Do What You Have To Do

"Didn't you promise my brother that you'll only serve him as the Emperor?", Shengli spoke after a long pause, "Then it is good that you decided to stay inside the palace. You can stay by his side and make sure he is not expendable"

Xing who had almost forgotten the first promise she made to the Emperor got reminded of it by Shengli. But this is not the reason she had decided to stay here and there are a lot more.

Xing looked at her man looking at her with conviction and she could feel his love for her in his eyes and her heart warmed. This man here is talking about her staying here as if she is going for shopping. But isn't this more serious issue? Will he really let me do whatever I want without controlling me like other men would do to their women? Does he trust me this much? Is it because he loves me? Isn't this too much?

Shengli saw Xing looking at him with her usual googly eyes and he couldn't help but smile, 'It is enough for me to look at this beautiful eyes forever!'