Prince Kang of Fire Kingdom

Xing got out of the tub as she realised that person getting closer and she snuffed out all the lamps inside the tent at the same time. The light inside the tent considerably reduced startling the intruder and Xing grabbed a sheer white robe hanging on the wooden partition and covered herself.. Actually it covered nothing, more like it made her look more alluring.

"Don't move!", she commanded to the one who almost reached the partition.

She expected defiance but she could hear him getting startled and he immediately tried to flee.

Oookay... Didn't he come here for me? Why is he trying to run away?

" I told you not to move! Now, Turn around", she said as she emerged from behind the screens putting a hold on him and he compiled.

"I came for the Divine Ruler.... You... You are.. A woman..?", he spoke in the Wind language with his voice trembling and guilt seeping from him as he turned around raising his hands expressing his intent of complying to her words.