xing could not pin on in his eyes. He seemed to be relieved, angry, surprised and tried to seem indifferent nonetheless. That God even mentioned that her master had put a spell of targeted memory loss on her. Xing realised that's why she had forgotten all about her Master Yuan all this time.

Shengli realised she was not sleeping properly and lied beside her and hugged her back. He felt Xing being cold throughout her body and felt disappointed. He even thought the pill that God gave her would cure her but turns out it was some painkiller and it doesn't seem to be working either.