An Ear to Listen

"Are you trying to sow discord?", Shihong tried to salvage the situation.

The odd smell of various mixed poisons and aphrodisiacs entered through the small window that spilled the rays of the sun inside the crampy room that made it look more eerie than the person sitting in front of her and Xing planned to get out of this place soon if she could not find Old Rong. She is not willing to take a chance with this vile person ever again.

Once bit twice shy!

Xing had that much sense. Revenge is important but not so important as to lose some more things valuable to her, " It's upto you to believe!", she didn't want to argue with him or convince him any further. He is no kin to her and she is not obligated in anyway to help him transform or listen to his deepest worries and support him. She was never a altruistic person anyway!