The Divine Sword

Tianshi Emperor had an ordinary looking scabbard in his hands but the hilt that was visible was leather and in the pommel there was a big black jade fixed and the decorative guard made of gold had two Amber crystals that resembled the eyes of a tiger. At one glance Xing could tell the name of the sword...

This is Shensheng LeiDian, the Divine Thunder and Lighting sword commonly known as the Divine Sword of the Scarlet Tiger.

So this guy really left with his sword! And I really blamed Chenglie for nothing! Xing felt bad for telling him that she wanted this sword as a betrothal gift or else she won't marry him. Poor guy would have searched high and low for the sword while it was with the Tianshi Emperor himself.

"So I could kill Old Rong with this sword?", Xing asked. She felt her hands itching to hold that sword immediately.

"Yes, for you just one strike with this sword will end him", he replied and offered her the sword.