Taking Credit

Xing and the Emperor were walking in the Jasmine garden near the Earth Emperor's courtyard and the strong scent of jasmine filled the air. The rows and rows of different types of White Jasmine flowers in full bloom made it look like stars were in the ground in that moonlit night.

Xing never likes strong scents and she really wanted to leave that place soon when she noticed the scent of the Jasmine flower she uses to make her mother's perfume. She plucked one of it to press it in a book and give it to her father. Her father is hopelessly still in love with her mother. It is little things like these that makes him have a smile in his face.

Xing sometimes would feel that her father really wants to be with her mother and he would have this dark aura around him that make her fear that maybe her father would go to her mother Willingly soon.

Father! Please stay here in the land of the living for us, your kids!

The Emperor saw her in deep thoughts staring at a flower,