Tribute Animal?

Seeing Xing with swords in her hand, the men engaged her in order to subdue her. They have been advised to be vigilant with her as she was too strong to be careless about.

Xing was with two swords in an attack position when they tried to get to her as Chenglie who was sitting in the tree was observing her and it reminded him of the older days he'd watch her fight those thugs in the western province too and he felt nostalgic.

It is more her style to lure them into a more spacy area and attack them all at once as she is not one for patience to attack them one by one. She gets tired too.

That's when he saw a couple of men approaching her stealthily from behind and gripped his crossbows and aimed to hit them. Usually Xing doesn't watch her back and that is her weakness and Haru knows it too and that's why they always fought back to back.